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Страшные сказки 3-й сезон / Penny Dreadful Season 3

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«Страшные сказки»: новый стилл третьего сезона!   :flag:  :flag:  :flag:

Канал Showtime порадовал нас, поклонников сериала «Страшные сказки» («Penny Dreadful»), новым кадром третьего сезона!

Итан и инспектор Раск с помощником в поезде. Скорее всего, на пути к ранчо отца Итана.


«Страшные сказки»: новости из Испании

За новости большое спасибо valerie!!!


«Ужасы по дешевке»: фото и видео со съемок в Испании

Съемки третьего сезона сериала «Ужасы по дешевке» («Penny Dreadful») подходят к своему логическому завершению в солнечной Альмерии (Испания). Напомню, что съемочная команда работает над 5 и 6 сериями, действие которых разворачивается на родине Итана Чендлера (Толбота) в Техасе (Америка).

Предлагаю вам порцию свежих фотографий съемочной площадки.

Полнолуние в на фоне испанского пустынного пейзажа выглядит особенно зловеще!

Очень любопытные ступени! Без индейцев, чувствую, не обошлось!

Даже пыль в этой местности выглядит особенно кинематографично!

И добро пожаловать в Лас Срусес! Городок с населением 2 462 человека! Скорее бы уже!

За фотографии благодарим испанский ресурс, который также опубликовал видео с места съемок в Форте Браво!

Если верить уже упомянутому ресурсу, то в Альмерии сейчас снимаются не только Джош Хартнетт, Уэс Студи, Дуглас Ходж, Сара Грин и Тимоти Далтон, но и… Ева Грин! Пока ни одной фотографии с Евой в Испании в сеть не просочилось, поэтому ничего более определенного сказать не могу. Но очень хочется верить, что это правда, и встреча главных героев сериала — Ванессы Айвз и Итана Чендлера состоится хотя бы в 5 серии 3 сезона! И да, в интервью испанской прессе режиссер Пако Кабесас снова сказал, что ничего более жестокого и жуткого он еще не снимал!

Вот такие у нас новости на начало февраля. Напомню, что окончание съемок намечено на 12 февраля, а там уже и май не за горами! Всем хорошего настроения и заходите к нам на почаще, надеюсь, новостей скоро будет побольше!


Спасибо valerie за репортаж!


До 1 серии "Страшных сказок" 3 сезона осталось:

83 дня 18 часов 48 минут


Испанский ресурс, опубликовал около 80 фотографий съемочной площадки, посмотрите видео, в конце страницы! Ужасный, ужасный город, этот Лас Срусес, будто мертвый, тягостное впечатление, просто мороз по коже... А ведь это только интерьеры, в сериале все будет полно людей и нелюдей..., не зря режиссер Пако Кабесас  сказал, что ничего более жестокого и жуткого он еще не снимал! 

Предупреждаю- по Ссылке СПОЙЛЕРЫ!


Новый обзор от valerie! [взломанный сайт]

«Ужасы по дешевке»: новые фотографии со съемок+ много!!!

Buenos dias, наши дорогие читатели! Как написал у себя в твиттере исполнительный продюсер Крис Кинг, сегодня, 11 февраля 2016 г — последний съемочный день третьего сезона сериала «Ужасы по дешевке» («Penny Dreadful»). Поэтому, похоже, предлагаю вашему вниманию последний репортаж со съемок.

Уже хорошо знакомый нам ресурс Almeriacine поделился фотографиями декораций.

И вот оно, сообщение от Криса Кинга, что это — последний съемочный день!

Пожелаем команде сериала успешного завершения съемок! Начинается новый этап в работе над третьим сезоном — окончательный монтаж эпизодов. Не менее кропотливая и ответственная работа.

А мы в очередной раз наберемся терпения и будем ждать выхода серий!


«Ужасы по дешевке»: за кулисами третьего сезона. Видеоблог от создателей сериала

Первый взгляд на доктора Виктора Франкенштейна (Гарри Тредэвей) и доктора Джекила (Шазад Латиф) в третьем сезона сериала «Ужасы по дешевке» («Penny Dreadful») в видеоблоге от создателей.



На съемках в Альмерии

Probably shouldn't leave these lying about...who knows who could be creeping around this campfire! ;) #PennyDreadful #SHOonSet #Showtime

How focus pullers work in the desert! ;) #PennyDreadful #SHOonSet #Showtime #behindthescenes #bts #almeria #spain #filming #crew #action


‘Penny Dreadful’ Season 3 Characters, Cast & Premiere: Native American ‘Kaeteney’ Plays Important Role to Vanessa’s Heed to Evil and Sanity

"Penny Dreadful" season 3 left no room in despair as fans are waiting for the season premiere on May 2016. The news of the grim series' approval of the third season's nine episodes highlighted how the show is quickly loved by viewers and how it changed the course of storyline introduced in the British series.
Evidently, "Penny Dreadful's" lineup cast such as Eva Green, Helen MccRory, Billie Piper paved the way in introducing dark and provocative narrative for the characters such as Dorian Gray, Dracula and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Heading on the third season, "Penny Dreadful" is opening its lineup to another character named Kaeteney.

Just before the final days of shooting wrapping up very soon. The luring beauty with intense psychic admonition Vanessa Ives is one of the character regulars that will play along with the newly introduced character "Kaeteney" further along the season. According to Christian Post, "Penny Dreadful" season 3's newest addition is of "Native American" descent who will help play a role in helping out Ives in the series.

Furthermore, the actor who will play the new role is Wes Studi and his character is hinted to have attributions with Timothy Dalton's Sir Malcolm and Ethan Talbot (Josh Hartnett). The outlet also disclosed that Kaeteney along with Dalton and Ethan will heed to Ives' current demonic struggle.

Apart from Studi's character, viewers will now seize the new season with the story facing itself towards Caliban. Caliban is the work of the master evil genius Dr. Frankenstein and was regarded before as the "Creature." According to Korea Portal, this masterpiece of Frankenstein in "Penny Dreadful" season 3 will now embody a new identity using the name of John Clare and he is one of the ensuing force that will convince Frankenstein of not joining in as an ally of Lily.

Watch "Penny Dreadful" season 3 as it hits TV screens on May 1, 2016 on Showtime.



"Страшные сказки": новое промо третьего сезона!

Канал Showtime предлагает нам новое промо третьего сезона сериала «Страшные сказки» («Penny Dreadful»).

Появился и первый официальный постер третьего сезона сериала «Страшные сказки» («Penny Dreadful»)!   :flag:



В инстаграмме выложили это фото, похоже, что со съемок третьего сезона.


О трейлере "Страшных сказок"-3 за неделю.  :flag:

Vanessa Ives and Ethan Chandler accept their darker fates in ‘Penny Dreadful’ Season 3 trailer

Showtime has released the first official trailer for “Penny Dreadful” Season 3 and if fans thought things couldn’t get any darker, they’d be wrong.

Masquer’s cover of Lesley Gore’s “You Don’t Own Me” plays over the hauntingly seductive clip as Vanessa Ives (Eva Green) is shown locked away in a padded cell.

What a way to begin the video which not only finds Ives continuing to battle with her own demonic/witchy issues, but it looks like Ethan Chandler (Josh Hartnett) is beginning to embrace his wolfy side … finally.

So many plot hints are thrown into the mix here. You’ve got Lily (Billie Piper) dancing on a table, Sir Malcolm (Timothy Dalton) attacking some poor sap and John Clare (Rory Kinnear) gets involved in some romantic interlude that’s sure to raise many fans’ eyebrows.

Adding to the horrific goodness of the show, Brian Cox will show up as Jared Talbot (Ethan’s dad), Wes Studi will appear as Sir Malcolm’s new friend, Kaetenay … oh, and Dr. Jekyll (Shazad Latif) will also be thrown into the mix.

