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Джош с поклонниками-поклонницами / Josh with fans

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tentrah написал(а):

....если честно,то и я бы не выставила....ревновала бы шоль....

ну немного бы по ревновала...а потом бы хвасталась!
ты понимаешь ведь...невозможно владеть таким богатством одному человеку
Джош принадлежит вселенной
его не спрячешь...он проявится, мы догадаемся что он у тебя есть! не пытайся даже спрятать
ты будешь сиять и лучиться счастьем
он как космос...


удача написал(а):

ты понимаешь ведь...невозможно владеть таким богатством одному человеку

Ты слишком хорош, чтобы тобой не делиться(с)
:love:  :love:  :love:



...и када ж это мы так пообнимаемся....мечты....и какими парфумами Он пользуется....хотя б запах узнать...


tentrah написал(а):

....хотя б запах узнать...

да да... у меня почему то такое же жалание)))))) :cool:


С Фанхоста  :)


Людмила написал(а):

С Фанхоста

супер!!!!!! спасибо,Людмила!!!!!  Nicola e Josh Hartnett, Attore

Lady Sultanah Kalsom, Regina della Malesia:
“Ho ricevuto vari trattamenti Shiatsu da vari terapisti e trovo la mano di Nicola eccezionale, molto sicura e professionale.
La mia schiena è migliorata moltissimo dopo i suoi trattamenti e mi rilasso sempre molto.
Grazie Nicola, ti auguro ogni successo”

Robert Downey Jr.
Attore di Holliwood, tra l’altro protagonista di: Iron Man, Chaplin, Gothika, Sherlock Holmes:
“Waw...grazie, non è facile trovare un bravo operatore Shiatsu!”

Josh Hartnett
Attore americano di molti film di successo tra tutti “Pearl Harbor”:
“Grazie Nicola, molto rilassante”

...вот такая рекламка массажиста....записуемся на сээансы....

Отредактировано tentrah (2011-09-12 23:43:46)


tentrah написал(а):

.записуемся на сээансы....

:D Я думаю, у него сейчас хорошая клиентура пойдет)))


On set of the movie Pearl Harbor with Josh Hartnett (ugh my hair looks cheesy, but I had to have it a certain color/cut/length for the movie) :love:  :love:  :love:

....у меня голова кружuтся, щеки rорят, руки дрожат, у горла kомок.... в мозгу тысячи маленьких феервeрkов....это ффффффсеееееее...

..........иииии pука...волна на руке....так и хочется дотронуься... %-)


а у меня появилось непреодолимое желание вцепиться в эту Бермуду и опрокинуть ее
и уже на поверженном в горизонтальное положение объекте разодрать Бермуду нах


balletka написал(а):

а у меня появилось непреодолимое желание вцепиться

....это желание появляется при вcех фото, если смотреть на них более пяти секунд.....
....аж пищат....


tentrah написал(а):

....аж пищат....

Бедняга Джош..
Он аж ручки спрятал за спину - я тут мимо, они сами...
Но улыбку держит великолепно!



:D Ахахаха! Я со своими 160 с копейками, на фоне него вообще бы, как клоп смотрелась..


tentrah написал(а):

On set of the movie Pearl Harbor with Josh Hartnett

какой красииииииивый




вот тут мне нравится ))) дофффольныый....
лицо светится, улыбка - не только губами, но и глазами...
настроение - прекрасное, сразу видно
блин, я рада


me and hartnett

hanging with josh hartnett in san sebastian


tentrah написал(а):

me and hartnett

Хочу, чтоб под такой же фразой стояла подпись - gall.


Так и льнуть к нашему парню...   %-)


История поклонника о встрече с Джошем во время съемок "Голливудских копов"  :)

The Josh Hartnett story

Bringing you back to a time in my life where the word frustration cannot even tell enough about how I felt about my feelings of myself, my business and my life. I didn't know which way to proceed with either of the three. Frankly, I was exhausted with life. I was tired of what life was asking of me, and I was fed-up and continuously wondering why I hadn't been "found" by the people I needed to move forward with business plans. I needed a break from life in Canada, so I moved to L.A.

Yep, it was as simple as that!

Ah, L.A. . . I love that city. The feeling that I get from saying those two letters L, and A. I love it!

I had met a friend at a Northern lake in Saskatchewan called Waskesiu about six years prior to my L.A. departure, and I had re-met him again just before I left. He was Juliette Lewis' sister (a Hollywood actress), and through our two lake encounters we actually became good friends. He already had plans to move to L.A, and he was leaving in a few days. I said, "wait a couple more and I'll come with you." - again, I am a very spontaneous person. Although, it worked for me, I don't suggest for everyone to sporadically make impulse decisions like this. But, needless to say, it was exactly what I needed to re-focus my thoughts on life and get myself back on-track. It was amazing. It was incredible. It was one of the most exhilarating times that I went through. And, it was perfect timing.

