да я сама когда увидела объемы, офигела... тож отложила на потом
Интервью Джоша / Josh's interviews
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Поделиться612007-11-23 12:06:26
Поделиться632008-05-12 23:52:59
прочитала вот это длинное интервью... и я уже сомневаюсь,что знаю о Джоше достаточно...он говорит, что для него большое счасье работать с такими актерами как Бенисио дель Торо, Ник Нолти и Джонни Депп!!! где это они вместе играли? или это несостоявшийся проект? кто-нибудь знает?
Поделиться642008-05-13 06:31:00
Бенисио дель Торо, Ник Нолти и Джонни Депп!!! где это они вместе играли? или это несостоявшийся проект? кто-нибудь знает?
ну видимо в то время был разговор о фильме " Ромовый дневник " все эти актеры вроде там задействованы , а с дель Торо он в " Городе грехов " играл !
Поделиться652008-05-13 14:06:43
где это они вместе играли? или это несостоявшийся проект? кто-нибудь знает?
ну видимо в то время был разговор о фильме " Ромовый дневник "
да, речь о проекте "Ромовый дневник", который, похоже канул в лету... точнее сказать, фильм-то может и снимут, но Джош там уже не предвидится, т.к. Джоша хотел взять в фильм Бенисио Дель Торо, который в свою очередь должен был режиссировать кино, но он от проекта отвалился, а с ним и Джош... пока только Депп в касте... а затянутым проект стал из-за смерти автора повествования... он же, если я ничего не путаю, был прототипом персонажа Деппа в фильме "Страх и ненависть в Лас Вегасе".
Поделиться662008-05-13 14:11:48
а затянутым проект стал из-за смерти автора повествования... он же, если я ничего не путаю, был прототипом персонажа Деппа в фильме "Страх и ненависть в Лас Вегасе".
Угу, Хантер Томпсон! Наркоман был ещё тот... Может, оно и к лучшему, что Джоша не стал его играть?? Мало ему пива?
Поделиться672008-05-13 16:42:01
пока только Депп в касте...
Ник Нолти тоже .
Поделиться682008-05-14 00:02:05
а затянутым проект стал из-за смерти автора повествования... он же, если я ничего не путаю, был прототипом персонажа Деппа в фильме "Страх и ненависть в Лас Вегасе".
оййййй, не нада нам такого фильма! я и Страх и ненависть еле до половины осилила! такое..кхкхкх...кино я бы даже ради Джоша не стала смотреть, не люблю я все эти наркоманские угары (по этой же причине не могу к сожалению посмотреть Реквием по мечте )
Поделиться692008-05-15 12:39:11
я и Страх и ненависть еле до половины осилила! такое..кхкхкх...кино я бы даже ради Джоша не стала смотреть, не люблю я все эти наркоманские угары (по этой же причине не могу к сожалению посмотреть Реквием по мечте
а мне понравились... думаю, что и тандем Джош-Джонни-Бенисио-Нолти был бы шикарен... но... не сложилось, чего уж там...
Поделиться702008-06-01 21:58:23
Незнаю было где или нет: Джош Хартнетт как предмет обожания
"Практически все мои фильмы - о любви и о том, через какие трудности приходится пройти, чтобы обрести эту любовь".
Джошуа Дэниэл Хартнетт родился 21 июля 1978 года в Калифорнии. Снялся в 22 фильмах. Среди его работ наиболее известны: "Перл Харбор", "Черная орхидея", "40 дней, 40 ночей".
Какие выгоды у актера, получившего от прессы странное звание "секс-символ"? – ему, наверное, легче завязывать романтические отношения с самыми красивыми женщинами в мире. Но, с другой стороны, это звание может стать клеймом – если у секс-символа не хватает на покорение дам смелости. Джош Хартнетт, например, является предметом обожания и девочек-тинейджеров, и своих красавиц-партнерш… Но он вовсе не спешит к ним с распростертыми объятиями. Говорит, что его в женщинах привлекает не красота.
- Когда я смотрю на своих партнерш, я всегда учусь у них чему-то. Очень редко доводится играть в фильме, где твои партнерши – невероятно талантливые, потрясающие актрисы, у которых можно позаимствовать какие-то приемы, просто глядя на них.
Да. Джошу Хартнетту, человеку, которого много раз включали в число самых сексуальных актеров мира, трудно даже назначить свидание понравившейся девушке. А когда кто-то начинает флиртовать с ним на съемках, Джош вообще теряет всякую уверенность в себе - он сам в этом признавался. Поэтому на съемках актер старается на девушек не отвлекаться и ставит себе иные цели.
- Самое лучшее в работе в кино - это когда все партнеры становятся друзьями, когда мы подталкиваем друг друга, сводим друг друга с ума, созидательно проводим время в течение всего съемочного процесса. Мы не задумываемся о том, что скажут студийные боссы, потому что все мы работаем от души. Когда работаешь в таких условиях, невероятно весело проводишь время. Я и мои партнеры, мы видим лучшие и худшие черты друг друга. И в конце концов, получается прекрасный фильм. Ведь все актеры работают с удовольствием.
Может быть, Хартнетт не уверен в себе потому, что его романтические отношения с актрисами Кирстен Данст и Скарлетт Йоханссон закончились очень быстро? Не поэтому ли он теперь выбирает роли, которые развенчивали бы представление о нем как о секс-символе?
- Я люблю играть персонажей, о которых никто ничего не хочет знать, с которыми никто не хочет сближаться, но и никто не хочет враждовать, о них просто не желают знать. Они зачастую берутся за такую работу, которую больше никто не хочет выполнять. Вероятно, они даже не задумываются о моральной стороне дела, которым занимаются. И именно это в них пугает.
Но на самом деле, Джошу отчаиваться рано. Он молод и востребован, причем, что для актера важнее всего – востребован режиссерами. А от странного титула "секс-символ", приклеенного прессой, отказаться никогда не поздно.
Поделиться712008-06-02 23:32:37
Очень редко доводится играть в фильме, где твои партнерши – невероятно талантливые, потрясающие актрисы,
Да, не очень-то он лестного мнения о своих партнершах
Да. Джошу Хартнетту, человеку, которого много раз включали в число самых сексуальных актеров мира, трудно даже назначить свидание понравившейся девушке
То-то он каждую неделю с новой))
Поделиться722008-06-10 23:51:10
То-то он каждую неделю с новой))
ну это наверно они его приглашают)) а он не может отказать))
Поделиться732008-07-25 12:00:14
Интервью 25 октября 2007года. Джош Хартнетт. Я не хочу быть героем!"