The series also stars Reeve Carney as Dorian Gray, Patti LuPone as Dr. Seward and Harry Treadaway as Dr. Victor Frankenstein. “Penny Dreadful” will return for Season 3 on Sunday, May 1 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Showtime.


Новые «сказки» в продолжении популярного сериала

За последнее время сериаломания погладила уже практически всех! Трудно найти человека, который бы не был увлечен хоть одним сериалом, его героями и сюжетом. Мы всегда с нетерпением ждем выхода новых серий, продолжения, кульминаций и развязок любимых историй. Рейтинговый сериал «Страшные сказки» выпускает 3-й сезон, о чем говорит новый трейлер, который уже появился в сети.
Красивые и ужасные

Сериал переносит нас в Англию викторианской эпохи. Красавица Ева Грин радует наш глаз своими необычными нарядами, а Джош Хартнетт – поистине джентльменскими манерами. Но «Страшные сказки» - не просто мелодрама, это история о хорошо знакомых литературных героях. По улицам Лондона спокойно расхаживает Дориан Грей, Франкенштейн, Доктор Джекил и Мистер Хайд — они добавляют сюжету леденящего кровь ужаса и интересных поворотов.
Звездный состав

Главную роль в сериале исполняет Ева Грин, французская актриса прославилась благодаря фильмам «Мечтатели» и «Последняя любовь на Земле». А за роль в «Penny Dreadful» была номинирована на Золотой глобус. Партнером Евы по сериалу является не менее знаменитый Джош Хартнетт, хорошо известный нам по фильмам «Факультет» и «Одержимость».

Новый сезон — новая интрига

Третий сезон, в котором будет 9 серий, расскажет нам новые «сказки». Судя по трейлеру, старые герои не покинут сериал. Джош Хартнетт, Ева Грин и Тимоти Далтон продолжат играть своих героев. Психосексуальный хоррор выйдет на экраны уже 2-го мая 2016 года. Интересно, что на этот раз подготовили режиссеры и сценаристы для своих поклонников.

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Ева Грин и Джош Хартнетт в трейлере третьего сезона сериала "Страшные сказки"

В Сети состоялась премьера трейлера нового сезона хоррор-сериала "Страшные сказки" (Penny Dreadful). "Прими свою темную сторону" - гласит слоган продолжения. В двухминутном видеоролике можно увидеть исполнителей главных ролей Еву Грин, Джоша Хартнетта и Тимоти Далтона.
"Страшные сказки" - готический сериал совместного производства США, Великобритании и Ирландии. Действие происходит в викторианской Англии. Психологический хоррор повествует о страшных персонажах из литературы. Главными героями сериала стали зловещие и ужасные монстры, безумные кровожадные вампиры и прочая нечисть: Ван Хельсинг, Дракула, Франкенштейн и другие.
В роли главного положительного персонажа Итана Чендлера выступил Джош Хартнетт, а главную женскую роль исполнила Ева Грин. Смотрите на YouTube Известно, что новый сезон "Страшных сказок" будет состоять из девяти эпизодов и выйдет на экраны 1 мая 2016 года.


"Страшные сказки": трейлер к 3 сезону

Уже в мае монстры снова выходят на сцену и "Страшные сказки" от канала Showtime покажут всё своё безумие. Посмотрим, сможете ли вы понять, что же все-таки будет происходить, и не забудьте поприветствовать доктора Джекил и мистера Хайда в первом официальном трейлере к третьему сезону (плюс бонусный постер).

Заклиная фанатов сериала открыть свои тёмные стороны, Showtime выложил первый официальный трейлер к третьему сезону "Страшных сказок", в котором мы видим Ванессу (Ева Грин) в психиатрической больнице и уйму новых чудовищ.

Третий сезон представит нам как новых, так и знакомых нам актеров. Пэтти Люпон ("Американская история ужасов") была гостем в предыдущем сезоне, и вернется в сериал на постоянную роль доктора Сьюард, американского терапевта, которая лечит Ванессу нетрадиционным подходом. Уэс Стьюди ("Ад на колёсах", "Миллион способов потерять голову") также станет постоянным актером и сыграет Кутинея, загадочного индейца, который глубоко связан с Итаном (Джош Хартнетт), между прочем, Итан становится союзником сера Малькольма (Тимоти Далтон).

Премьера третьего сезона "Страшных сказок" состоится 1 мая.



«Страшные сказки»: Ванесса Айвз в третьем сезоне

Ресурс E! Online поделился  со своими читателями эксклюзивным видеороликом, в котором Ева Грин рассказывает о том, что ожидает ее героиню, Ванессу Айвз, в третьем сезоне сериала «Ужасы по дешевке» («Penny Dreadful»).


Ева рассказывает, что в начале третьего сезона Ванесса совсем не та, какой мы привыкли ее видеть. Она в отчаянии, она поняла, как сильно любит Итана, а он ее отверг. По совету сэра Лайла она отправляется на прием к доктору Сьюард, а та уже советует ей попытаться начать новую жизнь. И в музее Природоведения Ванесса знакомится с интересным ученым-зоологом.



Супер интервью! Большой респект актеру и интервьюеру !

За перевод спасибо  valerie!

«Ужасы по дешевке»: Уэс Студи рассказывает о своем персонаже

Медиаресурс Indian Country порасспрашивал новичка «Ужасов по дешевке» («Penny Dreadful») Уэса Студи о его роли — индейца Каэтани, близкого Итану Чендлеру — в третьем сезоне сериала.

Текст Винсент Шиллинг.

По словам Уэса Студи, которому довелось воплотить на экране образы бессчетного множества индейцев, его последняя роль – загадочного индейца Каэтани – одна из самых интересных и необычных в его карьере.

Студи говорит, что с самого первого появления на экране, его персонаж привлечет внимание зрителей.

Чем стала для вас работа в сериале Penny Dreadful?

Довольно необычный, но увлекательный опыт. Мой персонаж появится практически в каждой серии сезона, за исключением одной. А в сезоне всего десять серий. Сценарий действительно потрясающий, и очень отличается от всего того, что мне уже доводилось делать – ну, кроме того, что факта, что мне опять пришлось сыграть индейца-апачи (смеется). В общем, давно я не получал такого искреннего удовольствия от съемок.

Похоже, что вашему персонажу доведется переступить эту тонкую грань между вульгарностью и драмой. И тут вы оттянулись по полной.

Да-да, похоже на то. Для меня это стало возможностью покинуть действительность и с головой погрузиться в этот фантастический мир. Я никогда раньше не связывался с вампирами Брэма Стокера, Дорианом Греем, магией и тайнами добра и зла. Мне кажется, что все это сравнимо с Шекспиром. Джон Логан — потрясающий сценарист. Все действительно балансирует на грани фола. Актерам приходится здорово потрудиться, чтобы не выглядеть вульгарно.

Складывается впечатление, что вам предоставили свободу выбора в том, как играть своего персонажа – Каэтани. Это так?

О, да! Я уверен, что когда ты получаешь удовольствие от того, что делаешь, то срастаешься со своим персонажем. И очень волнительно то, что зрителей ждет множество сюрпризов от моего героя.

А еще, этот сериал добавит вам поклонников совершенно иного типа – косплееров, завсегдатаев комик-конов. Вы об этом задумывались?

Я уже заметил это в социальных сетях. Мне доводилось бывать на комик-конах. Это удивительные мероприятия. Должен сказать, что эти фанаты просто фантастические! Дикие и странные.

Можете ли нам сказать, что ждет вашего персонажа? И чтоб без спойлеров!

Могу сказать, что то, как мой герой ворвется в уже оформившуюся семью, и то, что он будет делать, определенно окажется одними из самых запоминающихся моментов сезона. Давайте просто скажем, что все начнется на самой высокой ноте.

Как бы мне этого дождаться…

Что ж, это именно те слова, которые хочется услышать актеру.



Все ждут третий сезон!

