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Премия выбора театралов / Theatregoer´s Choice Awards

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Людмила написал(а):

15 февраля будет церемония награждения

15?в Лондоне?неужели я увижу Джоша во второй раз??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(или нет....?)


AZIZA написал(а):

неужели я увижу Джоша во второй раз

будем надеяться))) :flirt:


AZIZA написал(а):

15?в Лондоне?неужели я увижу Джоша во второй раз??????????????????????????????????????????????

AZIZA!  Если Джош выиграет награду,то ,надеюсь, он появится на церемонии награждения  по другому Джоша туда не затащишь...


AZIZA написал(а):

15?в Лондоне?неужели я увижу Джоша во второй раз??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(или нет....?)

AZIZA, желаем тебе увидеть Джошика!!!!!!! Передавай ему привет огромный от нас от всех, скажи: "Russian-Ukrainian Forum", надеюсь, он в обморок сразу не упадёт...  :D


Miaow написал(а):

Передавай ему привет огромный от нас от всех, скажи: "Russian-Ukrainian Forum", надеюсь, он в обморок сразу не упадёт...


Наталка написал(а):

Передавай ему привет огромный от нас от всех, скажи: "Russian-Ukrainian Forum", надеюсь, он в обморок сразу не упадёт...

да, да, да  :flirt:  надо почаще о нас напоминать!!!!!! кто знает......


Когда там уже ихнее голосование закончится???? сколько можно? Джош - выиграл, или как?  :question: у меня весь почтовый ящик заспамлен ихними дурацкими письмами...


Miaow написал(а):

Когда там уже ихнее голосование закончится???? сколько можно? Джош - выиграл, или как?   у меня весь почтовый ящик заспамлен ихними дурацкими письмами...

"Ты не один! Нас 52 миллиона!" (с)

Сама разгребаю спам, да не с одного ящика!  :D  Сегодня пришло письмо, что голосование заканчивается в субботу, потом будут организовывать и подсчитывать еще, так что не скоро еще объявят.


Miaow написал(а):

Когда там уже ихнее голосование закончится???? сколько можно? Джош - выиграл, или как?  .

Да не говори, так долго)))) Будем наедятся что да!!!!

Miaow написал(а):

у меня весь почтовый ящик заспамлен ихними дурацкими письмами...

наверное тогда у всех, потому что у меня их дофига, только удаляешь и удаляешь.... )))

tatie написал(а):

Сегодня пришло письмо, что голосование заканчивается в субботу, потом будут организовывать и подсчитывать еще, так что не скоро еще объявят.

а вообще что за письма  приходят, я их просто удаляю и все даже не открываю, а ты смотрю еще читаешь ...?


soleil написал(а):

а ты смотрю еще читаешь ...?  Почему-то в последнюю неделю уже несколько человек этому удивляются!!! Недавно случай был в академии. Сидим на лабораторных работах по охране труда, выдали брошюрки, попросили ознакомиться с содержанием теоретической части, дали на это 20 минут. Выходит, что я сидела сзади своих подружек, отдельно. В общем, где-то через 5 минут я дергаю их, подзываю и спрашиваю: "А эту формулу вы поняли, откуда данные?", а она на меня такими бешеными глазами смотрит и кАк заорет: "Ты что, ЧИТАЕШЬ?". При этом она хотела прошептать, но была на столько от меня в шоке, что ЗАОРАЛА! Вся группа ухахатывалась! Даже преподаватель не удержалась и РЖАЛА!
Да, я читаю!!!!!


soleil написал(а):

а вообще что за письма  приходят, я их просто удаляю и все даже не открываю, а ты смотрю еще читаешь ...?

:D гы, я тоже не читаю... они там всё призывают билеты покупать, я бы с радостью, но куда мне их, эти их билеты???  :crazy:


tatie написал(а):

Да, я читаю!!!!!

Ну видишь, за то мы узнали что в субботу голосование прекратится)))) так что иногда полезно почитать!!! 8-)

Miaow написал(а):

они там всё призывают билеты покупать, я бы с радостью, но куда мне их, эти их билеты???

