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35й Междунар. кинофестиваль в Торонто / 35th Int Toronto Film Festival

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удача написал(а):

немного Джоша...красииииивый!

немного  :flag:  много как никогда
Всем спасибо... перед сном самое то)))) какая я счастливая.. что могу вдоволь насмотреться наслушаться)))) :music:

tentrah написал(а):

не совсем уверенно смртрит в камеру—скромный наш герой...

да да))) такой стешнюшка))


Напали на лапусика нашего с автографами.... он так напряжен, не в своей тарелке, но постарался всем автограф дать....)))))) умничка наша))))


Lika написал(а):

но постарался всем автограф дать....)))))) умничка наша))))

....всем улыбнуться, поблагодарить,ручкой помахать...
               ....телохранитель за шкирки прямо оттягивает....
                       ... тело хранит... :love:


Go into the light(box)

Chris Knight, National Post · Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010

The 35th annual Toronto Film Festival winds to a close this weekend; has it really been only nine days since Score: A Hockey Musical kicked off the show? Tonight, Sam Worthington will try to shed his tough-guy Avatar/ Clash of the Titans image, starring opposite Keira Knightley in the infidelity drama Last Night. Tomorrow features a free screening of the People's Choice Award in the Ryerson theatre. Here's a look back at some TIFF hits and misses.


The films

Sales were brisk this year, even if dollar figures weren't quite as rich as in the past. Movies that scored distribution deals during the festival included Werner Herzog's Cave of Forgotten Dreams (in 3-D!); first features Dirty Girl and Submarine; the gala Sarah's Key, starring Kristin Scott Thomas; Incendies, a Canadian film by Denis Villeneuve; and SUPER, starring Rainn Wilson and Ellen Page as do-it-yourself crime-fighters. Which brings us to ...

The Midnight Madness program

SUPER was one of just 10 films in this year's selection of all things weird, which nevertheless generated a disproportionate amount of in-the-line chatter. Among the other must-sees: Michael Dowse's hoser comedy Fubar II; and the samurai film Bunraku, starring Josh Hartnett and Woody Harrelson.

"...странный.."и ..."вызвал много разговоров"...о Джоше нельзя не говорить ...он не простой стандарт и ширпотреб ...


...Спасибо,мисс Оленька !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
......Джош ,как всегда, скромничает и жмурит глазка ,как в "Р Х" при встрече с Евелин...
        ....бархатный теплый голос окутывает сладкой дымкой все мысли....


Да, я также наслаждаюсь его голоском, а еще мне нравится, как он вальяжно смеется)))


Мисс Оленька
Спасибо большое за видео и добро пожаловать на Форум!!!

У нас есть на Форуме есть участник с ником Оленька, это случайное совпадение? не один человек?  :question:


Мисс Оленька написал(а):

как он вальяжно смеется)

....его улыбка и смех сведут с ума даже монашкус закрытого католического монастыря....


Людмила, спасибо за теплый прием! По поводу другой Оленьки - это не я ))). Буду знать, что не одна...


В перерывах между интервью в Торонто, Джош успел принять участие в благотворительной программе. [взломанный сайт] 

Josh Hartnett, of films like Black Hawk Down and Lucky Number Slevin, takes a charity break between interviews at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Blokus Classic autographed by actor Josh Hartnett

Calling all Mattel game lovers and Josh Hartnett fans!

The lucky winning bidder of this auction package will receive a Mattel - Blokus Classic signed by Josh Hartnett in the Tastemakers Lounge during TIFF: (Picture shown above)

Josh Hartnett, of films like Black Hawk Down and Lucky Number Slevin, takes a charity break between interviews at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Not only will you receive one of the hottest games from one of the hottest celebs - but you can also feel great knowing that a portion of the proceeds help support SickKids Foundation.

Bid now for your chance to win this exciting one-of-a-kind item to add to your gaming and signed memorabilia collection. You'll definitely be the envy of your gaming friends at home and at the office.



Людмила написал(а):

В перерывах между интервью в Торонто, Джош успел принять участие в благотворительной программе.