Watch: New Trailer For 'Penny Dreadful' Season 3 Walks In Blood

The concept of a show bringing together some of literature's most famous monsters sounded a bit ridiculous on paper. But in execution, Showtime's "Penny Dreadful" has been a big hit, and season three is coming and promising more spooky drama.

The 20 Best TV Shows Of The 2013/2014 Season

Lead stars Josh Hartnett, Timothy Dalton and Eva Green return to the series, and this new trailer prepares viewers for bloody thrills to come. Here's the official synopsis: 

This season on PENNY DREADFUL, Tony® Award-winning star Patti LuPone (American Horror Story), who guest starred last season as the Cut-Wife, returns as a series regular in the new role of Dr. Seward, an American therapist who treats Vanessa (Eva Green) with an unconventional new approach. Wes Studi (Hell On Wheels) joins as a series regular as Kaetenay, an intense, enigmatic Native American with a deep connection to Ethan (Josh Hartnett) who also becomes an ally to Sir Malcolm (Timothy Dalton). The third season also adds Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Henry Jekyll (Shazad Latif). Other guest stars include Screen Actors Guild® Award nominee Christian Camargo (DEXTER®, The Hurt Locker) as Dr. Alexander Sweet, a zoologist who strikes up an unlikely friendship with Vanessa; Sam Barnett (2012, Jupiter Ascending) as Dr. Seward’s mysterious young secretary; and Jessica Barden (The Outcast, Far from the Madding Crowd) as Justine, a young acolyte to Lily (Billie Piper) and Dorian Gray (Reeve Carney), and Perdita Weeks (THE TUDORS), as Catriona Hartdegan, a scholar with expert knowledge of the supernatural. Simon Russell Beale returns as Dr. Ferdinand Lyle. Rory Kinnear (as The Creature) and Harry Treadaway (as Dr. Frankenstein) also star.

"Penny Dreadful" is back on May 1st. Watch below.



Обещают, что Ванесса и Итан воссоединятся в третьем сезоне, вы можете проголосовать, хотите этого, или нет:

The Eye
‘Penny Dreadful’: 3 Reasons Fans Want Vanessa And Ethan To Reunite In Season 3 [POLL]

Showtime recently released a new trailer for "Penny Dreadful" season three and there was one scene that hinted Ethan Chandler would be reunited with Vanessa Ives.

Previously, "Penny Dreadful" revealed that Ethan and Vanessa were in love, but he rejected her offer of staying in England. He then admitted that he was responsible for the Mariner's Inn massacre but instead of being jailed, he was returned to his father in America.

If you love "Penny Dreadful," then check out our list of the reasons why we hope Ethan and Vanessa finally reunite sometime during the third season.

"Penny Dreadful" star Eva Green revealed to E!Online that Vanessa is absolutely crushed by Ethan's rejection and that caused her to go on a downward spiral in the beginning of season three.

The actress added that Sir Ferdinand Lyle finds Vanessa living alone in Sir Malcolm Murray's house and managed to convince her to see a psychiatrist named Dr. Seward.

Thanks to Dr. Seward's advice, Green hinted that Vanessa will manage to pick up the broken pieces of her soul and move forward with her life, even though she's still in love with Ethan.

In "Penny Dreadful" season two, it was revealed that Count Dracula is the brother of the fallen angel Lucifer and they are competing with one another to woo Vanessa, who is the reincarnation of the ancient Egyptian goddess Amunet.

If Amunet is unleashed and Vanessa's soul destroyed, then the two fallen angels will be able to unleash an apocalypse that would wipe out humanity.

However, the prophecy Sir Ferdinand found hinted that "the hound of God" will be able to protect Amunet's reincarnation and it was strongly implied that this person is actually Ethan, since he is a werewolf.

It would be great if Ethan remembered the prophecy and uses it as inspiration to escape America. That way, he would be able to make his way back to England and protect the woman he loves.

Many fans were heartbroken when Ethan rejected Vanessa in the "Penny Dreadful" season two finale and expressed hope that they would reunite in season three.

Given Vanessa's heartbreak and Ethan's smile of joy in the new trailer when he finally sees the woman he loves after so long, it would be a shame to keep this fascinating couple apart for too long.

After all, Vanessa and Ethan work best when they're together and it would be interesting to see them take on Count Dracula as a united front.

"Penny Dreadful" will return on Sunday, May 1, at 10 p.m. ET on Showtime.

"Penny Dreadful" fans, are you looking forward to Vanessa's reunion with Ethan? Vote in our poll below and let us


Знакомый нам уже трейлер к третьему сезону с новой, оригинальной музыкальной композицией. Очень красиво! И вдохновенно!


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Обзор новостей о сериале, или, с миру по нитке...  ;)

12 главных сериалов этой весны
Один из самых наглых, интересных и самонадеянных сериалов кабельного телевидения — своеобразный микс викторианского ужастика и мыльной оперы про нечистую силу — возвращается с третьим сезоном. Ева Грин, Джош Хартнетт и Тимоти Далтон никуда не уходят, а к привычным героям добавятся Доктор Джекилл и Ван Хельсинг. «Страшные сказки» оказываются жуткими ровно настолько, насколько и смешными, — в результате  получается абсолютно самонадеянное и наглое guilty pleasure, снятое настолько хорошо, что любой из готических фильмов последней десятилетки вряд ли сможет с ним потягаться.  :cool:

До официальной премьеры третьего сезона "Страшных сказок" 34 дня, но все надеются, что первую серию покажут на пару недель раньше, как это было в прошлом и позапрошлом году. Напоминаю, что
Название 1 серии 3 сезона #PennyDreadful - День смерти Теннисона ( The Day Tennyson Died)

Доктор Джекил из "Страшных сказок-3", фотограф Anne Laymond, ждем интервью!


Wes Studi в трейлере 3 сезона

Ева Грин и 10 вещей, которые мы бы хотели видеть в сериале "Страшные сказки-3" , публикация на сайте  итальянского GQ :

Eva Green e 10 cose che vorremmo vedere in Penny Dreadful 3
L’affascinante ex bond girl oggi è l’erotica Vanessa Ives nella serie tv uk Penny Dreadful. In arrivo con la terza stagione: ancora più dark e disturbante

A breve vedremo Eva Green nei panni di un’inquietante Mary Poppins  nel film La Casa per Bambini Speciali di Miss Peregrine di Tim Burton, adattamento dell’omonimo romanzo di Ransom Riggs.
L’attrice ha già lavorato con Tim Burton per  Dark Shadows, ma le atmosfere dark e grottesche sembrano donarle un fascino irresistibile. Infatti il suo successo più recente è la serie tv horror  Penny Dreadful, scritta e ideata da John Logan e prodotta da Sam Mendes. Anche il piccolo schermo ha reclamato la presenza magnetica di Eva Green  che qui interpreta la sensuale Vanessa Ives, una donna con una duplice personalità, posseduta da un demone che cerca  disperatamente di tenere sotto controllo. Insieme al padre, interpretato da Timothy Dalton, all’amico licantropo Ethan Chandler (Josh Hartnett) e al giovane dottor Victor Frankenstein combatte le forze oscure presenti nella Londra Vittoriana, imbattendosi in alcuni dei personaggi più terrificanti della letteratura.

La serie targata Showtime ha regalato due stagioni indimenticabili che hanno riscosso un grande successo in tutto il mondo e, pochi giorni fa, è stato pubblicato l’inquietante e disturbante teaser trailer che annuncia la sua terza edizione.

Il finale della seconda stagione ha lasciato aperte alcune questioni importanti (se non lo avete visto vi consigliamo di non andare oltre nella lettura per evitare SPOILER). Di seguito trovate una lista di dieci cose che i fan sperano di poter vedere nell’attesa che Penny Dreadful ricominci con le lotte dei suoi protagonisti contro le forze oscure dell’800 tra  Londra  e il West americano.

