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Penny Dreadful на кинофестивале SXSW/Penny Dreadful at SXSW Film Fest

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valerie написал(а):

На вопросы отвечает!!!!!

Может, будет видео?


Первые отзывы в твиттере:



и еще куча - отзывы положительные! Все хвалят режиссуру и актерскую игру, пишут, что было реально страшно и страшно интересно!!!! Сокрушаются, как теперь ждать второй серии!

Интересно, им таки полностью серию показали? Или все-таки кусок? По времени, так не может быть и целая серия, и еще и на вопросы поотвечать! Жду расшифровку ответов-вопросов!


valerie написал(а):

и еще куча - отзывы положительные! Все хвалят режиссуру и актерскую игру, пишут, что было реально страшно и страшно интересно!!!! Сокрушаются, как теперь ждать второй серии!

Ура! Ура! Ура! Хорошо, что страшно! похвалили!  А ждать будут- с нами)

valerie написал(а):

Интересно, им таки полностью серию показали? Или все-таки кусок? По времени, так не может быть и целая серия, и еще и на вопросы поотвечать! Жду расшифровку ответов-вопросов!

Думаю, что кусок. Серия ведь минут 40, не меньше?



Людмила написал(а):

Думаю, что кусок. Серия ведь минут 40, не меньше?

Если не больше! Минут 50, думаю, должно быть. Так что в час расписания ну никак не вписываются - со вступительным словом и заключительной сессией)))


Уж полночь близится, а видео все нет...

Будет-не будет - вот в чем вопрос  :question:


в хорошем качестве будем ждать от фотоагентств


valerie написал(а):

Уж полночь близится, а видео все нет...

Будет-не будет - вот в чем вопрос

Утро вечера мудренеее, надеюсь, появится) а сейчас любуемся на Джоша  :love:


Людмила написал(а):

сейчас любуемся на Джоша


Отредактировано valerie (2014-03-10 00:54:35)



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Получайте красавца)))


Сегодня как раз  присматривалась в магазине к стульчикам для кормления дите)))
Три фигуры на сцене похожи на только что усаженных и приготовленных к кормлению "младенцев"  :D разве что столиков не хватает)

valerie написал(а):




gall написал(а):

Три фигуры на сцене похожи на только что усаженных и приготовленных к кормлению "младенцев"

Их эти стульчики более-менее в росте уравняли, по-моему - Джош рядом с Байоной просто гигантом смотрится - а сидя, так еще ничего, нет такого комизма ситуации)))

а я бы лично полюбовалась уже на Джоша без бороды, усов и с другой прической! Хочется ямочки на щечках разглядеть - за щетиной не видно!!!!


valerie написал(а):

Их эти стульчики более-менее в росте уравняли

поэтому и борется на стульчике с коленками, не знает, как их пристроить, то так сдвинул, то эдак раздвинул)

valerie написал(а):

Хочется ямочки на щечках разглядеть - за щетиной не видно!!!!

зато Джошу, наверно, с щетиной удобно.
Муж, как с армии ушел, где чистота щек и подбородков обязательна, обожает не бриться. Я по выходным иногда сама его пугаюсь и не узнаю :disappointed:


gall написал(а):

поэтому и борется на стульчике с коленками, не знает, как их пристроить, то так сдвинул, то эдак раздвинул)

Вот, человеку просто неудобно, а мы тут от его поз с ума сходим)))

gall написал(а):

зато Джошу, наверно, с щетиной удобно.

Да. наверное уже не очень удобно - усы вон уже в рот закручиваются))) Кушать явно невкусно))) Интересно, а он как за усами-бородой следит??? причесывает, или там гелем каким смазывает? помнится, в классической литературе это называлось - нафабренными усами...