Josh Hartnett: 'I don't want to be a hero'
In both his film career and his private life, the actor Josh Hartnett likes to keep his feet on the ground, he tells Gill Pringle
Josh Hartnett could be one of Hollywood's wealthiest young stars today had he only agreed to don Superman's cape or Spider-Man's costume – roles that the 29-year-old actor chose to bypass. With a foresight often lacking in this business, Hartnett refused to be seduced by easy dollars, clearly paying heed to Spider-Man's famous quote: "This is my gift. It is my curse."
"I never wanted to play a superhero like that. It just wasn't right for me," says the actor who had an early taste of fame with blockbusters Pearl Harbor and Black Hawk Down. "I feel like once you've become that sort of iconic character, people will always look at you that way. I want to play more different types of roles, and to be believable."
So instead of saving the world wearing a pair of tights, he has followed his heart in pursuing a variety of roles, many of which have been box-office bombs, such as Hollywood Homicide, Wicker Park, The Black Dahlia and the recent Resurrecting the Champ, co-starring Samuel L Jackson.
Hartnett has no regrets: "It's not why I'm doing this. It's always nice to make money. I'm not an idiot, and I understand that you can only survive in this business if you have a certain amount of cachet that comes from your movies making money. But if I can circumnavigate the whole superhero character catapulting me into that realm, then that's what I want to do," he insists.
With his 6ft 3in frame folded uncomfortably into an ornate chair in a New York hotel suite, when he speaks he has an insanely deep voice, which is quite startling given that he still bears the outward trappings of teen idol-dom: soft baby skin with a barely there goatee and a shy, boyish grin.
If wary of playing a superhero, then he was immediately intrigued by the character of reluctant hero Sheriff Eben as described in Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith's groundbreaking vampire comic book, 30 Days of Night, now brought to the screen by British director David Slade.
"It was funny and scary, a simple story but pure. Vampires are interesting in the way that they kill to survive. Also, the idea of immortality is intriguing to us mortals," he says.
At 20 years old, Hartnett quit his job selling souvenir pencils at Minnesota's Mall of America after a local talent agent saw him in a local stage production and whisked him off to Los Angeles, where he had nearly 50 auditions in three weeks. Rejected for roles in The Thin Red Line and The Talented Mr Ripley, he was cast as Michael Fitzgerald in a short-lived US television remake of British hit series Cracker at the same time as picking up the role of Jamie Lee Curtis's son in the 1998 teen slasher flick Halloween: H20: 20 Years Later.
Delivering on his early promise, he cemented his reputation as The Virgin Suicides' lusty high-school hunk, as Here on Earth's spurned boyfriend, and as traitorous Hugo (Iago) in Othello prep school remake O, as well as struggling against extraterrestrial high-school teachers in The Faculty.
In the early days of his career, he kept a healthy distance from Los Angeles, remaining in his Minnesota hometown with childhood sweetheart Ellen Fenster. "I realise a lot of people have been labelled tomorrow's star or the next big thing," he said then. "But if you start believing any of that, I think that's the first sign you're in trouble."
But the couple parted ways four years ago, and today Hartnett spends more time in his New York condo than his rambling Minnesota mansion. However, he still likes to view himself as an industry outsider, drawing the line at the clichéd Hollywood celebrity lifestyle: "I think it takes a lot out of young actors when you live in a place where people focus on your work all the time and it defines you. And if things start to not go so well you start doubting yourself as a human being. I saw that it was not going to be easy for me to separate my work from my person if I didn't take a few steps away from Hollywood. I like to fly under the radar. I try, anyway.
"I don't want to get sucked up in the madness. Flitting around from club to club and girl to girl is no way to live."
If Hartnett maintains he's still a simple boy at heart, then he has sophisticated tastes in women, recently dating pop singer Rihanna, supermodel Helena Christensen and actress Penelope Cruz. Prior to that he enjoyed a year-long romance with Black Dahlia co-star Scarlett Johansson, as well as a rumoured fling with Kirsten Dunst.
But ask him if he isn't just another Hollywood party boy, and he takes the moral high ground: "No, not necessarily. But I can be. I think it's good to have a balance in your life, and be able to do everything. I'm not afraid of people but I also don't like to spend a lot of time around strangers in a bar. I don't want that to be my life."
There was little opportunity for carousing on the New Zealand set of 30 Days of Night, which was shot entirely at night over five weeks. "I'm semi-nocturnal anyway so I didn't mind. If I could pick my own hours, they'd be noon till 4am, so it wasn't a problem for me. Like a vampire, I slept during the day," he says.
"It was great to see the direction taken by David [Slade] and how he wanted the vampires to be primal and scary. He didn't want them to recite Baudelaire. He wanted them, like Coppola's Dracula – played by Gary Oldman – to be very scary, dangerous and frightening. No sexy vampires like with Tom Cruise in Interview with the Vampire.
"I also liked the curious appearance of these vampires and how they look at humans as subjects they are observing before killing them. Humans in this movie are food and a study case for these vampires. This film brings audiences to a world they wouldn't be able to visit in their regular lives. It was a chance for me to do something I hadn't done before and something I won't maybe have another chance to do."
Having enjoyed success with intriguing performances in Sin City and Lucky Number Slevin, Hartnett is determined to continue challenging himself regardless of the size of his pay packet. "I'm never content and I always try to work hard to perfect my act. I want to grow constantly. When you work with great directors this is when you can grow. For a long time I was terrified of looking like an idiot on the big screen but now I don't worry about this as much as I worry about whether my character needs work for the audience to believe my performance. I'm driven by fear, I guess."
As he approaches his 30th birthday next year, he has started to notice some personal changes: "I think I'm calming down. Which is good. I'm starting to care less about what people think of me and care more about just what I want to do from day to day. It's amazing how – and this is going to sound ridiculous – but it's amazing how when a year becomes less and less of a fraction of your life. And it goes so much quicker, the more you mean to try and hold on to it and enjoy the moments. It's all just kind of moving at a faster and faster pace.
"And I'm looking forward to finding someone in my life that I can be truly happy with and relate to on all levels. But right now I'm not really searching for that, although I like knowing it's out there sometime later. I've had my heart broken, and it's not fun. But I'd rather have my heart broken than break someone else's heart."
Ask if he remains on friendly terms with his exes, he grins: "Yeah, of course. I try to remain friendly with my exes. Absolutely. If it's possible. I mean, if they're not completely psychotic."
Поделиться742008-08-27 22:44:24
Интервью 21.04.2002 года.
Hart throb
Hollywood's hottest new poster boy is Josh Hartnett, the chisel-jawed star of Pearl Harbour and Black Hawk Down. But behind all the hype Rachel Cooke discovers that the star being billed as 'the next Tom Cruise' is a down-to-earth Minnesota boy who believes there's no place like home
I'm in a cinema on Union Square when I see it: a man-sized cardboard cut-out of the actor I am to interview in a hotel room in a few hours' time. Yes, it is definitely him. Same squinty eyes, same pale skin. Above his head is the title of his new movie, 40 Days and 40 Nights and beneath his feet is a roll call of names including, in big letters, his own. 'Look!' I say to my friend. 'It's Josh Hartnett. Shall I take him home with me?'