Before I moved to L.A. I had a brief conversation with my Mom. She asked me what types of things I was looking forward to doing while in Los Angeles. I said the usual things, like going to "Hollywood," going to "Universal Studios," etcetera. But, I remember randomly telling her, "I want to meet Josh Hartnett!"

Being an avid movie watcher and by following the latest film tends, I have developed a passion for the industry. For some reason, whenever I am on a film set, or whenever I am in the presence of an actor, musician or famous person (all of which I have seen many of), I get a cringe in my stomach. Its a good cringe though. It's the feeling of passion, mixed with the feeling of wanting to be just like that person. Josh Hatrnett was one of them, and I wanted to meet him. I was inspired by him, and I wondered what it would be like to meet him. He was an inspiration to me, much like Arnold Schwarzenegger, before his sex scandal.

So, off I went, with my friend, to the Southern States. We drove straight-through the night in his small Toyota truck, which seemed to barely have enough metal attached to the vehicles frame for us to get there. The rest had rusted and fallen to the ground many years prior. But, we made it.

As I settled myself inside the massive 10,000 sq. ft. mansion, at the top of Hollywood Hills that was owned by a friend of my friends, I over-looked the entire city of L.A. from his balcony. This was a house that was more than just a regular house. It had bells & whistles on top of trinkets & gadgets. It was something of spectacular sight, it was exactly the environment that I needed to remain focused, and I was gracious to take shelter there.

The owner of the house ran many successful businesses, including hotels, burger joints and three night clubs on the "Hollywood stretch." He was a friend of Juliette Lewis' (My friends' sister), and eventually became mine. Every time I looked at him, I saw success. He dressed very well, ate at the best restaurants, and drove fancy cars. He was an inspiration to me, and someone that I gravitated towards because I wanted to know what his secret to success was.

I literally followed him on every errand that he made each day. We drove around together, paying his employees, manned the construction sites of which his hotels were being built, went for lunch, and ... we'll that's about it. There's not much that a multi-millionaire has to do each day. But, I woke up each morning eager & excited to be his unofficial side-kick, and experience what's it's like to be an un-official millionaire. It was fantastic.

While we were at one of his job sites, which is currently called "The Gueisa House," located on Hollywood boulevard and Cheyenne Street, and co-owned by Ashton Kutcher, there was a film crew that quickly fled through the nearly demolished building, like they were in a rush to get-out of the building before it collapsed. They were actually looking for my millionaire friend, and for some strange reason they were in a rush. And, just like every other conversation my friend had, I was now a part of it, as a side-liner, because I was shadowing his every move, and again, wanting to know what made him successful.

The rushed gentleman was a locations manager for Universal, and asked if they could use my friends building over the next couple of days to house extras for a movie they were shooting. After a lot of negotiating and fine words exchanged, the deal was made, they shut down construction, and sent home the 30-or-so Mexican workers with a handful of cash. The important part of the story came just as the locations manager staked walking away. My friend shouted out to him as he opened the door to exit and said, "Who's going to be in the movie?" He responded, "Um, it's called Hollywood Homicide, and its starring Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett."

As he exited the building, warm feelings inside of me started to grow. I now realized that my goal of meeting Josh Hartnett, which would seem unrealistic for many, has now become very possible, and in my sight. Three days later I was introduced to him.

The experience itself was incredible. Josh Hartnett is a very genuine person, and he was very focused within his work, as an actor. I stayed the afternoon, and I watched the works of professionals in the film industry. I was able to ask Josh some of the questions I've wanted to know for years, and he was there to answer with exactly what I needed to know. It was truly one of the experiences that I will remember forever.

Anything can happen if you believe in it. If you can imagine it, it can happen! This is a small story of many where I believe that the law of attraction was a huge part of its development. Great things will be conquered by those that believe. You are no different!


ого, расписался парень, я так сходу и ниасилю... судя по всему, встреча была незабываемая))))))))
фотка ржачная в эту тему - парень сияет, а Джош подбит слегка)))



Фотка - просто умора, у Джоша выражение лица - в избранное раздела "Мимика" А девушка рядом с ним очень симпатичная, между прочим... И галстук мне оченно нравится))


Какая фотка! Пасиб! Ггг, по ссылочке все Джошевы подружки, и девочка с ними запечатлелась неспроста) не мы одни ведем хронологию)

Everydika написал(а):

И галстук мне оченно нравится))

Это была костюмированная вечерина "Carnival Spectacular " есть ещё фотки в галерее, Кликай красотень!


Счастливчики ещё  :)
За фото спасибо


"Pearl Harbor" actor Josh Hartnett stops to sign an autograph for Leland Cranston at the Arizona Memorial Visitors Center

Кorea with the journalists





Спасибо друзьям с  ФанхостФорума  за фото!

Вы здесь » Josh Hartnett Forum » Фотографии. Photo » Джош с поклонниками-поклонницами / Josh with fans