Появилось первое видеоинтервью с фестиваля!!!  :flag:

Пока сделать субтитры не получается - поэтому, краткое содержание интервью)))

Все то же самое, что мы уже слышали о создателях - идея Джона Логана и .т.д. По словам Джоша, это история 8 классических персонажей книжек ужасов (может, путает что? хотел сказать 8 серий?). И развивается эта история из серии в серию - в общем, получилось 4 полнометражных фильма с общим сюжетом. В начале съемок, которые были очень интенсивными - по 14-16 часов в день! - Джош не мог понять, что движет его героем, какие демоны его обуревают, как персонаж будет себя вести в дальнейшем - но по мере съемок он во всем разобрался, и выражает восхищение Джону Логану - настолько его работа филигранна - не только в выписывании героя Джоша, а и в остальных! Особенно удались, по мнению Джоша, монстры))) Они и монстры, и пытаются вести себя, как люди... Очень интересно, в общем!
На вопрос, пришлось ли актеру обращаться к первоисточникам - книгам - для съемок - Джош ответил, что конечно же, он прочитал "Дракулу"... Но изюминка сериала не просто в том, что на экран перенесли классических персонажей и устроили как бы битву между ними - посмотрим, кто победит! Сериал не об этом - сериал о поисках себя, у всех и всегда есть выбор, мы сами в основном определяем свою судьбу.
Также затронули тему почему Джош решил сняться в сериале - он ответил, а почему бы и нет? (Действительно, глупый вопрос!) Порассуждал о роли современного ТВ, посетовал на то, что актер занятый в сериале, занят этим сериалом по 10 месяцев в году - вот только съемки продлились 5 с половиной месяцев. Но ему все очень понравилось, для него это был своеобразный вызов - он ничего подобного еще не делал.

Вот так, вкратце)))

Конечно, тяжело им - и актерами и создателям - интервью надо давать, а вот рассказывать ничего нельзя! И получается, что перемалывают одно и то же!

Все равно, спасибо за интервью!!!!! Еще давайте!!!!


gall написал(а):

Сегодня как раз  присматривалась в магазине к стульчикам для кормления дите)))
Три фигуры на сцене похожи на только что усаженных и приготовленных к кормлению "младенцев"  :D разве что столиков не хватает)

Кто о чем, а мама о стульчиках для кормления) что только не представишь) с этим деткой

valerie написал(а):

Хочется ямочки на щечках разглядеть - за щетиной не видно!!!!

Может побреется сейчас, самому не надоело?  :confused:

gall написал(а):

зато Джошу, наверно, с щетиной удобно.

Только что бриться не нужно по утрам, а так- какая польза от этого, не понимаю  :'(

valerie написал(а):

Вот, человеку просто неудобно, а мы тут от его поз с ума сходим)))

ППКС! про позы)

valerie написал(а):

Появилось первое видеоинтервью с фестиваля!!!

Спасибо! лучше позже..)))

valerie написал(а):

в общем, получилось 4 полнометражных фильма

Получается две серии- история?

valerie написал(а):

Джош не мог понять, что движет его героем, какие демоны его обуревают, как персонаж будет себя вести в дальнейшем

Им что, не дали прочитать? как так можно?

valerie написал(а):

Особенно удались, по мнению Джоша, монстры))) Они и монстры, и пытаются вести себя, как люди...

Они прячутся среди людей, или?

valerie написал(а):

сериал о поисках себя, у всех и всегда есть выбор, мы сами в основном определяем свою судьбу.

Это очень радует, не хотелось бы пустую, тупую мыльную историю.


valerie написал(а):

Также затронули тему почему Джош решил сняться в сериале - он ответил, а почему бы и нет?

Новому агентству Джоша- респект.

valerie написал(а):

посетовал на то, что актер занятый в сериале, занят этим сериалом по 10 месяцев в году - вот только съемки продлились 5 с половиной месяцев.

По вредничаю. Разве лучше два года дома лежать на диване? Или сниматься в экспериментальных проектах неизвестно кого? Актеров сейчас забывают ещё быстрее, чем во времена Перл Харбора.  Есть потенциал, он щедро одарен лучшими качествами и способностями, получил шанс и не использовать все это- не есть хорошо.

valerie написал(а):

интервью надо давать, а вот рассказывать ничего нельзя!