We are considering whether he will contravene any British Airways luggage restrictions, when a fierce young blonde appears. She says nothing, but looks like she might have designs of her own on Josh. We leave, empty-handed, and feel her eyes boring into our backs all the way to the subway.
It is at this moment that it finally hits me: in America, Josh Hartnett really is hot news - and girls will, if necessary, fight to the death for the right to own their very own cardboard cut-out of his 6ft 3in frame. Pay attention, and you'll see his face everywhere: on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, on the cover of Details magazine, on billboards at run-down street corners. For the past few months, he has been publicising first Black Hawk Down, the Ridley Scott epic about America's disastrous foray into Somalia, and now this - a romantic comedy in which he plays a hunk called Matt Sullivan who takes a Lenten vow of sexual abstinence. The result, gratifyingly for the studios, is coverage as deep and crisp as freshly fallen snow.
40 Days is not the kind of film Hartnett is likely to take his granny to see. There are lots of porn jokes and strange protuberances in our hero's trousers. In one scene, his flatmate even carries out spot checks on his friend's bed linen using a special light to detect emissions. But it gives Hartnett the chance to round off an early career in teen flicks (he was named 'the unofficial Hottie of Horror' by 17 magazine) with a performance his fans will be able to breathlessly discuss on his websites for years to come. It will also remind directors everywhere that, though he looked good in combat fatigues in Pearl Harbour and Black Hawk Down, he looks even better in jeans and a sweater. It's all part of the plan, stoopid.
Happily, in person, you would never know that Hartnett is being lauded as 'the new Tom Cruise' or even 'the new Leonardo DiCaprio'. He is better-looking than either of them and about a tenth as big-headed.
We meet at a starchy hotel just off Fifth Avenue, where he and his co-star, Shannyn Sossamon, are billeted for the duration of a press junket for 40 Days. With minimum fuss, he walks into the room looking so gauche and anxious and unbelievably handsome that it's hard to sit still. Meeting him is like going on a date with a boy you know is miles - continents - out of your league: pointless and misery-inducing and thrilling all at the same time. He has high cheekbones and dark eyebrows hovering over flinty green eyes. He also, like all truly desirable men, has the requisite flaw: a delectable gap between his front teeth.
In a deep, gravelly mumble he tells me that, yeah, his grandma probably won't like his new movie. 'But if I was painting or writing, I wouldn't veer away from things because they seemed unsavoury to me. So as an actor I kind of think the same way. I should do things that are different and interesting and shed light on the craziness of the world.'
But could he, in real life... erm, do without it for 40 days and 40 nights? 'Well, I wouldn't want to but, you know, maybe. It's you women who think we guys are so highly sexed.' He pauses, no doubt to watch the red carpet creeping up my neck and across my hot little cheeks. 'I mean, I don't think most women could go without touching a man or masturbation or anything to do with sex, like, for a very long time. They'll never admit it though. Heh heh heh.'
Josh Hartnett, who is 23, was born in the St Paul half of Minneapolis-St Paul, and despite the siren call of Los Angeles, he still resides in the Twin Cities. 'It's one of those ideal places to raise a family,' he says. 'It's safe, it's beautiful, there are lakes and cabins. The people who represent me understand that I want to be there, so they just kind of let me be.
I don't love LA. I love New York and Minneapolis, so if I have a choice I'll stay in those places.'
His parents, whom he describes as 'hippyish', are divorced, but he is close to both of them, and his three younger siblings, Jake, Joe and Jessica. His father was a guitar player for Al Green before taking over the family real estate business; his mother is a classroom assistant. His folks are, he insists, are a lot more interested in achieving happiness rather than success - and brought Josh up to be just the same way.
'I never really considered acting as a career,' he says. 'I kind of fell into it. Originally, I wanted to be a painter.' He got his first taste of being in front of an audience during grade school, as an altar boy. He and his friends would serve at funerals because they would get five bucks and the day off school. But mostly, he wanted to play football. Then, at 16, a knee injury forced him off the team. At first, he had a strong suspicion that acting was 'for sissies', but somehow ended up auditioning for the part of Huck Finn in a children's theatre production of Tom Sawyer. He got the part. Soon after, a local talent scout spotted him playing Sky Masterson in Guys and Dolls. By the time he left high school in 1996, he was doing TV commercials and had a manager, Nancy Kremer.
It was on her advice that he headed for Hollywood. 'She just kept calling,' he says. So he gave in. The day after she picked him up at the airport, he got an agent and was soon going to four auditions a day. Though he was not always successful - it is part of the Hartnett legend that he tried out six times for Dawson's Creek - within two months he had landed a part in the US version of Cracker, playing Fitz's son. The series was axed after nine episodes, but by that time Hartnett was already on his way. There was Halloween H2O and another horror film, The Faculty, and Sofia Coppola cast him in The Virgin Suicides as Trip Fontaine - the sexiest kid in the school - without even meeting him. 'You just knew he had it,' she said. Then, the big one: Pearl Harbour, in which he played Ben Affleck's best friend.
It was at this point, however, that Hartnett's strange Great Lakes idealism reared its head. He was repeatedly told by Pearl Harbour's producers that the movie - at that time, they thought it would be a bigger box-office smash than Titanic - would 'change his life'. Hartnett wasn't so sure he wanted his life to change.
'Yeah, I nearly turned it down,' he says, though he clearly dislikes talking about the film which, in relation to the expectations heaped on it, turned out to be a Titanic-sized flop. 'It was a role a lot of people wanted but... I didn't want to be famous.' Still, someone obviously persuaded him to think again. 'Well, we're all on a journey. The average American switches profession four times. I'm lucky to be in a business where I change the character I am playing every couple of months.'
And there was one happy by-product: his pay cheque per film is now $2m and rising. Not that he is particularly interested in money. So far, his only luxury purchase has been a new car, an Audi, bought because his parents were sick of his old Jeep breaking down all over the place. Does this mean that he really isn't interested in being the new Tom Cruise? He looks uncomfortable. 'I dunno. Tom Cruise is a multinational corporation.' He pauses and then, perhaps afraid that he might sound as if he is dissing Cruise, adds: 'It's flattering to be compared to him because he has been so successful. I think he's an underrated actor. But comparisons in the film business are completely odious. You can't follow the same path as someone else.'
He has already set up his own production company and wouldn't mind getting behind the camera himself, one day; failing that, he will go back to his first love, painting, 'providing I haven't lost my soul completely'.
So that hasn't happened yet? 'Not in my daily life, but you answer enough questions about yourself and you start to get a big head.' Isn't there a way he can stop this happening? 'Yes, by realising I'm not any more important than anyone else. I look at it like this. There are only so many blank spaces in the world for famous people, and they have to be filled 'cos everybody wants to see movie stars and stuff like that. But it's cyclical - there are people who are there for a while, then they lose it.'