.....стабильность,надежность,верность, благотворительность ,конструктивность...твердаr жизненная позиция....Джош не удивляет, а утварждает...


Мисс Оленька написал(а):

Людмила, спасибо за теплый прием! По поводу другой Оленьки - это не я ))). Буду знать, что не одна...  Мисс Оленька, велкам !

Отзыв о фильме "Бунраку", осторожно, спойлеры!!!
Toronto: Josh Hartnett, Woody Harrelson, Gackt star in 'Bunraku,' a martial-arts fantasia

No, I didn't know what the word meant, either.

Evidently, bunraku is a type of Japanese puppet theater, which makes sense after you've seen the film, but I'm not sure that title really communicates just how oddball an experience Guy Moshe's made for his debut feature.  "Bunraku" was one of the films that is playing the Toronto International Film Festival as part of the Midnight Madness programming, and it was a great crowd, ready and willing to lose themselves in the bizarre world the film creates.

It's set in the future, after we've finally used the nuclear option and set civilization back significantly.  Mankind has decided to eliminate guns from the equation altogether.  If you want to settle something with someone, you need to use fists or knives.  The story "Bunraku" tells is a familiar one, which is sort of the point of the movie.  As much as this is a pretty pop-up picture book world, it's also a story about the act of myth-making.  It doesn't connect all the interesting material it introduces, but it's ambitious, and it's got an original sense of style.  It's worth noting that Alex McDowell (the amazing production designer behind films like "The Crow" and "Watchmen" and "Fight Club" and "Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas" is one of the film's producers, since production design is front and center in this movie.  When I say that, I mean that the world is almost this living breathing thing around the characters, and that shouldn't be dismissed.

I think there's a larger idea at play here, the notion that we are all beholden to these ancient stories, these archetypes that play out over and over again, puppets on strings in plays that have been performed over and over and over.  There's this great throwaway scene in the film where The Drifter (Josh Hartnett) is talking to The Bartender (Woody Harrelson), and The Bartender tells him about his hobby, making these cartoon books of old myths, and as he retells this one particular myth, it becomes apparent what he's actually telling is the story of "Spider-Man," but enough time now has passed that the details are different and only the big themes and the big ideas remain, digested from specific story to overall archetype.  Love that.

The basic story is simple:  there's a town that is under the thumb of a brutal boss.  Everyone's afraid of him.  Then a stranger rolls into town, and things get shaken up.  In this case, it's two strangers.  One is a cowboy with no guns, and the other is a samurai with no swords.  Both of them are looking for revenge on the same person, and each for different variations on a theme.  One is looking for something that was stolen, and one is returning with a message of revenge for a father done wrong.  It's  barely explained, with the hint of pain enough to justify these two on their paths.

Josh Hartnett is the cowboy in the fedora, a gunslinger with no gun, a man who pretty much punches his way to the top in his quest for revenge, and if anyone can be said to be the surprise discovery of "Bunraku," it's Hartnett.  I've never completely bought him onscreen, but here, he seems to have discovered his calling.  Hartnett has a great physical presence, and he feels completely relaxed and at-home in the fight scenes.  He's tall, and he's got a hell of a reach on him, so he feels like a brawler, and he looks like he worked his ass off to get ready for the part.  Just as important as throwing punches, though, is how an actor takes a beating, and it's always been my belief that one of the things that made Harrison Ford a movie star is that it's fun to watch him get his ass kicked.  Hartnett's the same way here, and there's a very funny rubber-limbed looseness to the way he absorbs abuse that made me start to suspect Lucas and Spielberg cast the wrong guy when looking for the son of Indiana Jones. 

The samurai without his his swords is played by Gackt!  I think the exclamation point is actually part of his name, too.  Gackt! is evidently a pop sensation back on Gackt!'s home planet, and that means they should do truly stellar interplanetary box-office once this is released there.  They may even win over some Earthbound Gackt! fans, because he's fun in the film.  He's a preening, hyperstyled pretty boy, but when it's time for the action scenes, he's more than capable.  His fighting style is totally different than Hartnett's, a real testament to the work by fight supervisor Larnell Stovall ("Undisputed III"), a fresh new voice in the way fights look on film, and an amazing stunt team that really throws themselves into making Hartnett and Gackt! earn their way to the top.