Ладно, до мая простим. Но уж потом...


valerie написал(а):

И получается, что перемалывают одно и то же!

valerie написал(а):

а вот рассказывать ничего нельзя!

С таким искусством ведения беседы можно и в политики податься

Людмила написал(а):

Разве лучше два года дома лежать на диване? Или сниматься в экспериментальных проектах неизвестно кого?

Это называется поиски самого себя. Все лучше, чем равнодушие к собственному зрителю.

valerie написал(а):

усы вон уже в рот закручиваются)))

нафабривает не в ту сторону


Людмила написал(а):

Получайте красавца)))


valerie написал(а):

Появилось первое видеоинтервью с фестиваля!!!

СтопИЦот лет не слышала голоса Джоша! Прекрасен, даааа!)
Спасибо за краткий перевод!)


Penny Dreadful takes over SXSW 2014. Don't miss the series premiere Sunday, May 11th at 10PM ET/PT.


Еще видео с фестиваля!  :flag:



Интервью  :flag:

SXSW: Why Josh Hartnett Feels His New Showtime Horror Series 'Penny Dreadful' Is 'Like Working in Independent Film'
Josh Hartnett has worked in TV before. Sure, you probably know the actor from such blockbusters as "Blackhawk Down" and "Sin City" or cult favorites like "The Virgin Suicides" and "The Faculty," but the Minnesota native also starred in 16 episodes of ABC's series "Cracker: Mind Over Murder" from 1997-1998. While it wasn't quite his breakout role, Hartnett is hoping for a longer run when he returns to the now very different medium in Showtime's "Penny Dreadful," a dark horror story from writer/creator John Logan and executive producer Sam Mendes. Hartnett flew back from Dublin, where he'd just wrapped on the series, to attend the SXSW premiere of his new show, and afterward sat down to with Indiewire to discuss it.

When you came into "Penny Dreadful," you said you only knew as much as the first two episodes told you about your character, Ethan Chandler. What was it that drew you toward this if not the character?
The people involved. Showtime had offered me a couple of things, so I looked at their scripts and spoke to David Nevins and the rest of the team over there. They seemed to be focused on allowing filmmakers -- I'm going to call them filmmakers because John [Logan] and Juan [Antonio Bayona, the director] have only done films before -- to expand on a world that they wanted to create without too much typical note-giving. I would fear television in which you would try to fit the square peg of this show -- the creative process -- into the round hole of what you knew was going to work for TV.

Since John hadn't done this before, I read the first couple scripts and he told me what was going to happen with Ethan, but he purposefully didn't tell me everything. I knew that he was going to create a vivid context for me to do my work, and that he was going to be allowed to create that world because Showtime was on board with his vision. That's a really happy circumstance for creating something new, and for me as an actor, I like the decisions being made. It's like working in independent film. The decisions that are made on set are decisions that will last, and that's a fantastic feeling. It's not like everything has to be run by a million people before it can be changed just a bit.

It's interesting you say that he told you some things, but "purposefully didn't tell you everything."
Did that help you in your portrayal in the end?

John would say it helped me, but I always like to know. I don't think that any actor would like to feel as though they haven't prepared themselves to give their character the best arc it could have. John held some of what my character was going through because he was still deciding between a couple of things, honestly. He wasn't sure what was going to come across and what wasn't going to come across. It shows interesting foresight on his behalf, being someone who only worked in such finite mediums as film and theater where you have one product. It's a two-hour product and that's it.

In this, he knew there might be some things he'd want to shift -- he did that to a lot of us. Of course, we're chomping at the bit to find out more about our characters' backstories, and he said, "Well, we'll see." Oof. I could kill the man, but in the end it served a purpose in that, for me anyway, I learned to let go of what the character might be going through in the future -- even what the character has gone through in the past -- and focus on what it is he's going through right now. John's words are so idiosyncratic and fulfilling as far as the actual structures of the sentences that it's just fun to say them. That's rare in modern film and TV. You look at some of the speeches that Tim [Dalton] or Harry [Treadaway] have in this first episode and you get a sense of what sort of dialogue you can expect from the rest of the show. It's really unique.