He stops, looks flustered, runs his hands through his hair. 'I'm just coming up with this theory right now, so tell me if it's bullshit. What I'm saying is, it's not about me, it's about that blank space. It's about being in that spot. When you're not there, nobody cares. People care about my fame, not me. But that's fine. I have my own life. Besides, it's not as if I'm a politician.'
The way he tells it - though I am not entirely sure I believe him - fame is agony and to fall head over heels in love with it is the biggest mistake a man can make. Perhaps this is why he is so loyal to boring old Minneapolis. 'I admire the way someone like Sean Penn keeps the bullshit out of his life,' he says. 'I respect people who recognise their boundaries as to how much of this stuff they can take. I also respect people who can work in the midst of this press bonanza. Luckily, I've got a pretty good bullshit meter. I'm pretty good at returning to life after my work is done.'
As for the idea that he has some kind of masterplan, well, I'm barking up the wrong tree there. 'I just kind go along for the ride. You need some people in the world who are determined to do one thing in life, to make that thing their goal. But luckily, because you have all those other people being pillars, holding up the world, someone like me can just wander through.'
The question is, will Hartnett make it as a serious actor, as he so obviously longs to, or will he always be fobbed off with tedious chiselled-jaw roles? 'Josh runs the real risk of becoming a sort of one-man embodiment of the Backstreet Boys to hormone-crazed 15-year-old girls from Minnetoka to Tarzana,' Ben Affleck told Vanity Fair magazine, shortly before the release of Pearl Harbour. 'He is so very pretty.' These words were prophetic. Hartnett has taken to wearing a knitted beanie whenever he is out in public, though even a hat and sunglasses, he says, 'don't really help' when you are being chased down the street. 'I'm kinda learning to deal with being recognised. I'm determined not to change the way I live. I'm still gonna walk around and if people come up to me, well, no offence, but I'll say, sorry, I just can't give autographs all day.'
He was fine in Pearl Harbour, in as much as anybody could be fine in a movie whose major stars were all exploding fusillades, and, in Black Hawk Down, carried off his role as a staff sergeant with a certain intense aplomb. 40 Days and 40 Nights is unlikely to win him any prizes, though it shows he can do physical comedy if he puts his mind to it (his character has a funny, jerky jog he slips into to keep undesirable urges at bay).
But, so far, he hasn't made a movie that comes even close to, say, Trainspotting, the film he says inspired him to try his luck in Hollywood. He refers to Ewan McGregor and Ewen Bremner, his co-stars in Black Hawk Down who both appeared in Trainspotting, as 'my two friends' and adds, 'Wow! You see that kind of work and you want to be a part of it.'
So what next? 'I plan to take time off,' he says. 'I've been doing publicity for so long and before that I worked for four years straight. I could do with a break.' Is it up to him what roles he takes, or does his agent decide what he does and in what order? 'It's completely down to me. These guys give me suggestions, obviously, but I'm one of those people who when someone says "turn right," go left. I don't know whether they've figured that out yet...'
Later this year, he can be seen in O, a high-school rendering of Othello, the release of which was delayed for two years because it was feared its violence would attract negative publicity. Hartnett plays the Iago character, Hugo, so we will see then if he is capable of evil as well as cute.
When he is home, he paints and sees his friends, who are, he says, determinedly unruffled by his fame. In the past, Hartnett has resolutely refused to discuss his private life, although rumour has it he briefly dated Brazilian model Gisèle Bündchen.
On his website, however, his fans claim to have found proof that - oh no! - he does indeed have a woman in his life, and have posted a picture first published by the National Enquirer of the actor with Ellen Fenster, a girl he supposedly went to school with. 'Oh well, at least he's happy,' says one distraught fan. Weep, weep.
At the merest mention of girls, Hartnett's voice trickles away to an almost inaudible mutter. It's like asking your kid brother what he got up to at the school disco. Luckily, he is saved by the bell. The door of the room opens and two publicists troop in to retrieve their charge. I must leave now because Josh is going to have a lunch break. 'So you get time off to eat,' I say. 'Yeah,' says Josh, rolling his eyes. He unfolds himself from his chair, puts his hands in the back pockets of his jeans and heads in the direction of the sandwiches.
'You know, I'm not interested in fighting the publicity machine,' he says. 'That's not my fight. There are other things I want to fight for. I want interesting roles. I want to do some good in the world.' Poor boy. He'll learn, I guess.
Поделиться752008-09-22 20:39:10
Listen again to Josh Hartnett on Heart Breakfast
Listen back to when the Hollywood star came in to see Jamie and Harriet on Heart Breakfast. He told them that he would consider staying in London if he met a special lady and even revealed what he looks for in a girlfriend.
Don't worry if you missed the interview, you can catch the whole thing again right here. Just click on the graphic below.
У меня не заработало радио(((((
Поделиться762008-09-22 21:13:34
У меня не заработало радио(((((
у меня тоже
Поделиться772008-09-23 23:03:54
Интересное интервью... сборное...
Josh Hartnett Exclusive: ‘Wanted - An (Ordinary) Girlfriend’
Posted on September 23rd, 2008 by Rossella Frigerio
I was recently flipping through some past issues of Vanity Fair Italia when I stumbled upon this exclusive interview with actor Josh Hartnett and reporter Silvia Nucini published earlier this month. Conducted over the past 3 months in 3 different cities, here is a look at what this talented heartthrob has been up to recently…
Josh is in town for the launch of the Armani Diamonds for Men campaign, the new fragrance which he is currently promoting. I’m conceded exactly 14 minutes to interview him…
In the advertising campaign’s photographs and video, you are surrounded by the paparazzi and screaming fans…
A situation which I try to avoid at all costs…
And, despite this, you are still considered a sex symbol.
…Directors are now starting to offer me more complex and far more interesting roles. Getting older has its advantages.
You grew up in Minneapolis, in the Midwest, deep in the heart of America. Barack Obama also comes from the Midwest. Do you think this is a sign that things are changing?
The economy is crumbling…something has to change, Obama has interesting ideas and I support him, but I don’t think this has something to do with the place in which he was raised…
Can we meet another time?
How about in New York in a month’s time?
We arrange to meet at Bread, a bar in Soho. Josh strolls in, by himself, and is dressed as a typical New Yorker enjoying the summer weekend. Flip-flops, bermudas and red Ray-Bans…
The last time we met, we had been talking about values. Has it proved difficult for you to reconcile your image and your role as an actor with your liberal ideas?
Yes, quite…I never wanted to do that which the system expected from me…And for this, at one point–it was August 2001…my career was really taking off–I left everything and went back home…I couldn’t keep living like a rock star.