1. Sir Malcom e Vanessa di nuovo insieme. Ci sono molti dubbi sul fatto che Sir Malcom resti in Africa dopo aver consegnato il corpo di Sembene ai suoi cari, ma c’è il sospetto che tornerà a Londra come un uomo diverso. Il rapporto padre-figlia che unisce questi due personaggi si è rafforzato nel corso delle prime due stagioni della serie diventando il cuore di Penny Dreadful. Quindi Sir Malcom e Vanessa potrebbero passare molto più tempo insieme sullo schermo nella prossima terza stagione.

2. Lily e Dorian Grey sono diventati due villain pericolosi. Billie Piper nei panni della nuova creatura non morta creata da Victor Frankenstein dopo Calibano si è rivelata una scelta vincente della seconda stagione. Da  mite ragazza alla scoperta del mondo si è trasformata in una padrona manipolatrice, spingendosi sempre di più verso il male. Il modo in cui ha usato la sessualità per manipolare Victor è stato magistrale e la stessa tattica l’ha applicata con Calibano, detto  anche John Clare. Infine, dopo aver mostrato il suo vero volto a Dorian Grey, ha reso anche lui  un assassino. Il nuovo terribile duo potrebbe essere la causa di molti problemi nella terza stagione.

3. Il ritorno di Calibano a Londra. Vanessa Ives l’ ha implorato affinche’ rimanesse, ma lui non poteva, dopo aver ucciso il suo datore di lavoro e aguzzino e sua moglie all’interno del Museo delle Cere.  In cuor suo Calibano è una brava persona  che è stata trattata male nella vita e tradita dal suo creatore Victor Frankenstein. Uno dei momenti più apprezzati della seconda stagione di Penny Dreadful è stato il suo rapporto con la signorina Ives che speriamo di poter esplorare  ulteriormente.

4. Ethan Chandler deve tornare a Londra.  Lo abbiamo visto l’ultima volta nel finale della seconda stagione imprigionato nella stiva di una nave in viaggio per gli Stati Uniti, sua terra natìa, ma è possibile che non resti lì per molto. Non si sa ancora nulla su come possa riuscire a tornare indietro, ma non si esclude una missione di salvataggio guidata da Sir Malcom e Vanessa.

5. Il rapporto tra Vanessa ed Ethan rimarrà platonico? Questi due personaggi sono legati da una buona chimica romantica, ma per vari motivi i loro sentimenti non sono mai sfociati in atti di passione o amore dichiarato. Pertanto anche nella nuova stagione potrebbero restare dei buoni amici, anche se la dinamica che li lega è interessante e richiede di essere esplorata, soprattutto dal momento in cui Vanessa è venuta a conoscenza della vera natura di Ethan, che con la luna piena si trasforma in un feroce licantropo.

6. Lyle, interpretato da Simon Russell Beale. Un personaggio ambiguo che ha dimostrato di essere una delle più grandi sorprese della seconda stagione. E’ stato divertente vederlo flirtare con Ethan Chandler o come protagonista di un doppio gioco per tendere  una trappola a Vanessa e la sua squadra.

7. Un ruolo di Sir Malcolm più intenso. Per molti episodi della seconda stagione Sir Malcolm ha avuto molto da fare,  soprattutto quando si è ritrovato nella condizione di essere un giocattolo nelle mani della strega Evelyn. Si è dovuto scontrare con le allucinazioni della sua famiglia deceduta, con una forte presenza nell’intera stagione. Vista la riuscita del suo personaggio, speriamo di poterlo vedere in azione sempre di più.

8. Hecate sta per tornare.  La strega cattiva figlia di Evelyn era un personaggio così diabolicamente divertente e piacevole che molti fan sperano di ritrovarla nella terza stagione. Ha dimostrato di essere leale solo con  se stessa e ha permesso  che uccidessero la madre senza fare molto per evitarlo. Inoltre ha delle faccende in sospeso con Vanessa ed Ethan.

9. Una serie sempre più dark. La serie Penny Dreadful si svolge per gran parte in luoghi oscuri e tra le strade di una Londra umida, piovosa e buia. Forse per aggiungere un brivido alla storia, o per creare incubi peggiori nella mente dello spettatore. Ma con la nuova terza stagione i produttori hanno promesso che la serie sarà buia in modo assoluto.

10. In arrivo nuovi personaggi.  Pare si aggiungano new entries al cast già solido e collaudato composto da Eva Green, Timothy Dalton, Josh Hartnett, Reeve Carney, Rory Kinnear, Billy Piper ed Harry Treadaway. Per esempio,  Patti LuPone sarà il Dottor John Seward, un terapeuta che cerca di curare Vanessa Ives dai suoi demoni con un metodo nuovo e poco ortodosso. I fan del Dracula di Bram Stoker potrebbero già conoscere questo personaggio, pretendente di Lucy Westernra e  poi diventato cacciatore di vampiri. Shazad Latif invece vestirà i panni del Dr. Jekyll, quindi dovrà esserci anche un Mr. Hyde. Sarà sempre lui o si sceglieranno due attori per i due diversi volti dello stesso uomo? Infine Sam Barnett sarà il segretario del Dottor Seward, Wes Studi, un enigmatico nativo americano con una profonda connessione con Ethan Chandler.



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Ева Грин и 10 вещей, которые мы хотели бы видеть в Пенни Страшной 3
Очаровательная бывшая девушка Бонда сегодня является эротикой Ванесса Айвз в сериале Великобритании Пенни Страшной. Далее с третьего сезона: еще более темным и тревожным

Скоро мы увидим, Ева Грин в роли тревожную Мэри Поппинс в фильме Дом для адаптации детей Miss Peregrine Специального Тима Бертона романа Рэнсома Риггс.
Актриса уже работал с Тимом Бертоном для темных теней, но темные и гротескные атмосферах, кажется, чтобы придать ему неотразимый шарм. На самом деле, его последний успех ужасов сериал Пенни Страшная, написанный и разработанный Джоном Логаном и произведенный Сэма Мендеса. Небольшой экран утверждал, Ева Грин магнитное присутствие, что здесь играет знойную Ванесса Ives, женщина с раздвоением личности, беснуется, который отчаянно пытается держать под контролем. Вместе со своим отцом, которого играет Тимоти Далтон, оборотень друг Этан Чандлер (Джош Хартнетт) и молодой доктор Виктор Франкенштейн борется с темными силами в викторианского Лондона, сталкиваясь с некоторыми из самых страшных героев в литературе.

Номерной знак серии Showtime дал два незабываемых сезона, которые были очень успешны во всем мире и, несколько дней назад была выпущена навязчивый и тревожную тизер, который объявляет третье издание.

Конец второго сезона оставил некоторые важные вопросы открытыми (если вы еще не видели, вы не должны выходить за рамки чтения, чтобы избежать спойлеры). Ниже приведен список из десяти вещей, которые поклонники надеются увидеть во время ожидания Пенни Страшной начала снова с борьбой своих героев против темных сил, 800 между Лондоном и американского Запада.

1. Сэр Малькольм и Ванесса снова вместе. Существует мало сомнений в том, что сэр Малкольм остается в Африке после доставки тела Сембен для его близких, но есть подозрение, что он вернется в Лондон в качестве другого человека. Отношения отца и дочери, которая объединяет эти два символа были укреплены в течение первых двух сезонов сериала становится сердце Пенни Страшной в. Таким образом сэр Малькольм и Ванесса могла проводить больше времени вместе на экране в предстоящем третьем сезоне.

2. Лили и Дориан Грей стали два опасных злодея. Билли Пайпер в роли нового существа нежитью, созданной Виктором Франкенштейном после того, как Калибан оказался победителем второго сезона. От нежной девушки открывают для себя мир, который он превратился в манипулятивный любовницы, всегда толкает больше к злу. То, как он используется сексуальность для манипулирования Виктор мастерским и ту же тактику он применил с Калибана, также сказал Джон Clare. Наконец, после того, как показывает свое истинное лицо к Дориана Грея, он сделал себя убийцей. Новый дуэт страшное может стать причиной многих проблем в третьем сезоне.