Did you have any concerns about going back to TV rather than doing more movies? Do you see as broad a difference between the two these days?

These days a lot of good work is being done on television, so why not go work in TV? I've never had the fear of any medium that some people have in the past, but -- to be honest -- I've also done quite a few independent films that haven't been seen by many people. It's a lot of work down the drain in a way because when people do see them eventually somewhere down the line on Netflix, they say, "Oh, that's a good film. Why didn't we hear about this?" And you go, "There was no P&A [promotion and advertising] behind it." "Why was there no P&A behind it?" "Well, it was trying to do something a little bit different. It didn't fit into the construct of what the studios were looking for at the time." So this is off the beaten path enough, and it's going to be seen. It's great. You get to work with these people. That's the biggest thing -- I'm excited to have the work that I'm doing seen by masses of people as opposed to having it only be seen eventually down the line when it doesn't make a difference to my career.

Did the brevity of the season -- eight episodes -- appeal to you? Does it give you enough time to pursue other projects?
Definitely. That was a big part of our conversation at the beginning. It would be very difficult for a person like me who is interested in exploring all sorts of different things to do 22 episodes a year of anything. It doesn't matter how good it is. You'd be doing it for eight, nine months a year. You'd just want to sleep the rest of the time.

I've done five-and-a-half months of this. I just finished on Friday. Now, I'm going to go work on a film and then go back and shoot another season. We're hoping it comes back for another year, and we can do another six months in Ireland. What's great about this is the quality is not going to suffer because John's writing the whole thing. How the man finds the time to write this and also go do Bond -- he also wrote the new Bond and now he's back to working on season two of this -- is incredible to me.

So this is the first year of the Episodic section of SXSW. When you first heard you were going to a festival to premiere a TV show, how did that make you feel?

Well, I've done a lot of festivals over the years and it was strange to hear that that's the way things are going. It's one more step in that direction of TV becoming the new film, you know? It's great. It's flattering, and at the same time interesting that you're only viewing a part of the product. So what is it that you write about? Do you write about how intriguing it will be to see the rest of it come forward? When you bring a film to the festival you hope that people say, "Oh, what a fantastic completed project. Everybody go see this." And you want the same effect for the TV show, but you guys only have so much information. I'm more curious as to what you guys think of it.

That's one of the interesting aspects of the festival presentation. You also mentioned that some of your indie work wasn't seen enough. How do you feel about this coming here already with a distributor? You know it's going to be seen as taking screen time away from projects still seeking that shot at a wider audience.
Well, it's a question of the function of film festivals these days. There's been a lot of them over the years I've seen like Sundance, Cannes, and Venice change dramatically the way that they even market new filmmakers -- if they even market new filmmakers. Sundance is so much about the Lab now for new filmmakers, but as far as the films that are being shown it's about films by already well known people with pretty well known people in them. Those are the films that usually get bought by the studios for distribution. So it's about what the marketplace is interested in, really, I think.

It's great to have a festival that's devoted to film entirely. I think there are still quite a few festivals that are devoted to film entirely. But the way people are viewing television and the way people are viewing film these days is changing, and it's not just necessarily about going to the theater and seeing it. The content is becoming content and not necessarily film or TV. Is it interesting content to go see? That's a question I think people are asking themselves when they're creating programs for the festivals like this. So it seems a natural progression to me, but I'm not a programmer. I'm curious to see how the rest of the festivals go.

Did you approach this festival any differently knowing this was a TV show, as opposed to when you went to others as an actor for films?

I never like to watch my own work, but when I watched this -- I've seen it twice now, I watched it with the crew back in Dublin and now with you guys -- I'm more curious about people's reaction to this because in film, you've seen it. There's nothing you can do about it. You can maybe do a little bit of re-editing, but you're not going to go back and reshoot the whole thing. Here, they're still filming. They film this week. I completed early to come here. So you know there's a lot left for people to ingest, so you're judging it in a different way.