The top in this film is represented by Ron Perlman as The Woodcutter, a powerful overlord who maintains The Nine Killers as his personal guards at all times.  Killer #2 is played by Kevin McKidd as a bristling bundle of fury given to occasional flurries of violence and soft-shoe.  The rest of the Killers are recognizable visual types more than characters, but offer a smart variety of opponents for Hartnett and Gackt! to fight their way through.  Having said that, the film's biggest problem (and it has some) is that it takes almost 2/3 of the movie to get to the point where they really start fighting their way towards the boss.  And in a film that's two full hours, it doesn't work.  It's a film with a strong energetic opening, a loooooooooong middle that is punctuated by several strong fun sequences, and then a great close.  That middle stretch, that anvil the viewer has to ride across before they get to the oasis of the action-heavy finish, is just plain too long, and no matter how old and tired a complaint that is, in this case, it's true.  There's a lot of shoe leather in the middle of the film, people explaining themselves or talking around explanations of their behavior or hinting at backstory still unexplained.  Way too much time is spent setting up the backstory between Perlman, Demi Moore, and Woody Harrelson, and it doesn't pay off well enough to spend that much energy on it in the final cut.

In a way, I shouldn't call this a final review, because I have a feeling this will have some work done between now and when we see it get a theatrical release.  I just hope it does, indeed, get that theatrical release.  When it's working, "Bunraku" is exhilarating because it's so audacious, and it gets some things really right in a way that is a kick to behold.  Right now, though, it's like ice cream with candy and pizza and cake.  It's too much, and at its current running time, "Bunraku" risks wearing an audience out instead of cranking them up.  It's beautifully shot by Juan Ruiz Anchia, a guy who has (A) been around forever and (B) always done pretty consistently strong work on films like "Spartan" and " the Stephen Sommers "Jungle Book" and "Glengarry Glen Ross," and his glossy images are given able support by the lush score by Terrence Blanchard, which is above reproach.  It's bold, it's playful, and it really seems to fit tonally with the film's look, which isn't an easy task for a composer, I suspect.  There is a very, very good movie lurking in the current cut of "Bunraku," and I think it will take only the slightest encouragement and the right creative conversations to turn it from the slightly flabby confection we saw the other night into the lean mean kung-fu machine I suspect it can be.



Людмила написал(а):

Hartnett has a great physical presence, and he feels completely relaxed and at-home in the fight scenes.  He's tall, and he's got a hell of a reach on him, so he feels like a brawler, and he looks like he worked his ass off to get ready for the part.

....пора бы народу прозреть .....опять акцент на great phisical ....ленивый такое не имеет....


Отредактировано tentrah (2010-09-21 20:00:08)


Гакт меня сразил - глаза то и дело на него соскальзывали, эффектный тип)) Хотя напоминает барышню, хоть ты тресни)) И одет как-то не по погоде))) Он во въетнамках а Джош в ботинках)))

tentrah фотка восхитительная  :love:


На последней фотке прическа ЗОВУЩАЯ...
Ручки так и тянутся к ним (волосам имелось ввиду))))


Заметка про нашего мальчика. С фестиваля.
Hartnett. Or should we say Hotnett?
Who knew Josh Hartnett was still such a heart throb? The 32-year-old actor made young girls' hearts go all aflutter in his roles in 40 Days and 40 Nights and the blockbuster Pearl Habour.

Since then, however, Hartnett has been drawn to darker, more serious fare, whether it's Sin City or The Black Dahlia. Those roles, many may have thought, put his dreamboat days in his rearview.

But at the premiere Saturday night of Bunraku, many young women were screaming his name with the sort of abandon rarely seen outside a slumber party in the hopes of grabbing Hartnett's attention. Standing there in the rain, they were going wild for just the chance to get even a glimpse of the actor. He's still got it. 