There are plenty of people who dream of living like a rock star.
Yes, but everything has a price. Like the character which I interpret in August, which has just been released here in America: a whiz kid of the internet economy who loses his mind and sacrifices everything…
Why do you think everyone is so interested in the private lives of celebrities?
Because people love gossip. But gossip ruins relationships. I have dated many famous women (in no particular order:Gisele Bündchen, Penélope Cruz, Kirsten Dunst, Helena Christensen, Rihanna e Scarlett Johansson, who was the only one who held, for a few years, the official title of ‘girlfriend’) and I have realized that to make sure a relationship survives, you don’t talk about it…
So you should perhaps try to go out with ordinary girls.
I wouldn’t preclude them…
Why did you accept Armani’s proposal?
Because with the money that I am earning from the campaign, I can afford to continue doing the things I love…choosing small films in which I believe in and open a creole restaurant in Minneapolis. Mr Armani, a man whom I highly admire, offered me a ticket to freedom.
In autumn you return to the theatre, reinterpreting the film Rain Man. Why are you going back to your roots?
…I like the idea of exploring new things. I have just finished filming a movie alongside Demi Moore (Bunraku) without the budget which a diva like Demi is used to…
Why in London and not in Broadway?
Because there are far too many distractions here in New York…will you come and see me?
The first newspaper which I buy informs me that Josh Hartnett had been filmed by CCTV whilst he was having sex with a mysterious lady in the library of the Soho Hotel. It seems that in the meantime, someone in England has already met him. That evening, the show at the Apollo Theatre is packed, and I meet Josh backstage…
Are you satisfied with the performance tonight?
Yes, very…
…All for the best, I guess.
With each day that passes, things get better: the way I act, my relationship with the company, that with the city…
I see you still have to get changed, so I’ll leave you…
Thanks for having come. Who knows, we might meet again…
Поделиться782008-10-01 18:19:28
Josh Hartnett Interview
Josh Hartnett shot to fame in 2001 with the much-hyped and roundly panned epic Pearl Harbor, and you get the sense he’s been trying to make up for it ever since, shying away from big-budget blockbusters (he turned down the role of Superman) and opting for edgier, indie projects.
Now, as he prepares to tread the boards in a new stage adaptation of Rain Man, the Oscar-winning movie about an autistic savant and his wheeler-dealer brother, Hartnett is doing his best to stay focused on rehearsals and stay out of the tabloids…
What’s the attraction of doing a play in the West End?
You get to spend six months living in London, which is a city I love. There’s
so much great stuff to do. It’s kind of like a sister city to New York, where I live. There are a lot of similarities…but, of course, not as many Americans.
What’s the most touristy thing you’ve ever done in London?
I’m not really a tourist attraction kind of guy. I’ve been to Borough Market a couple of times – is that touristy?
Do you ever take the Tube?
Yeah, sure. Not as much as I take the subway in New York but that’s just because I don’t know it as well. I don’t want to end up in the middle of nowhere.
Last time we saw you in the capital was at Live 8 in 2005. You were rocking out to Pink Floyd. Are you a bit of a hippie at heart?
Well, my parents are hippies, so I must have a bit of hippie in me. I listen to a lot of different music, but Pink Floyd uniting for one show, you can’t miss that.
Were you a bit of a stoner during your teenage years?
When I was 17, I moved to New York and I guess you could say those were pretty wild times. Up until the age of 16 I was very focused on sport – I played a lot of football. Then I tore my ACL [anterior cruciate ligament] and had to stop playing. Then I got into theatre and painting, so I started to have, let’s say, more of a bohemian lifestyle.
You once said of life in LA: ‘Flitting from club to club and girl to girl is no way to live.’ Was that a description of your own life?
Um, I’ve dabbled in that lifestyle but I’ve never been a total club rat. I’ve never been attracted to the bling of clubs. Girl to girl? That’s an interesting question. I was in long-term relationships all my life until a couple of years ago and now I’m just, um, single. So, until I find the next real girlfriend I guess I’m in and out of relationships.
It seems like every month you’re romantically linked to someone new – Rihanna, Nadine Coyle, Kirsten Dunst and Gisele, to name but a few. Are any of those stories true?
Some of them might be. Some are completely false. But I don’t really comment on my personal life because I feel like any comment at all is opening up a whole can of worms. I’d just rather not talk about who I’m dating.
Did your experience of going out with Scarlett Johansson – and the intense press attention you got – make you question the wisdom of dating another famous person?
Everyone I’ve ever dated has been a great person in their own right, but obviously media attention on couples in the industry is going to be exponentially larger. So, for someone like me who tries to stay under the radar, it might not be the best idea.
Do you think taking 18 months off from acting, as you did a few years ago, set your career back?
Not really, although I took a break at the time when I was probably most wanted by the industry. Pearl Harbor came out, then the next week I finished shooting Black Hawk Down, and then I didn’t work for a year and a half. It was a really weird time. I was presenting awards at the Oscars and yet I wasn’t part of the industry at all.
Looking back, was Pearl Harbor a positive move for your career?
Well, it was positive for my Hollywood career. It helped me a lot. Sure, there was a backlash as far as the critics and the media were concerned, but I don’t regret anything I’ve done. If you caught me on a different day I might say I regret certain things, but I really like where I’m at right now. Life is pretty good.
This is an edited version of the full interview, which appears in the November 2008 issue of Marie Claire.
Поделиться792008-10-01 21:05:28
Еще бы на русском (хоть в крации) , плиз!!!!!!!
Поделиться802008-10-02 01:07:49
Еще бы на русском (хоть в крации) , плиз!!!!!!!
Уровень знания английского у меня средненький, так что исправляйте, если что...
В общем, в начале там вода, как всегда "звезда таких-то и таких-то фильмов, бла-бла-бла". Перевод самого интервью:
Что привлекло к участию в спектакле Вест Энда?
Вы получаете возможность провести 6 месяцев в Лондоне, городе, который я люблю. Здесь столько всего можно сделать. Лондон похож на город-побратим Нью-Йорка, в котором я живу. Много похожего… но, конечно, не так много американцев.
Что наиболее «туристическое» Вы когда-либо делали в Лондоне?
На самом деле я не тот человек, который ведет себя как турист. Я пару раз побывал в Borough Market – это можно считать туризмом?
Вы когда-нибудь пользовались лондонским метро?
Да, конечно. Не так часто, как в Нью-Йорке, но это только потому, что я не так хорошо знаю лондонское метро. Я не хочу очутиться неизвестно где.
Последний раз мы видели Вас в столице на Live 8 в 2005. Вы отрывались под Pink Floyd. В сердце Вы немного хиппи?
Мои родители хиппи, поэтому частичка хиппи должна быть и во мне. Я слушаю много разной музыки, но Pink Floyd объединились только на одно выступление, такое нельзя пропустить.