3. Возвращение Калибан в Лондоне. Ванесса Айвз л 'умолял так, что "остался, но он не мог, после убийства своего работодателя и мучителя и его жена в музей восковых фигур. В своем сердце Калибан является хорошим человеком, который был плохо обращались в жизни и предали его создателя Виктора Франкенштейна. Одним из наиболее популярных моментов второго сезона Пенни Страшной была его связь с мисс Айвз, что мы надеемся, что для дальнейшего изучения.

4. Этан Чандлер должен вернуться в Лондон. Мы видели это в последний раз в финале второго сезона заключен в тюрьму в трюме корабля, направляющимся в США, его родной земле, но вы не можете остаться там надолго. Мы ничего еще о том, как это может быть в состоянии вернуться не знаю, но не исключает спасательной операции под руководством сэра Малькольма и Ванесса.

5. Отношения между Ванессой и Итана останется платонической? Эти два символа связаны хорошей романтической химии, но по разным причинам их чувства никогда не приводило к актам страсти или любви объявлены. Поэтому, даже в новом сезоне может остаться хорошими друзьями, даже если динамический, который связывает их интересно и необходимо изучить, особенно с того момента, Ванесса стало известно об истинной природе Итана, который с полной луной превращается в свирепый оборотень.

6. Lyle, в ролях: Саймон Рассел Бил. Неоднозначный характер, который оказался одним из самых больших сюрпризов второго сезона. Это было забавно видеть, как он флиртует с Итаном Чандлер или как звезда двойной игры для ловушку к Ванессе и ее команда.

7. Роль сэра Малькольма более интенсивным. Для многих эпизодов второго сезона сэр Малколм имел много общего, особенно, когда он оказался в положении того, чтобы быть игрушкой в ​​руках ведьмы Эвелин. Он должен был прийти к соглашению с галлюцинациями его умершей семьи, с сильным присутствием в течение всего сезона. Учитывая успех его характера, мы надеемся увидеть больше и больше действий.

8. Hecate возвращается. Плохая ведьма дочь Эвелин персонаж так дьявольски весело и приятно, что многие поклонники надеются найти его в третьем сезоне. Он доказал, чтобы быть верным себе и позволил им убить мать, не делая много, чтобы предотвратить это. Кроме того, он имеет незаконченное дело с Ванессой и Этана.

9. Все более темные серии. Dreadful серии Пенни происходит в основном в темных местах и ​​на улицах Лондона влажный, дождливый и темные. Возможно, чтобы добавить острые ощущения к истории, или создать худшие кошмары в сознании зрителя. Но с нового сезона три производители пообещали, что серия будет темным абсолютным способом.

10. Прибытие новых персонажей. Кажется, чтобы добавить новые записи в уже монолитного и проходят состоит из Ева Грин, Тимоти Далтон, Джош Хартнетт, Рив Карни, Рори Киннер, Билли Пайпер и Гарри Treadaway. Например, Патти LuPone будет доктор Джон Сьюард, терапевт, который пытается вылечить Ванесса Ives его демонов с новым методом и неортодоксальные. Поклонники Дракула Брэма Стокера, возможно, уже знаете, этот персонаж, женихом Люси Westernra, а затем стать охотником на вампиров. Шазад Латиф вместо того, чтобы взять на себя роль доктора Джекила, а также будет мистер Хайд. Она всегда будет его или вы будете выбирать двух актеров для двух разных граней одного и того же человека? Наконец Сэм Барнетт будет секретарем доктора Сьюард, Wes Studi, загадочно Индеец с глубокой связи с Итаном Чандлер. 


Интервью с Jonathan McKinstry о съемках
30 .03.2016

Production design of “Penny Dreadful” – interview with Jonathan McKinstry

Some are calling it the golden age of television. In the last decade or so we are seeing an incredible wave of episodic television productions of the highest quality, bringing to life a variety of stories and storytelling talent that explore wider story arcs enabled by the longer format. Showtime’s “Penny Dreadful” is undoubtedly one of these shows, with two amazing seasons under its belt and third season returning to our screens on May 1 this year.

In late 2014 I’ve had the privilege to interview one of show’s cinematographers, Owen McPolin. It gives me great pleasure to welcome Jonathan McKinstry who is responsible for the production design of all three seasons of “Penny Dreadful”. In this interview he talks about his transition to the world of episodic television after having worked on multiple large screen movies, the differences in running an art department between feature and episodic productions, and a deep dive into bringing the wonderfully dark worlds of the Victorian era into our lives.

Kirill: Please tell us about yourself and your path so far.

Jonathan: I’m Jonathan McKinstry, production designer of Penny Dreadful at the moment, just finished working on season 3.

I started around 1982-83 after having done a degree in interior design. I knocked on lots of doors and did a couple of summer jobs working for Granada Television in Manchester, and then knocked on lots of doors with my portfolio in London, managing to get my first job on a film which was “Return to Oz”. Since then I gradually worked my way through the art department as junior draughtsman, draughtsman, assistant art director, art director, supervising art director to, presently, production designer.

Kirill: Those were the days where you didn’t have a lot of digital tools at your disposal, so you’d either build the sets physically or do miniature sets to emulate larger-scale vistas.

Jonathan: Certainly CGI [computer generated imagery] didn’t exist when I started, and it was all foreground miniatures, false perspectives, matte paintings – the technology that the first Star Wars had, really.

Kirill: And that worked pretty well in the world that didn’t have high-resolution digital cameras, in the television world as well as in feature film.

Jonathan: Obviously making dragons fly was much more complicated, so that would become stop motion or some kind of animation or claymation that they used on my first film “Return to Oz”. But now with computers there are so many things that can be done in post-production, and sometimes it’s the easy option for the director or the producers that they don’t have to make a decision upfront and want to fix it later. It’s not always a cheaper option, it depends on how it’s used and when it’s used.

Kirill: As a production designer you don’t usually get to stay into the post-production phase. Does it worry you that you don’t have as much control or influence over the production design side of the final product?

Jonathan: A little bit. People at Showtime have been very good with me and usually involve me via email even if I’m not working on a project. I’ve had a degree of say over what things should look like, and where possible I’ve tried to give input of what things should look like during the shooting process. Obviously there are quite a few months of post-production when I’m not around.

I think that as long as people set off on the right direction, they’re very skilled at what they do. It’s when they are not set on the right direction, when there’s a mismatch between somebody sitting down at a computer on the other side of the world and thinking about what is being physically created.

Kirill: Especially, if I may jump a bit forward, if you’re talking about a world of Penny Dreadful that is rooted in a very physical world of the Victorian era.

Jonathan: There are still quite a lot of visual effects, a lot of cleanups and animated inserts. But in terms of the 3D world beyond the physical set we’ve built a backlot set and anything above 22 feet is digital extensions. I’ve had as much input as I can to try and guide them as to what I thought that should all look like. They’ve sent me reference images of what they were working on for me to approve.

Even if we are a relatively modest TV series with a relatively modest budget, certainly not an HBO budget, we still are trying to manage and achieve some pretty big looks, as big as we can.

Kirill: Especially when giant high-definition TV sets are quite affordable, and you can pause, rewind and rewind again to take a look at a particularly interesting scene.

Jonathan: The days of “made for television” are long gone now. With 65-inch LED high-definition 4K sitting two or three meters away on a sofa they are probably seeing more details than they would on a big screen in Leicester Square. You literally have to treat it as a movie or even better, certainly for the finishes and details of things.

Kirill: How was the transition from feature film to the world of episodic television? Is it more interesting that you have that much more time and space to develop and build out the world for the story?

Jonathan: On a movie you have more money to spend per minute, but what’s great about TV is that you have a bigger and longer story to tell, and actually more sets. That becomes a bit of a logistical nightmare because the scheduling is pretty packed and quite often we have overlapping units for blocks of episodes in an attempt to economize.