Людмила написал(а):

Or should we say Hotnett

:D  :cool:

Людмила написал(а):

many young women were screaming his name with the sort of abandon rarely seen outside a slumber party in the hopes of grabbing Hartnett's attention. Standing there in the rain, they were going wild for just the chance to get even a glimpse of the actor. He's still got it.

А кто-то сомневался?))) Джош нас никакими "Я прихожу с дождем" не распугает)))


Это video TIFF red carpet


Festival Toronto 2010 " Bunraku "


Так много пропустила)))))....
Джош очарователен!!!!!!   я прям изголодалась, за месяц отсутствия!!!!
tentrah  спасибо за прекрасную фотографию!!! :love:


В придачу к добавленному сегодня видео :   :flag:

Хартнетт призывает режиссера фильма Бунраку Гая Моше продолжить эксперименты.

Режиссер Гай Моше говорит о трудных временах для уникальных и независимых фильмов и о том, что во многом благодаря Хартнетту, проект  Бунраку стал реальным.

Хартнетт,  который имеет влияние, благодаря некоторым успешным фильмам с его участием, поддерживает режиссера Моше в его стремлении снимать фильмы, подобные "Бунраку" :

... "Конечно, это тяжелые времена для независимых фильмов, как" Бунраку ", но Есть люди, работающие, чтобы снимать эти фильмы, и люди, которые ждут эти фильмы, так что интересно посмотреть, что будет дальше.
И оставаться оптимистом. Продолжайте делать то, что вы делаете. Я полагаю, что все получится".

Моше с улыбкой выслушал ободряющие слова Хартнетта и быстро изменил свою позицию. Он даже стал говорить с энтузиазмом о сценарии для своего следующего фильма, с еще одной важной ролью для Хартнетта.


TIFF.Fest'10: Josh Hartnett Tells His ‘Bunraku’ Director To Stay Optimistic
Hartnett encourages ‘Bunraku’ director Guy Moshe to keep experimenting

The Inter-Continental Hotel's patio stayed packed with camera crews and the indoor bar area became even more crowded with assorted actors, filmmakers and journalists conducting interviews throughout the day. Meanwhile various handlers tried to maintain order out of the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) chaos. On a sofa adjacent to large windows that invite enthusiastic passersby, actor Josh Hartnett (above, left) leaned back with Guy Moche, the director of his eye-popping martial arts adventure “Bunraku.” They confessed to being tired after staying up late to take questions from the enthusiastic audience at the film’s midnight premiere.

               Moshe worked for years to get “Bunraku” made; an elaborate fantasy inspired by the ancient Japanese puppetry art known as Bunraku set in a strange world that’s equal parts Wild West and Dr. Seuss. The Israeli director agreed that having Hartnett on-board helped make the film a reality. He also admitted that these are tough times to be making unique independent films like “Bunraku” and expressed an overwhelming sense of defeat when looking ahead to his next project.

               Hartnett, who has the clout of some successful studio films behind him to help support his independent interests, quickly chimed in and corrected Moshe.

               “Sure, these are tough times for independent films like “Bunraku” but there are people working to get these films made and it’s exciting to see what’s next,” Hartnett told his downtrodden director.

                “Stay optimistic,” Hartnett continued to tell Moshe. “Keep doing what you’re doing. I believe it will all work out.”

                Moshe smiled at Hartnett’s encouraging words and quickly reversed his stance. He even began talking enthusiastically about the script for his next film; another one with a major role for Hartnett.

                Until then, "Bunraku" remained available for pick-up by a distributor.



Людмила написал(а):

которые ждут эти фильмы, так что интересно посмотреть, что будет дальше.

....ой каааааак ждём....
  ....интерес и к фильму, и чо будет дальше... :jumping:
  ....имеем особый интерес к главному герою....

Вы здесь » Josh Hartnett Forum » Новости. News » 35й Междунар. кинофестиваль в Торонто / 35th Int Toronto Film Festival