(тут я немного не понимаю, что значит слово stoner, но спрашивают «были ли Вы немного stoner тинейджером?»)
Когда мне было 17, я переехал в Нью-Йорк и, полагаю, Вы могли бы сказать, что это были достаточно бурные времена. До 16 лет я был сфокусирован на спорте – очень много играл в футбол. Затем я травмировал связку и был вынужден прекратить играть. Потом я увлекся театром и живописью, поэтому я начал вести, так сказать, более богемную жизнь.
Однажды ВЫ сказали о жизни в Лос-Анджелесе: «Невозможно жить, мелькая из клуба в клуб от девушки к девушке». Это было описание Вашей собственной жизни?
Хм, Я сомневался в этом стиле жизни, но я никогда не был клубным завсегдатаем. Меня никогда не привлекали клубы. От девушки к девушке? Это интересный вопрос. Я постоянно находился в длительных отношениях практически всю свою жизнь, кроме пары последних лет, а сейчас я один. Поэтому пока я не найду следующую настоящую девушку, я как бы и в и вне отношений.
Кажется, что каждый новый месяц Вам приписывают романтические отношения с кем-нибудь новым – Rihanna, Nadine Coyle, Kirsten Dunst и Gisele. Хоть какая-нибудь из этих историй правдивая?
Может быть несколько из них. Некоторые полностью выдуманные. Но я не комментирую свою личную жизнь, потому что мне кажется, что любой комментарий приводит к осложнениям. Я предпочитаю не обсуждать то, с кем я встречаюсь.
Ваш опыт в отношениях со Скарлетт Йохансон – и тем интенсивным вниманием прессы, которое Вы получили – не заставил задуматься об уместности отношений между знаменитыми людьми?
Все те, с кем я встречался, являлись сами по себе прекрасными личностями, но то, что к парам из индустрии значительно увеличивается интерес СМИ, является очевидным. Поэтому, для кого-то вроде меня (кто старается не светиться), не самая лучшая идея встречаться со знаменитостью.
Как Вы считаете, не затормозил ли 18-ти месячный отпуск, который Вы взяли несколько лет назад, Вашу карьеру?
Не совсем, хотя я, наверное, взял отпуск как раз на самом пике своей востребованности в индустрии. Вышел «Pearl Harbor», потом на следующей неделе закончились съемки «Black Hawk Down», а потом я полтора года не работал. Это было действительно странное время. Я вручал награды Оскар, но в то же время вообще не был частью индустрии.
Оглядываясь назад, можно ли сказать, что «Pearl Harbor» был положительным фильмом для Вашей карьеры?
В общем, это было хорошо для моей голливудской карьеры. Мне это очень помогло. Конечно, была и обратная сторона, когда вмешались критики и СМИ, но я не о чем не жалею. Если вы мне укажите на какой-либо день, то я могу сказать, что жалею об определенных вещах, но мне действительно нравится то, где я нахожусь сейчас. Жизнь довольно хороша.
Поделиться812008-10-02 08:59:06
Перевод самого интервью:
tatie!!! СПАСИБО ЗА ПЕРЕВОД!!!! [взломанный сайт]
Поделиться822008-10-02 11:17:24
Перевод самого интервью:
ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО!!!!! Интересно было почитать))))))
Уровень знания английского у меня средненький, так что исправляйте, если что...
По моему все отлично у тебя с английским))))))
Поделиться832008-10-02 12:09:26
tatie, молодчина!!! Спасибо большое, очень хороший перевод!!
To stone - это такой жаргонный вариант глагола "напиться", ну т.е. "нажраться". Stoner, видимо, человек, находящийся под воздействием алкоголя или наркотиков
я не так хорошо знаю лондонское метро
Схема метро у них там - мама, не горюй... Не советую Джошу туда соваться, там на некоторых ветках одни цветные (негры, арабы, индусы)...
Я постоянно находился в длительных отношениях практически всю свою жизнь, кроме пары последних лет, а сейчас я один. Поэтому пока я не найду следующую настоящую девушку, я как бы и в и вне отношений.
Миша, Лили, Кирстен - досвидос!!!! Джош с вами ни с одной не встречается!!
для кого-то вроде меня (кто старается не светиться), не самая лучшая идея встречаться со знаменитостью.
Золотые слова...
потом я полтора года не работал. Это было действительно странное время. Я вручал награды Оскар, но в то же время вообще не был частью индустрии.
Напрасно, напрасно...
По моему все отлично у тебя с английским))))))
Может, ты что-нить в "Открытом письме" Джошу напишешь? Пару слов
Поделиться842008-10-02 14:31:08
ОЙ, столько благодарности Обращайтесь, если еще что-нибудь нужно будет перевести про Джоша... Я там раньше изучала темы, вы хотели перевести книгу про Джоша, но не до конца перевели, или я че-то путаю...
Поделиться852008-10-02 14:49:16
Может, ты что-нить в "Открытом письме" Джошу напишешь?
Ой Я? Как то неожиданно)))) Надо подумать
Спасибо за предложение)))))))
Поделиться862008-10-02 16:59:13
Надо подумать
Давай, давай!!!
Обращайтесь, если еще что-нибудь нужно будет перевести про Джоша...
О, это обязательно!!! У нас админ Everydika наверняка оценит любую помощь, т.к. зачастую появляются новости, которые можно на сайте разместить, а переводить некогда
вы хотели перевести книгу про Джоша, но не до конца перевели, или я че-то путаю...
У Людмилы книга, она сканила...
Поделиться872008-10-02 19:20:28
Обращайтесь, если еще что-нибудь нужно будет перевести про Джоша...
Не сомневайся обратимся)))))))я то точно, не дружу с английским)())
Поделиться882008-10-02 23:14:00
Я слушаю много разной музыки, но Pink Floyd объединились только на одно выступление, такое нельзя пропустить.
о!)) а я была недавно на концерте группы, исполняющей песни Пинк Флоид... проперлась))) скоро пойду на Дип Перпл)) *сорри, лень переключаться на инглиш*
Поэтому пока я не найду следующую настоящую девушку, я как бы и в и вне отношений.
вот какой у нас Джош прелесть! ищет только настоящие, серьезные отношения!
Я вручал награды Оскар, но в то же время вообще не был частью индустрии.
Оскар?! Кому?!
у меня не хватает слов благодарности! спасибо за перевод! нам действительно ОЧЕНЬ и ОЧЕНЬ нужна помощь с переводом, т.к. я просто не успеваю(((( так что буду оч благодарна за помощь. статьи и интервью - это круто! но в первую очередь нужен перевод новостей, чтоб можно было их вешать на Главную... так что если ты не против, буду к тебе обращаться!
Я там раньше изучала темы, вы хотели перевести книгу про Джоша, но не до конца перевели, или я че-то путаю...