It's more nerve-wracking for me to have somebody look at the final product of a film we worked two years on, and there it is and that's all there is to it and you can't change anything and they judge it and that's it. On this, we know people aren't getting the full picture. So are they intrigued? That's really what I want to know, and it seems like people are. That's exciting. I think that we're going to deliver on that. I know the scripts deliver on it. We'll see if our work holds up to that initial intrigue.

This pilot wasn't really a pilot at all, but it still didn't feel like an ordinary first episode. I feel like I had so many more questions coming out of it than I did going in.

Good. I mean, I think that's good because you're working with someone who's only worked in film who's the director. The writer, same thing. Lot of the actors, same thing. We're looking at it like this eight-hour film, in a way. So a lot of the questions will be answered by episode eight, and hopefully we'll have a whole set of new questions for the second season.

What's good about doing what they call serial TV as opposed to the more courtroom dramas or things like that -- this is structured like a film. Bayona, like he said, I don't know how to do it any other way. We're revealing the story bit by bit, but is there a set construct for the show? No. Each episode varies and that's what's fun about it. There are episodes that are just vastly different than the other episodes on the show.

When I first heard about the show, I worried it was going to be more of a procedural.

We're aiming really high, and we hope that we achieve it. We hope that audiences follow us through. That's the fun of doing this show. If it was just something like that, I don't think any of these people would be that interested in being involved. Tim doesn't do much. I choose very carefully. John has obviously made a lot of important work over the last few years, and Juan... they're really great people who hopefully denote this will be something special.




Перевод интервью для ресурса, которое Джош дал на фестивале SXSW в Остине

Джош Хартнетт о сериале "Ужасы по дешевке"

Есть много интересного! Например, Джош рассказал, что скоро приступит к съемкам в новом художественном фильме - интересно, это тот самый проект, о котором он упоминал в своем интервью на радио во время ярмарки в Миннеаполисе? Там он говорил, что будет сниматься с Форрестом Уиттакером - я с тез пор регулярно отслеживаю новости о Форресте, но никаких упоминаний о фильме с Джошем не встречалось пока. Подождем немного, увидим.


valerie написал(а):

Перевод интервью для ресурса, которое Джош дал на фестивале SXSW в Остине

Сейчас почитаю! Спасибо!

valerie написал(а):

Джош рассказал, что скоро приступит к съемкам в новом художественном фильме - интересно, это тот самый проект, о котором он упоминал в своем интервью на радио во время ярмарки в Миннеаполисе?

Неужели есть и хорошие новости в это время?)))
Если скоро приступит, значит ждем новостей!

На радио речь шла о  "Падшем Ангеле" Д.Милтона, приношу отрывок интервью , что переводила valerie :
Отметил, что скоро в прокат выйдут его новые фильмы, а после завершения съемок в сериале его ждет работа с Форестом Уитакером над новым фильмом. В основу положен роман Д.Милтона "Потерянный рай" - и Джошу досталась роль - ЛЮЦИФЕРА - но этот роман адаптирован к современным условиям так сказать - ЮАР времен падения апартеида. У Фореста Уитакера роль Габриэля (? - не уверена, может, это архангел Гавриил, если уж Джош - Люцифер?). Съемки будут проходить в Южной Африке. Ведущие поинтересовались, был ли Джош там - он ответил, что нет. Но ему бы очень хотелось поплавать с акулами, но, поскольку в проект вложена куча денег, то продюсеры поплавать ему не разрешат. Останется просто любоваться пейзажами (и слава Богу, как по мне!).



Спойлеры! Не читайте, если не хотите знать сюжет раньше!

SXSW 2014: PENNY DREADFUL 1.01 Pilot Review
Showtime has gathered up a superb group of actors, directors, and writers to bring to life a new series mixing all kinds of iconic old-school horror creatures in “Penny Dreadful.” The series' name may strike you as odd, but it refers back to old British publications featuring garish horror serial stories that would only cost – you guessed it! – one penny. While this phrase may have originally represented a form of cheap entertainment, but “Penny Dreadful” is no such thing.