понятно)))  спасибо)))


tatie написал(а):

"Ты что, ЧИТАЕШЬ?"  улыбнула!!!

tatie написал(а):

Сегодня пришло письмо, что голосование заканчивается в субботу, потом будут организовывать и подсчитывать еще, так что не скоро еще объявят.

сегодня зашла в ещё один компьютерный клуб))) ещё три голоса за Джоша Хартнетта)))

Miaow написал(а):

они там всё призывают билеты покупать

ага,билеты на спектакли ,что идут в Лондоне и на церемонию награждения...


Зватра, я так понимаю, будет результат???  :confused:


Miaow написал(а):

Зватра, я так понимаю, будет результат???

Ну...нам точно не сразу объявят! и письмо на почтовый ящик такого приблизительно содержания не пришлют  :writing: "пляшите!радуйтесь,ваш избранник выиграл!!!" будем ждать церемонию...как все


эээээээээээ когда будет зезультат?????????????????????????????????????7 :huh:


AZIZA! Мы следим за событиями на странице но пока тишина... :dontknow: нервничаем не только мы))) статейка появилась такая...где уж тут не нервничать
Stars in Our Eyes
February 2nd, 2009 by Nathan
With a record number of theatre-goers hitting the West End last year, speculators have been busy cooking up theories as to the reasons behind the sudden hike. Inspecting one explanation, that new star-studded casts are to blame, Show and Stay® utter these immortal words: ‘Tonight, Matthew, we’re going to be… looking at celebrities!’ Bum bah baaah ba ba da da da daaaahh….
See, now, to my mind, there are two types of theatrical celebrities. First, there are those that fall into the category ‘famous veterans’. These people, essentially, are famous for being on stage: Garrick, Olivier, Gielgud, McKellen; those sort of chaps. Secondly, there are ‘imported stars’. These are film actors or comedians, blokes off the telly and the like. It is this category, Category B, that I will be focussing on…

Okay, cast your mind back a few months and you may remember that there was all sorts of fuss kicking up over a certain performance of Rain Man starring a certain Josh Hartnett? Yet, despite some fairly frosty reviews, ticket sales went through the roof. Added to that there was that kerffufle with the Daily Mirror. They had to pay Mr Hartnett 20,000 big ones for falsely alleging that he indulged in “steamy shenanigans” with a mystery woman in a Soho hotel. No publicity is bad publicity it seems.

In other news, Dr Who star David Tennant moved to the West End to play Hamlet with the RSC. Okay, so Tennant doesn’t really fit in Category B because he’s a seasoned stage performer, but he’s worth a mention for reasons that will become apparent later. More on him in a bit.

First, let’s look on the lighter side of life. The unspeakably silly musical Spamalot was lead, with considerable aplomb, by Sanjeev Bhaskar. Playing the part of the legendary King Arthur, even crowned the popular Bhaskar ‘The King of Comedy’ after seeing his performance.

Similarly, TV and film comedian Rowan Atkinson is currently storming the West End as Fagin in Cameron Mackintosh’s revival of Oliver! Check out what we thought of his performance in our Oliver! review.

Then, of course, there were all those talent show contestants. They’re sort of the halfway house between category A and B if you like. Jodie Prenger is still packing them in at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane with Oliver!, but Lee Mead is dangerously close to being a legitimate West End star in his own right now. Hanging up his Dreamcoat at the end of last year and leaving Joseph, Lee shows no signs of slowing down. With songs and albums in the pipeline, the people’s Joseph looks like he’s still got a few irons in the fire.

So, who’s coming up? Well, the biggest news is probably that Jude Law is also going to be in Hamlet. Coming at the end of the Donmar Warehouse’s monumentally successful residency at the Wyndham’s, all eyes will be on the hearthrob’s crack at the Dane. In fact, regarding the scheduling of the show, Jude must be livid - he finally gets to play Hamlet and some chap off the telly gets in and does it before him with the RSC! And, he did it brilliantly by all accounts! Typical. See, I told you we were coming back to Tennant. Anyway, as the memory of one celebrity Hamlet fades away quietly, Jude’s effort prepares to take over. It’s like they’re regenerating!

That closes Category B.