книгу хотели... сканы ее я выложила в Галерее (там не все, правда, но страниц 60, кажется, есть). тоже нужно бы перевести... но все-таки новости важнее... с книгой я даж не знаю, когда руки дойдут... но если есть желание и время - только рады!))
Поделиться892009-01-24 12:35:37
Web Access... Josh Hartnett
The star of Wicker Park answers your questions
Thanks for all your Josh Hartnett questions. Read on to see the Wicker Park star's thoughts on life-changing roles, on-set disagreements, avoiding the trappings of Hollywood stardom, and much more. Questions asked by Stella Papamichael...
Q When was the last time you auditioned? Do you still go for screen tests or do you get sent scripts and be able to pick and choose what you want to appear in? Hannah
A I get sent scripts and pick and choose, although there was a movie that I really wanted to do about a year ago that you wouldn't have expected me to be in. I went in and auditioned for it and it didn't work out. Sorry, I can't name the film.
Was there any other job besides acting that you have always wanted to do? Fatima
Yeah, I wanted to be a painter. I like the visual arts.
You've said you love painting in your free time. Who are your favourite painters? Laetitia
Favourite painters - it's almost impossible to answer. I really like Van Gogh and of course I love Picasso and Matisse and all those people, but also Modigliani, Jean Miro and I don't know... Those who are now considered the classic modern artists like this guy Boetti - this Italian guy. I also like a lot of what they call "poor art", or art from Third World countries that doesn't take anything but the very least of means, you know? I like all sorts of artists.
How do you go about resolving creative differences you may have with a director - or actor - during a scene? Sofia
Usually thumb wars [laughs]. No, seriously, you just discuss it. You try and find a way to make everybody happy, and if that's not possible then it's the director's call. I mean, it's the director's medium so the director should have the final say.
What's your opinion on actors having cast or director approval? Elena
Well I think... hmm, it's a good thing [laughs].
What has been your favourite movie role so far, and why? Laura
This movie I just finished called Mozart And The Whale. I got to play this character who's autistic - he has Asperger's syndrome. It's my favourite because it was really challenging and rewarding. You know, when you get to be a part of a world that you otherwise wouldn't have the chance to learn about, it's rewarding. I spent a lot of time with people who suffer with the syndrome.
How much do you see your role in Mozart And The Whale as a responsibility to a community of under-represented people? Kate
I see it as a huge responsibility, but at the same time I only have a responsibility to the character that I'm playing. You cannot play a syndrome, and anyone who thinks you can is sorely mistaken. You play a character and if you know anything about autism, it's that it's a spectrum disorder and there are as many types of people with autism as there are people without. I just had to be true to the character that I was playing, especially because it's real life. It's based on a true story about a real guy, and I had to make sure that I was diagnosable, you know? I had to make sure I didn't deviate from what is considered Asperger's. But yes, it's a huge responsibility.
What would you say to people who reckon you're trying to pull a Rain Man and bag an Oscar for Mozart And The Whale? Jenny
It's nothing like that. It's written by the same guy who wrote Rain Man, but that's because the guy who it's about wrote to Ron Bass saying how much Rain Man meant to him and how, when he saw it, it changed his life because he didn't know he had autism - he thought he was just eccentric. His life was tearing him apart because he couldn't understand why he couldn't relate to someone and he was angry and feeling like he wasn't going to make it much longer. Then when he saw Rain Man it struck a chord with him and he went to a doctor and got diagnosed. Anyway, if people want to say that I'm doing this just to get some sort of award out of the deal, then that's a very, very... quite a cynical view. I already got out of it everything that I wanted to get out of it and I met some of the coolest people that I know through making that film. So whatever.
You've said you want to move away from the heartthrob image. How do you intend to do that? Kate
I don't know if I really said that. If I did, I must have been tired [laughs]. That's not something specifically that I think about. What I always wanted to do was play good roles and different types of roles - I wanted to be a character actor, you know? A lot of people in Hollywood get caught up in playing the same thing over and over again. That's a good way to make a ton of money and become very famous because people tend to like certain actors who feel familiar - someone they can rely on to be portrayed in a certain light. But that's not why I got into acting or into anything that I do. People that I respect are always innovative, and so I try to be innovative.
If you could give advice to all of us who want to make it big in Hollywood, what would it be? Hibba
Keep your head on straight. Be honest with yourself about what you're getting into because it's a really difficult business to break into - don't expect it to happen overnight. But if you really, really, really want it, if it's the only thing you want to do and you must do it, then do it. Go for it. Take the time and put in all the effort you can and focus on the acting first. I mean, it doesn't always work like that, you know what I mean? Certain people out in Hollywood can't act worth a damn but they're very successful because they're just either lucky or have been pushed along by the right people. But you can't count on that happening, so you just have to be yourself and do the work. Most of all, don't let other people tell you what to do. Do it your own way.
Which director would you most like to work with? Anita
I'm going to work with Brian De Palma [on Black Dahlia], so I'm looking forward to that, and also Bruce Robinson [replacing Benicio Del Toro as director of The Rum Diary]. Out of the giant pool of directors out there in the world, I'd love to work with [Rushmore helmer] Wes Anderson.
A lot of actors are expressing their political standpoint on the coming US Presidential election. Are you likely to be making your views known? And do you think it's entirely ethical that someone like yourself could influence young voters? Jocasta
It's entirely ethical because any person with an opinion is allowed to speak. That's the point of democracy. If a person who has influence in a certain realm wasn't allowed to say what they wanted to say, then they are literally taken out of the system of democracy. Our freedom of speech is very necessary. Everybody who's interested knows my views - I'm pretty far left wing. My point about this is that, they're my views and I'm not trying to influence people to vote in any particular way. What I want people to do is look at the issues for themselves and see how each candidate's political agenda would affect their lives. I want people to make their own decisions.
What would be the perfect film role for you? Hannah
I always wanted to play Bob Dylan, just because I love Bob Dylan.
What do you love about acting? Jason
To be able to get outside of myself and just to think about someone else's problems and someone else's life for a change.
Do you feel a lot of pressure being so famous so young? Sharon
I do sometimes but I try not to let it eat me up, you know? I stay away from a lot of the stuff that young actors usually feed off - you know, they try and make a stir with who they date and who they spend their time with, and where they go, and what they're wearing and stuff. I don't live in LA. I live in Minnesota and New York, and my friends aren't famous - they're writers, and musicians, and painters, and schoolteachers and just normal people. I'm surrounded by good people, great people, and I have a great life, so I don't feel the pressure as much as those actors who are basing their entire life on the Hollywood scene.
Have you ever worked on a film that changed your outlook on life? Rini
I think that Mozart And The Whale did. I know that Black Hawk Down did. Spending five months in Morocco in this slum outside of Rabat called Sidi Moussa - that changed my life and my perspective completely. But I have to say that each movie has changed my life for a different reason, but those two are probably the most influential.