Those looking for the dark, the twisted and the macabre, look no further than the pilot to "Penny Dreadful", which features some of the most grizzly sights and sequences I've ever seen on television. This London-based series opens in the late 1800s with a young mother getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night- her only light being the oil lamp in hand- and, while she's got her pants down and goodies exposed, some thing bursts through the wall and kidnaps her. We later find out that there have been other, similar attacks to this one and they usually end in a sea of red paint and intestines. Therein lies the beauty of having this show on a premium channel; you can get as violent or as profane as the story requires, and, as Hartnett simply put it, “You can have the characters say f**k.”

The bulk of "Penny Dreadful" focuses on three investigators trying to prevent the violent and the profane. First is Vanessa (Eva Green), whom we don't learn much about other than she's got some sort of precognitive/fortune-telling abilities, she also knows how to psych out a vampire with just a look, and prays often (and intensely) to keep a horde of spiders at bay. Josh Hartnett plays Ethan Chandler, the lone American of the cast and a sharp-shooter trying to keep memories of his past buried. After being impressed with his iron nerves and shooting skills, Vanessa invites Ethan to join her and Sir Malcolm (Timothy Dalton) in their investigations.

They don't really tell Ethan what that will entail, though. It's smart, as he probably wouldn't have believed them, but it's also kind of a dick move since they quickly end up beneath an opium den fighting tons of vampires, wading through three-inch pools of blood with piles of mangled corpses stacked from floorboards to rafters. The battle against the bloodsuckers is a well-choreographed smackdown, leading me to hope that we'll see plenty more swashbuckling, creature-slaying action in episodes to come.

From there we find that Sir Malcolm's daughter is the woman who was snatched up in the beginning of the episode. He believes that the vampires have kidnapped her, and would "murder the world" to get her back, so he turns to London's most elite – and unhinged – coroner (Harry Treadway) for his expert opinion on the vampire corpses, hoping to find some clue as to their master's whereabouts. Treadway's performance here is intense and nuanced; every moment he's on the screen you can't take your eyes off of him.

There also seems to be something dangerous about this brilliantly dangerous coroner, and, if your spidey-senses were tingling about him early on, they're spot-on, as we find out at the end of the episode that he's none other than Victor Frankenstein, and he's just managed to get his science fair project- animating a creature made of cobbled-together corpses- to work. Since we're seeing Frankenstein and his monster in episode one, those with pennies to spare should bet on "Penny Dreadful" featuring the fearsome visage of Dracula as the leader of the vampires ripping their way through London.

"Penny Dreadful" has a great look, a great setting in 1800s London, and an incredibly strong cast– one with a curiously strong connection to the "James Bond" franchise. John Logan, the writer of Skyfall, created the series, Skyfall's director Sam Mendes produces, Eva Green was the Bond Girl of Casino Royale, and, let's not forget, Timothy Dalton donned Bond's tuxedo not-too-long ago. At the Q&A after the SXSW screening, star Josh Hartnett commented on this saying, “There's a lot of James Bond on this show. I said to someone, 'I think I'm being groomed for the next Bond movie'.”

That could be a possibility, Josh, but if “Penny Dreadful” can keep up the quality seen in the pilot episode, this project's going to keep you busy for many years to come. The only real complaint to be had about this fast-paced, imaginative horror series is that it could probably stand to present more horror without relying so heavily on gore. The sequence at the beginning of the show had some good, creepy stuff to it, but, for the most part, "Penny Dreadful" relies on stacks of blood and bits to horrify rather than being more clever about it.

Still, this impressively-crafted series promises loads of dark adventures involving some of literature's most memorable characters, so if you have an itch to go galumphing through the shadows, make sure to catch "Penny Dreadful" when it premieres May 11, 2014, on Showtime.


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