Quite often the end of a block of shooting that one director might be doing may have a five or six day crossover period that the next director is shooting his episodes. Some of those days can be frantic with maybe six or seven sets suddenly coming together at the same time.

Kirill: You stay on for the entire season, and you have the show creator and producers, and then you have different teams of directors and cinematographers coming to shoot separate two-episode blocks. They can have their own take on the sets, on how to tell their part of the story from the cinematic point of view.

Jonathan: Absolutely, and quite often we have reconfigurations of lighting for the cinematographer. Obviously each director has their own way of dealing with things. If there are some things that were established previously, then the director more or less has to accept those in terms of the set. Sometimes you modify the lighting, and sometimes you also have new sets that have never been seen before and you try to give the director that works on those sets as much input as possible.

But quite often because they only have four to five weeks of prep for their particular block, there are set and location commitments that I have to have already made. I try and give them as much flexibility within that as possible. Location commitments involve closing roads and other things, and it takes several weeks of advanced planning. So when they come in, and I’m not saying it’s a fait accompli, but they more or less have to ride with how we’re dealing with things. We can just have a small frame of modifications for them within that.

Kirill: If you’re talking about major sets, like the theater in the first season, Dr Frankenstein’s lab in both seasons or the witch mansion in the second one, those are not defined by a particular director. Is that between you, the show creator and the producers?

Jonathan: Mainly yes. John Logan is the showrunner and creator, and he is very hands on, and even more so in the first season. He’s starting to trust me a little bit more now [laughs]. He has the first pass of everything, and then every director comes along and says “wouldn’t it be nice if …”, and certain things get modified if they are achievable within the time and the budget. That’s all great. I’m happy to take it all because everybody wants to feel a part of the creative ensemble.

Kirill: But then you don’t want to create too much difference because I as a viewer see the full season story and not individual episodes.

Jonathan: It’s the general overview that comes in terms of design from myself and collaboration with John Logan the creator.

Kirill: How many months in a year does a season of Penny Dreadful take for you?

Jonathan: The production side of season two ended in March, and the episodes aired from May till July. I’ve had about three months off in between, and started season 3 in June. Initially I’ve worked on some concept ideas from home for a couple of weeks, and then came over to Dublin around July. And then we’ve started to film at the end of August, and it went through early spring.

Kirill: So it would be unrealistic for me as a viewer to ask for more episodes in a season and for you to maintain the same level of production quality.

Jonathan: I don’t think it would be physically possible [laughs]. Or they would need two production designers working in parallel because I don’t think that I could be in quite so many places at once.

Kirill: It seems that the new wave of high-quality episodic television has settled on 8 to 12 episodes per season, which calls for much tighter scripting as well. There’s a story that you tell and no need to add fluff to just pad the episodes.

Jonathan: I think there are productions that are certainly less intensive in terms of preparation. It’s easier to have quite a lot of episodes of a contemporary cop show than on a period drama where everything has to be created. You can’t just go on a street as it is now. You have to prepare it. Any period drama has that much more preparation time and set building. And the horror genre has another aspect that adds another level of creativity to how things look.

Kirill: How much different was it for you to prepare for the first season where everything was new, compared with the second season that has evolved within the existing world?

Jonathan: The second season, funnily enough, wasn’t any easier. The first one was hard because we’d started off in London, and it was all meant to be made in London, but there was no studio space available. It was rapidly becoming obvious that it wasn’t possible, so Karen Richards the line producer suggested Dublin. She’s from here and she’s worked on “The Tudors”.

She asked my for my thoughts and I said yes. There’s a lot of English architecture here that could definitely work. And so without radically changing the shooting schedule, perhaps pushing it back by one or two weeks, we suddenly found ourselves eight to nine weeks down the line and starting all over again. It was a really massive logistic problem of redesigning sets, getting them to fit the stages that were here, some sets that had to be completely redesigned because they had to be based around completely differently-looking locations.

So that was season one that was full of energy, full of fear. We didn’t know John Logan, he didn’t know us, and we tried to get it off the ground. And then season 2 required us to get a big backlot set ready because they didn’t want to shoot so many locations. They wanted it to be more controlled, so we built a backlot set for Soho that also had to serve as a few other places. We’ve had the witches’ mansion for Evelyn Poole and lots of other locations and bits around the studio.

It just felt like another challenging season, really, even though it was doing the same things and we’ve had stock sets on some of the other stages. There are enough challenges to make it feel not that dissimilar to season 1 in a way.

Kirill: And that is also coming from the show creator that doesn’t necessarily want to rehash the same locations for the new story arc in a new season. I noticed that it spends less time in Sir Malcolm’s house if you just compare it to season 1. You’ve added the fantastic witches’ mansion and the rustic village house for the old lady; what is the story behind making that house?

Jonathan: We’ve built the interior on stage, and then we’ve built the exterior on location which was only 10 minutes from the studio. It was just about far enough into the hillside near the coast that it was almost a 360 degree around it, but practical from the point of view of filming and taking equipment to it.

Kirill: What happened to that house? Did you tear it down?

Jonathan: That was gone as soon as we’ve finished.

Kirill: Is it sad for you to see something like that just gone?

Jonathan: Not really. The saddest set to pull down for John Logan was the theater. He loved the theater because he has theater origins. The set was almost a working theater. We built the auditorium and the stage, the gantry levels up above the stage with backdrops that could be flown in and out. You could literally walk all the way through the theater in one go without having to cut. It was based on Wilton’s Theater in London. I had taken John there when we were based in London, and he fell in love with the look of it. But that theater has a really small stage and almost no backstage space, and so when we decided to build it here, we could incorporate all of the extra things that Wilton’s couldn’t have given us. We’ve also built the understage space in a separate area for The Creature to operate all the trapdoor machinery.

Kirill: When you build the sets, do you try to create a complete 360-degree environment for the actors and the crew, even though some of that is not going to be captured on camera?

Jonathan: In most cases yes. In some cases, for budget reasons or if the scene is not big enough to demand it, it may be a three-sided set, but mostly it’s four-sided sets. I try and create something that is appropriate for the character and that also tried to bring the atmosphere of what the story is trying to tell at that point.

Kirill: With digital cameras the cinematographer can shoot for a longer period of time, capturing more of the sets than they’ve used to.

Jonathan: Absolutely. They don’t keep changing the film reel. And the technology is so much more sensitive to contrast and to low lighting levels. Places that would’ve been impossible to film in twenty years ago are good now.

Kirill: And the cameras themselves are smaller so that you don’t need to build artificially larger spaces.

Jonathan: We still build sets with floating walls for practicality so that they can be slightly bigger. But they can operate on locations in tiny spaces and you can still manage to achieve great-looking things.

Kirill: How much different is a set that you’ve built from what we see on the screen after all the editing in post-production? Are you sometimes surprised to see what they did to your work?

Jonathan: Sometimes [laughs]. Sometimes we see less of it than I was hoping. They shoot a lot of stuff and some of it gets edited out. Sometimes they don’t shoot half a set anyway because of a tight schedule where they’re racing through a day. Between building a 360-degree set and maybe them racing through the day to get the scenes that they need to get, maybe they get 80% of the set. By the time it’s gone through editing we get something like 60% of it on screen.

Kirill: It’s a horror show and there are some pretty macabre visuals in the final version. Is it as realistic on set as it is on the screen?

Jonathan: It can be pretty gruesome in some instances, and pretty creepy. Especially when you walk on a set that is on a stage and maybe there are only a few work lights on at the time, and there are all those dolls peering down on you, and the cave is creepy. Definitely people have felt twitchy sometimes.

And then we had a location on season 1 where they’re looking for Sir Malcolm’s daughter behind an old warehouse of an opium den, and there are all the dead bodies where they first encounter the vampire. That felt like a slaughterhouse in there. We had piles and piles of bodies and blood everywhere, and even a prosthetic baby on the floor, but all the crew felt sorry for a dead dog [laughs].