So, keep your eyes open for big names to hit the West End. Although if a big name is in the West End you won’t need to keep your eyes out for them; they’re normally pasted all over the place in huge 40ft posters. In the meantime, who would you like to see treading the boards in 2009? Peter Kay in Fiddler on the Roof? Ben Fogle in Dr Dolittle?

Any ideas?


Людмила написал(а):

нервничаем не только мы)))

я не просто нервничаю,я просто в бешенстве!+мне надо узнать покупать мне билеты или нет,ведь если Джоша там не будет зачем мне туда идти?и ещё в день моего рождения!


AZIZA написал(а):

я не просто нервничаю,я просто в бешенстве!+мне надо узнать покупать мне билеты или нет,ведь если Джоша там не будет зачем мне туда идти?и ещё в день моего рождения!

AZIZA!   :) понимаю твоё негодование))) но помочь ничем не могу :dontknow: не думаю,что мы узнаем результаты раньше 15 февраля  :no:
и  даже в случае победы нет гарантии,что Джош приедет в Лондон...не знаю,что тебе и посоветовать...*буду виновата*


Людмила написал(а):

не думаю,что мы узнаем результаты раньше 15 февраля 
и  даже в случае победы нет гарантии,что Джош приедет в Лондон...

ну итогда не буду заказывать билеты! :'(


Ну чего они там, подсчитать голоса не в состоянии???  :angry: И так понятно, что Джош лучше всех в Лондоне сыграл...  :crazy:


Miaow написал(а):

И так понятно, что Джош лучше всех в Лондоне сыграл...  :crazy:у организаторов проблемы с арифметикой?


Людмила написал(а):

у организаторов проблемы с арифметикой?

это уж точно!

никто не знает Джош поедет в Лондон,если выйграет?


AZIZA написал(а):

никто не знает Джош поедет в Лондон,если выйграет?

Кто ж его там знает?  :dontknow: я надеюсь, что поедет...
Короче, шансы 1 из 4... во-первых, выиграет или нет неизвестно, во-вторых,приедет или нет...


Miaow написал(а):

выиграет или нет неизвестно

уже надоела эта неизвестность!!!!!!


Мне только что прислали письмо со списком победителей. ДЖОШ ВЫИГРАЛ в номинации "новичок", а Адам (его напарник по "Человеку дождя") занял всего второе место, но... ЗАТО ДЖОШ ПОБЕДИЛ!!!  :cool:

Отредактировано tatie (2009-02-16 00:29:12)


Another award for Tennant's Hamlet

1 hour ago

David Tennant's return to the stage as Hamlet was named the Theatre Event of the Year at an awards ceremony.

The Theatregoers' Choice Awards, hosted by Gavin and Stacey stars James Corden and Sheridan Smith, were voted for by 35,000 theatre fans online.

Doctor Who star Tennant was forced to spend much of the acclaimed Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) production out of action with a bad back, but after undergoing surgery he gamely returned to the stage before the end of the run.

Hamlet, which moved from Stratford-upon-Avon to London, also won the Best Regional Production award.

The glitzy London ceremony also saw Kenneth Branagh named Best Actor for Ivanov. Comedian Eddie Izzard bagged Best Solo Performance for his stand-up show Stripped, which launches a UK arena tour this autumn following its sell-out West End season.

The entertainment schedule for the night included a preview of Moonshadow, a new musical by Yusuf Islam, the British singer-songwriter formerly known as Cat Stevens. There were also performances by Phantom of the Opera star Ramin Karimloo and X Factor finalist turned Blood Brothers leading lady Niki Evans.

And Hollywood heartthrob Josh Hartnett, who made his professional theatrical debut in the stage adaptation of Rain Man, was named London Newcomer of the Year.

The Awards were dominated by the Donmar Warehouse, with five wins across three productions - Ivanov, Othello and The Chalk Garden.

Jersey Boys, the blockbuster Broadway musical import telling the story of The Four Seasons secured all four of its nominations, including Best New Musical and Best Actor in a Musical for on-stage Frankie Valli Ryan Molloy.