How do you deal with criticism? Jason
Well I try not to read the critics. I made the mistake of reading a review of one of my films recently and the guy obviously didn't like me much. I've also made the mistake of reading reviews that are overly flattering and you lose track of what you believe. It's like, "Really? Was I that good? But I know I didn't do this, or think of that, so how could it be that good? Or how could it be that bad?" Of course it's always just one person's opinion but a lot of time critics are driven by emotion and really have no criteria for their criticism - instead they're just going by what they're feeling on any given day. I don't know what to say about critics except that there's obviously a need for them. The problem is they have so much influence.
Поделиться902009-01-24 18:27:43
Web Access... Josh Hartnett
Перечитала, многие ответы показались интересными, решила перевести половину сегодня, завтра продолжу:
Когда ты в последний раз прослушивался на роль?
Мне присылают сценарий, а я просматриваю и выбираю, хотя год назад я очень хотел сняться в таком фильме, которого от меня никто бы не ожидал. Я пошел на прослушивание, но ничего не вышло. Извините, но я не могу сказать название фильма.
Хотел ли ты заниматься чем-то еще помимо актерства?
Да, я хотел быть художником. Мне нравится изобразительное искусство.
Ты говорил, что в свободное время любишь рисовать. Кто твой любимый художник?
Любимые художники – на это почти невозможно ответить. Мне очень нравится Ван Гог и, конечно же, я люблю Пикассо и Матисса, а также похожих на них, еще Модиглиани, Жана Миро и, даже не знаю… Тех, кого сейчас считают классиками современного искусства, например, итальянец Боэтти. Мне также очень нравится так называемое «искусство бедных», искусство из стран Третьего Мира, оно не дорого, но очень содержательно, понимаете? В общем, мне нравятся всякие художники.
Как ты справляешься с разницей во взглядах с режиссерами или другими актерами во время съемок?
Обычно воюем [смеется]. Нет, если серьезно, просто обсуждаем. Стараемся находить решения, которые удовлетворят всех, а если это невозможно, тогда окончательное решение принимает режиссер. То есть, режиссер главный, поэтому последнее слово всегда за ним.
Что ты думаешь о том, что режиссеры «продвигают» некоторых актеров?
В общем, я считаю… хм, что это хорошо [смеется].
Какая из твоих ролей тебе понравилась больше всего и почему?
Я только что закончил съемки в этом фильме – «Моцарт и Кит / Без ума от любви». Мне пришлось играть персонажа, у которого аутизм – синдром Аспергера. Роль любимая, потому что она была действительно вызовом и стоила усилий. Понимаете, когда предоставляется возможность стать частью мира, который вам бы никогда не пришлось узнать, это что-то стоящее. Я провел много времени с людьми, страдающими данным синдромом.
Насколько твоя роль в «Моцарт и Кит / Без ума от любви» является ответственной перед обществом выше представленных людей?
Ответственность огромная, но в то же время я отвечаю только за своего персонажа. Вы не можете играть синдром, а те, кто считают обратно – жестоко ошибаются. Ты играешь персонаж даже если ничего не знаешь про аутизм, просто это насколько широкодиапазонное расстройство и существует настолько много типов людей с аутизмом, насколько и людей без него. Мне просто необходимо было правдиво играть персонажа, особенно из-за того, что это реальность. Фильм построен на правдивой истории о реальном парне, и я должен был быть уверен в том, что мой диагноз узнаваем, понимаете? Мне пришлось удостоверится в том, что я не отклоняюсь от диагноза синдрома Аспергера. И да, это большая ответственность.
Что бы ты сказал тем людям, которые считают, что ты пытаешься повторить успех «Человека дождя» и отхватить Оскар за «Моцарт и Кит / Без ума от любви»?
Ничего подобного. Сценарий написан тем же человеком, что и «Человек дождя», но только потому, что парень, который стал прототипом моего персонажа сказал Рону Бассу о том, насколько для него важен «Человек дождя» и, когда он увидел фильм, изменилась вся его жизнь, потому что до этого он не знал, что страдает аутизмом – он думал, что просто эксцентричен. Его жизнь распадалась по частям, и он не мог понять, почему же он не может построить отношения ни с кем, он злился и чувствовал, что больше не может так жить. Потом он увидел «Человека Дождя», это затронуло его, и он пошел к врачу и получил диагноз. Во всяком случае, если люди хотят говорить, что я занялся этим проектом только ради того, чтобы получить какие-то награды, тогда это просто очень, очень… циничное представление. Я уже получил от него все, что хотел получить, я встретил множество хороших людей благодаря этому фильму. В общем, мне все равно.
Ты говорил, что хочешь избавиться своего образа сердцееда. Как ты собираешься достичь этого?
Не знаю, говорил ли я это. Если да, то я, наверное, был уставшим [смеется]. Это не то, о чем я специально буду думать. Чего мне всегда хотелось, так это играть хорошие роли и различные типы ролей – я хотел быть разноплановым актером, понимаете? Многие в Голливуде поднимаются за счет того, что играют однотипных персонажей снова и снова. Это хороший путь для того, чтобы заработать тонны денег и стать очень известным, так как люди стремятся любить определенных актеров, которые им кажутся знакомыми – кого-то, кто был освещен в определенном свете и на кого можно положиться. Люди, которых я уважаю, всегда вносят инновации, и я стараюсь тоже быть таким.
Если бы ты хотел дать совет тем из нас, кто хочет найти себя в Голливуде, что бы ты сказал?
Будьте на чеку. Будьте честны сами с собой на счет того, из-за чего вы туда стремитесь, потому что это действительно сложный бизнес для прорывов – не надейтесь, что это произойдет быстро. Но если вам очень, очень, очень хочется этого, если это единственное, чем вы хотите заниматься и вы должны это делать, тогда делайте. Стремитесь. Не спешите, задействуйте все свои усилия и сконцентрируйтесь сначала на игре. Я подразумеваю, что это не всегда срабатывает, понимаете? Определенные люди в Голливуде могут играть хуже некуда, но они очень успешны, так как либо им очень везет либо их проталкивают нужные люди. Но вы не можете надеяться, что это случится,
и вам просто нужно быть самими собой и работать. В большинстве случаев не позволяйте другим людям указывать вам, что необходимо делать. Делайте так, как сами считаете нужным.
С каким бы режиссером тебе больше всего хотелось поработать?
Я собираюсь поработать с Брайаном Де Палма [в фильме «Черная орхидея»], и я с нетерпением жду этого, а также Брюсом Робинсоном [заменил Бенисио Дель Торо как режиссера «Ромового дневника»]. Из всего гигантского списка режиссеров со всего света мне бы хотелось поработать с Уэсом Андерсоном [фильм «Академия Рашмор»].