Kirill: How much time did it take you to build the interiors for the witches’ mansion and the wax dungeons where The Creature was employed in season 2? Are we talking about weeks or months of work?

Jonathan: Both, depending on which you’re talking about. Evelyn Poole’s mansion was a complex set that was sculpted, and it was probably around four months to build. It was built on two levels. The opening scene had her lying in a bath of blood humming a tune, and I wanted the camera to wander through the house and then find her upstairs. I thought we needed that image to try and get that first moment of establishing her and her house, so we built the upper floor above the main floor of the set.

The basement of the waxworks where The Creature was working was actually a revamp of the understage of the theater set. It was half there, reconfigured, repainted, waxed up and redressed.

Kirill: Did you make any changes to Dr Frankenstein’s lab between the seasons?

Jonathan: Slightly. We’ve had the birth of Lily who was Brona, and we had to adapt the system, to make it seem like he (Frankenstein) had learned a few things and became slightly more sophisticated about the method of bringing somebody to life. We changed the chair that the first creature was born in into a bathtub, and she was surrounded by amniotic fluids, and the cables went into the sides of the bathtub as opposed to through his head, to sort of spread the shock out. It was as though his learning of how to bring people to life was becoming more sophisticated.

Kirill: Does a set such as this that is featured in multiple season just sits there somewhere on a studio lot, covered with plastic sheets, waiting for you to come back to it the next year?

Jonathan: There is a backlot set, and we have filled all of the stages at the studio apart from the one stage that was the theater in season 1 and Evelyn Poole’s mansion in season 2. Each season’s sets were struck out, and that stage was the only empty stage left at the studio so that it could rent out in between to somebody else. And the rest of the time the company is paying a rental fee to keep the sets on the stages.

Kirill: And if we’re talking about a more administrative level, when do you know that the show has been renewed to another season? Is it in the middle of shooting the current one?

Jonathan: No [laughs]. We’re told to preserve everything, or as much as possible. There was talk of maybe a season 3, and certain level of preparation was being put in place, but there was no official green light until June, I think. The studio sees the ratings when the show is airing, sees if they want to risk another load of money on another season. All those decisions are made back in LA, and when they decide, we get told to go full steam ahead again.

Kirill: As you were going into your third season, and you’ve mentioned that you’re there for nine months out of twelve, does it feel like more or less a permanent job?

Jonathan: It is and it is hard to see my family because I live in Spain. For nine months out of a year I’m a bachelor living for work basically and to pay the bills [laughs].

In a way that’s why I’ve chosen this job. I did three seasons on  “The Borgias”, and as my daughters were growing up, it gave me a certain amount of stability to know that I can pay the bills, and some stability with the time off that I felt was worth to come back to afterwards, to enjoy it instead of thinking when is the next job going to come.

Kirill: It feels like the world of feature film is nowadays divided between gigantic tentpole productions and small indie films, and the middle that has been hollowed out with creative people (both crew and cast) moving to the world of episodic television – to established networks and new players such as Netflix. What are your thoughts on this?

Jonathan: I think it’s probably the future. I worked on many big movies but they can sometimes get out of control. You could probably make a series like “Penny Dreadful” out of the waste of one of those big movies.

I don’t know that big movies have a long-term future, and they all seem to be going the same way. They’re all rapidly becoming Marvel comic video games as opposed to storytelling. I’m not sure that I like the way they’re going. I think that television series with the potential of long-term building of characters and storytelling has got good quality to it and something more interesting to say. Potentially, of course, because there’s a lot of not-so-great stuff out there as well.

irill: That also taps into the business side of things where the studio executives are following the money and the audiences’ attention and where people are spending their evenings. People might not be going to the movie theaters as much, preferring to binge watch high-quality season installments instead.

Jonathan: And also buying a box set and adding that to a collection, watching them afterwards as opposed to just two hour long movie. And with HD television you’re really watching good quality stuff.

Kirill: Does it feel sometimes that you’re wearing two hats, one of the creative artist building the worlds and the other of an accountant that is balancing the budget? Would you want to have all the money in the world?

Jonathan: Yes but then no. It’s more creative to be constrained in a way. It’s easy to spend money. But it’s spending it wisely and trying to create something that feels good for the budget that you have. I know just from having built my own house in Spain over the last few years – when you have a budget, you have a budget. What’s the point of an architect coming up with some fantastic thing that you cannot afford? At the end of the day it has to be appropriate to whatever money you have available.

Kirill: Do you get to enjoy watching “Penny Dreadful” when you were there on each set and saw the shooting and you know what’s happening?

Jonathan: Not in the same way. Horror relies on surprise and tension, and when you know what’s coming, it’s not the same. And obviously I watch and analyze and criticize my own work. I’m not quite as subjective, I’m a lot more objective about it.

Kirill: But then you still get to see the final edited version with all camera switches and music and sound effects.

Jonathan: It’s absolutely great to see it for the first time. The music now is established, and there are different soundtracks for the different parts of an episode. I think music is incredibly important for any project, and there are sometimes films that fail because of poor music that is not appropriate. Music is more important than people think.

Kirill: One of my favorite parts about the show is how it creates the tension not by zooming in on a gory part or loud sound effects, but rather moving the camera away from the action and leaving me as the viewer guessing at what is happening beyond the edge of the frame.

Jonathan: It’s like reading a book or watching “Jaws”. When you don’t see something, your imagination imagines it far worse. Playing with people’s imagination is part of the trick of scaring them, because the moment you see something, it scares some people but it doesn’t scare some others. You never satisfy everybody. But if you don’t show something, everybody can imagine what it is.

I would personally, for example, prefer to have never seen Dorian’s portrait. Had nobody ever seen it, they would’ve always imagined it the worst way they could’ve imagined it, whereas now it may have made some people feel good about it, and may have made other people not so good.

Kirill: As you go into a movie theater or watch something at home on your TV, do you get to enjoy other people’s work? Do you find yourself analyzing the more technical aspects of productions that you haven’t been involved with?

Jonathan: Yes, if the story line is weak and it’s not a particularly great movie, I find myself analyzing and criticizing and not really watching it for the storytelling. If it’s a great story, then like anyone else I get completely lost and then I need to watch it again to analyze it. I love getting completely wrapped up in a great piece of storytelling, and just like anyone else I wouldn’t know what was a set and what was a location, what was real and what wasn’t.

Kirill: I find myself recently migrating away from going to 3D “versions” during the theatrical run. If the story is good and the world is compelling, you’re there. It doesn’t matter that it’s projected on a flat rectangular screen, and I can’t remember liking a movie because it had that forced extra dimension to it. There were a few technical attempts to bring the 3D technology to television sets, but it doesn’t feel that we actually need that to enhance the storytelling.

Jonathan:  “Avatar”, for example, which was the first movie to bring 3D back again, was a very beautiful looking movie. 3D did enhance that world, I think. But for something like “Penny Dreadful” which is horror I don’t think it would help the storytelling in any way at all. It’s only appropriate for certain kinds of movies. In a way, it puts a barrier between you and the screen. It doesn’t actually make the screen come at you which is what it’s meant to do. It puts an additional layer of separation between you and what’s happening.

And here I’d like to thank Jonathan McKinstry for this wonderful opportunity to learn about the production design of “Penny Dreadful”. Season 3 of the show starts on Showtime on Sunday, May 1st.

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Penny Dreadful | Behind the Scenes | Season 3

The Eye
‘Penny Dreadful’ Season 3 Spoilers: Josh Hartnett Hints Sir Malcolm Rescues Ethan

Showtime recently released a new behind-the-scenes featurette for the upcoming third season of "Penny Dreadful" that revealed Sir Malcolm Murray is going to journey to America in order to rescue his friend Ethan Chandler.