Original Four Seasons member and composer of The Jersey Boys Bob Gaudio flew in from the United States to collect the Best New Musical award on behalf of the show, which follows four blue-collar boys - Gaudio, Valli and their friends Tommy DeVito and Nick Massi - on their journey to international success. … vvC17Pd5Ew


Donmar & Jersey Lead WOS Awards, Record Voting
Date: 15 February 2009

The winners are announced today (Sunday 15 February 2009) in the ninth annual Theatregoers’ Choice Awards, the only major theatre prize-giving decided by the public. Over the past two months, a record-breaking 35,000 people have voted online at, the UK’s premier theatre website.

The majority of award recipients – including The Four Seasons’ Bob Gaudio, leading American playwright and filmmaker Neil LaBute, Donmar artistic director Michael Grandage and The Kinks frontman Ray Davies – will collect their prizes in front of a sell-out audience tonight (15 February) at the Awards Concert, hosted by James Corden and Sheridan Smith, at the West End’s Prince of Wales Theatre.

This year’s Awards are dominated by the Donmar Warehouse, with five big wins across three productions (Ivanov, Othello and The Chalk Garden), and Jersey Boys, the blockbuster Broadway musical import telling the story of pop legends The Four Seasons, which has converted all four of its nominations, including Best New Musical and Best Actor in a Musical for on-stage “Frankie Valli” Ryan Molloy.

Donmar domination
The unstoppable force that is the Donmar Warehouse continues its domination of this year’s theatre prize-givings. After securing four wins at both the Evening Standard and Critics’ Circle awards, and 13 Laurence Olivier nominations, the Donmar has converted its myriad Theatregoers’ Choice Award nominations into five big victories: Best Actor for Kenneth Branagh for Ivanov (the launch production in the year-long Donmar West End season at Wyndham’s theatre), Best Director for artistic director Michael Grandage for Ivanov, The Chalk Garden and Othello (the latter two at the Donmar’s 250-seat Covent Garden home base), Best Play Revival for Ivanov, Best Shakespearean Production for Othello (which starred Chiwetel Ejiofor, Ewan McGregor and Kelly Reilly), and Best Supporting Actor for Tom Hiddleston for Ivanov and Othello.

Commenting on the Donmar’s Award success, Michael Grandage said: “I am delighted that so many members of the public have voted for the Donmar's productions. It is clearly a very positive endorsement of what we are trying to do, and it gives us a real boost as we enter a new year of work.”

Speaking from Los Angeles, Kenneth Branagh – who has already won the Critics’ Circle best actor gong for Ivanov but was overlooked in the Olivier shortlists – added: “Thank you London theatregoers for greeting our work with such full-blooded generosity. Michael Grandage’s brilliant vision for his Wyndham's season depends on several elements – the marriage of his superb Donmar team with the wonder workers at Wyndham's, four terrific companies of actors, designers and stage managers, and crucially of course, the audience. Actors and audiences – we’re all in it together - and in that spirit, I accept this award on behalf of all my Ivanov acting colleagues, who like me, will be thrilled by this lovely recognition.”

Institutionally, the Donmar’s closest rival is the Royal Shakespeare Company, resurgent in London thanks to its annual West End residency and last year’s takeover of the Roundhouse with the epic eight-play cycle of The Histories, whose leading lady Katy Stephens is named Best Actress. The other two RSC triumphs come care of Doctor Who star David Tennant, whose return to the stage in Hamlet was declared Theatre Event of the Year; Hamlet, directed by RSC chief associate Gregory Doran, has also won Best Regional Production for its Stratford-upon-Avon run. (The show’s London dates did not qualify for this year’s Awards.)

A musical for all Four Seasons
Original Four Season and composer of Jersey Boys, Bob Gaudio, who has flown in especially from the States to collect the Best New Musical award on behalf of the team tonight, commented: “Frankie Valli and I are absolutely thrilled that Jersey Boys has managed to receive so many Awards this year. It's especially gratifying when an award is voted for by the people. We are all very proud of Jersey Boys at the Prince Edward, and this recognition suggests that the UK audiences just might love the production as much as we do."

Jersey Boys follows four blue-collar boys – Gaudio, Frankie Valli and their friends Tommy DeVito and Nick Massi – on their journey from the wrong side of the tracks in New Jersey to global success as a pop music sensation. They wrote their own songs, invented their own sounds and sold 175 million records worldwide – all before they were 30.

At the Awards, Gaudio’s on-stage doppelganger Stephen Ashfield collects the trophy for Best Supporting Actor in a Musical alongside Molloy’s for Best Actor in a Musical. As part of tonight’s concert, the two are also performing a string of Four Seasons hits along with the full Jersey Boys company. The musical’s fourth prize is Best Set Designer for Klara Zieglerova.

Two other musicals score double Theatregoers’ Choice wins. The 50th anniversary production of West Side Story, now touring the UK following its sell-out run at Sadler’s Wells in London, nets Best Musical Revival and Best Actress in a Musical for its Portuguese “Maria” Sofia Escobar. And La Cage aux Folles, still running at the West End’s Playhouse Theatre where Graham Norton has recently joined the cast, scoops Best Supporting Actress in a Musical (Tracie Bennett, winning the prize for a second year in a row, last year for Hairspray) and Best Choreographer (Lynne Page).

Close play competition
Despite the record voting numbers, many of this year’s Awards categories were decided by just a handful of votes. The closest race of all was for Best New Play, where David Eldridge’s Under the Blue Sky just nudged ahead of Tracy Letts’ August: Osage County and Gregory Burke’s Black Watch. Eldridge’s play was first seen in a small-scale premiere at the Royal Court Upstairs in 2000 but only received its West End premiere last summer, in a production featuring Catherine Tate, Chris O’Dowd and Francesca Annis. This is the second Best New Play prize for Eldridge, who won four years ago for Festen.

American playwright and filmmaker Neil LaBute (whose Hollywood credits include The Shape of Things, Nurse Betty, Possession) is on hand at the Prince of Wales tonight to collect the Best New Comedy award for the UK premiere of Fat Pig, which he wrote and directed. Robert Webb, Kris Marshall, Joanna Page and Ella Smith formed the original company, with Kelly Brook making her West End debut in the production’s second cast.

Another comedy, Joanna Murray-Smith’s UK premiere of The Female of the Species, earns Sophie Thompson Best Supporting Actress for her turn as the put-upon daughter of Eileen Atkins’ Germaine Greer-style feminist icon.

Other big-name winners
Amongst the other household name winners, comedian Eddie Izzard garners Best Solo Performance for his latest stand-up show Stripped, which launches a UK arena tour this autumn following its sell-out West End season. Former Any Dream Will Do finalist Daniel Boys wins Best Takeover in a Role for Avenue Q. And Hollywood heartthrob Josh Hartnett, who made his professional theatrical debut in the stage adaptation of Rain Man, is named London Newcomer of the Year.

Speaking from Los Angeles, Josh Hartnett said: “Being on-stage in the West End production of Rain Man was a thrilling new experience for me. I'm really proud to have been able to work with such a talented group of actors, directors, producers and backstage crew. Everyone worked incredibly hard, and made me feel welcome throughout the run. I am thankful to the audiences for coming out and supporting us … And a special thanks to Nica Burns who put her money where her mouth is and cast an up-and-coming New York theatre actor with not a single professional credit to his name. I hope to be back soon!”

The Kinks’ frontman Ray Davies, who was nominated in Hartnett’s category for making his musical writing and performing debut in the semi-autobiographical Come Dancing at the Theatre Royal Stratford East, is on hand at tonight’s event to collect in another category: the musical premiere was the hands-down winner for Best Off-West End Production.

Other 2009 Theatregoers’ Choice Award winners accepting awards tonight include the company of hip-hop dance extravaganza Into the Hoods (Best Ensemble Performance) and, in the newly introduced Best Lighting Designer category, Malcolm Rippeth (for Brief Encounter and Six Characters in Search of an Author).

Awards Concert
Tonight’s Theatregoers’ Choice Awards Concert is hosted for the second successive year by James Corden and Sheridan Smith and will also include performances by Award nominees Elena Roger (Piaf) and Leila Benn Harris (Imagine This); Siobhan McCarthy (giving a sneak preview of the forthcoming Cat Stevens musical Moonshadow); The Phantom of the Opera star Ramin Karimloo; X Factor finalist turned Blood Brothers leading lady Niki Evans; I’d Do Anything competitors Samantha Barks and Sarah Lark; and American diva Kim Criswell; as well as Suranne Jones (a previous Award winner for A Few Good Men), Julie Atherton, Glenn Carter, Ray Shell, Jimmy Johnston and Jackie Marks.