Yahoo!TV reported that "Penny Dreadful" star Josh Hartnett hinted Sir Malcolm Murray is going to try and rescue Ethan Chandler before he is executed in America.

"Ethan is being brought back to the states," he explained. "He is going to stand trial and there are multiple people chasing him. We're all being led down this path towards the final showdown."

There was a scene in the featurette that showed Ethan and Sir Malcolm walking side-by-side in London, so there is a good chance that the rescue mission in America is successful.

The preview also gave a quick glimpse of Wes Studi as the enigmatic Kaetenay and it is possible that his character will help Sir Malcolm save Ethan from being executed by his father, Mr. Talbot.

Dread Central added that the new "Penny Dreadful" featurette revealed that Victor Frankenstein is going to team up with Shazad Latif's character Dr. Jekyll.

"Penny Dreadful" star Harry Treadaway hinted that Victor feels incredibly guilty for bringing Brona Croft back to life as Lily, especially since she teamed up with the immortal Dorian Grey and is currently planning to take over the world.

Treadaway pointed out that Victor and his new friend Dr. Jekyll are trying to figure out a way to stop Lily from destroying the human race.

It will be interesting to see if Victor's first creation Caliban, who took the name John Clare in "Penny Dreadful" season two, will return to London and help the two characters fight Lily.

The "Penny Dreadful" season three premiere will air on Sunday, May 1, at 10 p.m. ET on Showtime.

Keep checking back with Fashion&Style for the latest news about "Penny Dreadful" season three.



«Ужасы по дешевке»: остался месяц ожидания!
Автор- valerie
Итак, до выхода на экраны третьего сезона сериала «Ужасы по дешевке» («Penny Dreadful») остался ровно месяц!

Истосковавшиеся фанаты осаждают официальный твиттер сериала, требуя новостей, постеров с героями и полюбившихся видео-блогов. Создатели сжалились и выдали «на гора» то ли фотографию, то ли постер.

Слоган нового постера: «Темнота крадется» («Darkness lurks»). Так и хочется добавить слово «незаметно» =)




Автор- valerie!

«Ужасы по дешевке»: первые официальные кадры третьего сезона

Появились долгожданные официальные стиллы третьего сезона сериала «Ужасы по дешевке» («Penny Dreadful»). Пока не в хронологическом порядке и не в очень хорошем качестве, но на безрыбье и рак — рыба, сами понимаете! Спасибо и на этом! Надеюсь, что в скором времени все кадры упорядочат по сериям. Но мне лично кажется, что большинство этих стиллов из первой серии, которая выйдет на экраны 2 мая 2016 г.

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«Ужасы по дешевке»: названия серий

Наконец-то стали известны названия второй — пятой серий третьего сезона сериала «Ужасы по дешевке» («Penny Dreadful»).

2 серия 3 сезон: «Хищники Далекие и Близкие» («Predators Far and Near»);

3 серия 3 сезон: «Добро и Зло Переплелись» («Good and Evil Braided Be»);

4 серия 3 сезон: «Трава-Лапчатка» («A Blade of Grass»);

5 серия 3 сезон: «Этот Мир — Наш Ад» («This World Is Our Hell»).



"Страшные сказки" - официальный трейлер третьего сезона!    :flag:


Fall into darkness with this new official trailer for Penny Dreadful Season 3 and 47 pics

“It’s too easy to be monsters. Let’s try to be human.” After several teaser trailers, promos and video featurettes, Showtime has finally debuted the first full official trailer for the upcoming third season of Penny Dreadful, along with a massive bunch of new images. Are you ready to fall into darkness?

Slight Spoilers for Penny Dreadful Season 3 Below

If you guys will recall, when last we saw our beloved core group of characters, they were either dead or scattered to the four winds, leaving Vanessa (Golden Globe-nominated Eva Green) alone, vulnerable and a ripe picking for the Lord of Hell.

Season 3 will pick up with former-werewolf-in-London Ethan (Josh Hartnett) back on American soil to face his father (Brian Cox) and Sir Malcolm (Timothy Dalton) in Africa, where he meets Wes Studi's Kaetenay. Dr. Frankenstein is back to his horrific experiments, and this time he’ll have help from Dr. Henry Jekyll (Shazad Latif). The Creature’s (Rory Kinnear) left London in search of peace, while Lily (Billie Piper) and Dorian (Reeve Carney) are really, really up to no good.

New season also says new players, and this year we’ll be introduced to several new intriguing characters. Have a look at the extended synopsis:

This season on “PENNY DREADFUL,” Tony Award-winning star Patti LuPone (“American Horror Story”), who guest starred last season as the Cut-Wife, returns as a series regular in the new role of Dr. Seward, an American therapist who treats Vanessa (Eva Green) with an unconventional new approach. Wes Studi (“Hell on Wheels”) joins as a series regular as Kaetenay, an intense, enigmatic Native American with a deep connection to Ethan (Josh Hartnett) who becomes an ally to Sir Malcolm (Timothy Dalton). The third season also adds Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Henry Jekyll (Shazad Latif).

Other guest stars include Screen Actors Guild Award nominee Christian Camargo (“Dexter,” The Hurt Locker) as Dr. Alexander Sweet, a zoologist who strikes up an unlikely friendship with Vanessa; Sam Barnett (2012, Jupiter Ascending) as Dr. Seward’s mysterious young secretary; Jessica Barden (The Outcast, Far from the Madding Crowd) as Justine, a young acolyte to Lily (Billie Piper) and Dorian Gray (Reeve Carney); and Perdita Weeks (“The Tudors”) as Catriona Hartdegan, a scholar with expert knowledge of the supernatural.

Simon Russell Beale returns as Dr. Ferdinand Lyle. Rory Kinnear (as The Creature) and Harry Treadaway (as Dr. Frankenstein) also star.

Note that the pics in the gallery below are from the first seven episodes of the new season, with the main batch being from the premiere. Take a look, and let us know if you’re looking forward to the return of Penny Dreadful come May 1.



‘Penny Dreadful’ brings the End of Days

The End of Days is coming to Penny Dreadful, and only Vanessa Ives can stop it.

Catriona Hartdegan (Perdita Weeks) gives this bit of news to Ethan Chandler (Josh Hartnett) in the latest trailer for the Showtime series’ upcoming third season, beginning at 10/9c May 1. Being a scholar with expert knowledge of the supernatural, Catriona should know.

She’s one of many new and old characters spreading the message of dread.

“Darkness will soon be upon us,” says Kaetenay (Wes Studi), a Native American who knows Ethan.

“Evil will overcome the earth, and all our days will come to an end,” he says to Sir Malcolm Murray (Timothy Dalton).

The trailer teases tons of horrific scenes: Dr. Frankenstein (Harry Treadaway) injecting a huge needle into someone’s eye; a woman with a mouth gag screaming; a swarm of vampires attacking; people hanging in a meat locker.

And Vanessa in a padded cell. Not sure how she’s going to save the world from there, but OK.

“This creature, he has been hunting me since the dawn of time,” Vanessa says, adding later, “He’s very close.”

And it’s all done to a creepy soundtrack featuring one line from Ursine Vulpine‘s cover of The Flaming Lips’ “Do You Realize.” (Listen to both versions below.)

The series comes from Chicago native John Logan, who interweaves famous characters from classic horror stories with brand new ones for a frightening and fantastic new saga.

The trailer shows other new characters, including Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Henry Jekyll (Shazad Latif), Dr. Alexander Sweet (Christian Camargo), a zoologist who strikes up an unlikely friendship with Vanessa; Dr. Seward’s mysterious young secretary played by Sam Barnett; and Justine (Jessica Barden), a young acolyte to Lily (Billie Piper) and Dorian Gray (Reeve Carney).

Other returning cast members include Simon Russell Beale as Dr. Ferdinand Lyle and Rory Kinnear as The Creature.

I don’t know about you all, but I can’t wait for May Day. Showtime is knocking it out of the park with these trailers. See more “Penny Dreadful” trailers here.





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