The concert is held in aid of’s adopted charity for 2009, TheatreMAD (Theatre: Make a Difference), which supports those living with HIV, AIDS and other long-term conditions. How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria? and The Sound of Music star Connie Fisher – a former Award winner who was nominated this year for They’re Playing Our Song – will present on behalf of the charity.

Amongst the winners, nominees and other VIPs due at the Prince of Wales tonight are: Anthony Clark, Daniel Koek, Denise Gough, Douglas Hodge, Edward Bennett, Elizabeth McGovern (currently starring in Complicit at the Old Vic), Ella Smith, Gregory Doran, Jayde Westaby, Jason Pennycooke, Joanna Page, Katy Stephens, Kerry Michael, Kevin R McNally, Lesley Sharp, Lesli Margherita, Linda Thorson, Lisa O’Hare, Lorraine Bruce, Lucy Briers, Lynne Page, Malcolm Rippeth, Malcolm Sinclair, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (currently starring in A View from the Bridge), Matt Rawle, Matthew Bourne, Michael Boyd, Micheal Grandage, Michelle Terry, Natalie Walter, Neil LaBute, Nick Reed, Nick Cavaliere, Nicole Faraday, Patina Miller (the new star of the forthcoming musical Sister Act), Phil Willmott, Pip Carter, Rachel Tucker, Rafael Armago, former Kinks frontman Ray Davies, Robyn North, Roger Davies, Rolan Bell, Rupert Goold, Shaun Niles, Sheila Hancock, Simon Curtis, Sofia Escobar, Sophie Thompson, Steven Berkoff, Suzanne Shaw, Terry Johnson, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Piper, David Eldridge, Klara Zieglerova and Tracie Bennett. … 1234543935


Tennant named theatregoers' pick
David Tennant as Hamlet
Tennant had to pull out of the role for back surgery

Doctor Who star David Tennant's return to the stage as Hamlet has been named the event of the year by theatregoers.

Some 35,000 people took part in the Theatregoers' Choice Awards, which also saw Kenneth Branagh win best actor for Ivanov.

Comic Eddie Izzard was named best solo performer for his show Stripped.

Best actress in a play was won by Katy Stephens for The Histories, while Rain Man's Josh Hartnett was named London newcomer of the year.

Tennant was forced to miss much of the Royal Shakespeare Company performance with back problems, but returned to the stage after surgery.

Best actor in a play: Kenneth Branagh - Ivanov (Donmar West End)
Best actress in a play: Katy Stephens - The Histories (RSC at the Roundhouse)
Best supporting actor in a play: Tom Hiddleston - Othello (Donmar Warehouse and West End)
Best supporting actress in a play: Sophie Thompson - The Female of the Species (Vaudeville)
Best actor in a musical: Ryan Molloy - Jersey Boys (Prince Edward)
Best actress in a musical: Sofia Escobar - West Side Story (Sadler's Wells)
Best supporting actor in a musical: Stephen Ashfield - Jersey Boys (Prince Edward)
Best supporting actress in a musical: Tracie Bennett - La Cage aux Folles (Playhouse)
The production, which moved from Stratford-upon-Avon to London, was also named best regional production.

Josh Hartnett accepted his award from Los Angeles, where he said: "Being on stage in the West End production of Rain Man was a thrilling new experience.

"Everyone worked incredibly hard, and made me feel welcome. I am thankful to the audiences for coming out and supporting us."

Jersey Boys, which tells the story of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, picked up all four awards it was nominated for, including best new musical and best actor in a musical for Ryan Molloy, who plays Valli.

Original Four Season and Jersey Boys composer Bob Gaudio flew in from the US to collect the best new musical prize for the show, which began life in New York.

He said he and Valli were "absolutely thrilled" with the success of the musical.

The Donmar Warehouse won five awards across three productions - Ivanov, Othello, and The Chalk Garden.


Ура, ура, ура!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Я так рада за Джошика!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :jumping:
Он выиграл, выиграл, йес!!!!!!
Так, товарисчи, срочно пишем парню поздравление в "Открытом письме"!!!

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