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Интересные факты / Interesting facts

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*       В юности Джош писал стихи, возможно именно это натолкнуло его тетю на мысль отдать мальчика в театральную школу.

*       У Джоша существует одна существенная проблема с волосами – как бы он ни причесывался, они торчат в разную сторону. Поэтому в «Девственницах самоубийцах» он предстал с наращенными волосами. По замыслу Софии Кополы роль обольстительного паренька должен был исполнять немного женственный молодой человек, чего с прической «утро в курятнике» трудно добиться.

*      Для съемок Перл-Харбора Джошу пришлось немало потрудиться в спортзале, впрочем как и Эффлеку. Как сказал Джош: «Я был очень худ, а Бен немного мягковат и мы здорово познакомились в спортзале».

*         Также во время съемок Перл-Харбора Джош чуть не попал под падающий самолет, а также их с Эффлеком угораздило оказаться в самом эпицентре взрыва, в результате которого они полдня приходили в себя в врачебном кабинете от взрывной волны. Никаких повреждений не было, единственное они немного оглохли.

*         Джош не понимает того шума, который происходит вокруг его персоны, по его мнению, для того, чтобы тебя любили девушки, нельзя быть настолько худым и высоким(мдаа, жизнь это поправит:)

*        По утверждению журнала «Кинопарк», Джош спас девушку, которая сломала себе плечо – самолично донес на себе(интересное было зрелище:)до города(девушку он встретил гуляя в горах), доставил в больницу и скромно ретировался.

*      Оказывается, Джош не очень любит высоту, эпизода в «40 дней,40 ночей», где он должен был сбежать от очередной девушки, вылезая через окно, могло и не быть. Лишь уверения режиссера и всей съемочной группы подвигли Джоша на 5 секунд жуткого страха.(Как же он в Перл Харбор снимался?)

*      Для того, чтобы Эффлек и Хартнетт почувствовали себя настоящими солдатами, их отправили на недельку в армию, где они познали все прелести солдатской жизни.

Взято отсюда



Music: Jazz, Blues
Color: Blue
Sports: Baseball, Basketball
Clothing: His Blue Knit Cap
Actor: Ethan Hawke, Jimmy Stewart
Actress: Gwyneth Paltrow
Team: St. Paul Saints
Book: "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac
Sitcom: The Dukes of Hazard , Lost in Space

Other Facts

1. Josh auditioned six times for a part in Dawson's Creek but never got it!
2. Josh loves jazz music and calls himself a poet.
3. Josh played football in high school. He tore a ligament in his which forced him to quit.
4. It was Josh's aunt who persuaded him into auditioning for an acting company.
5. Josh has a beauty mark on his neck.
6. In theatre school Josh was kicked out.
7. The tv show Cracker was his first major acting role.
8. He sat on a toilet and talked on a mobile phone in the first scene of Cracker.
9. On the Cracker set Josh surprised a few other as he accidentally parked his car in the director's place!!!
10. He auditioned for The Postman but unfortunately didn't get it.
11. His favourite item of clothing is his blue knit cap.
12. In The Virgin Suicides Josh had to wear hair extensions.
13. Surprisingly Josh is terrified of horror movies.
14. One of josh's well known features is his messy hair!!
15.  He was once an altar boy.


помнится я раньше натыкалась на такие факты, что Джош увлекается (-лся) Достоевским, в частности, "Идиот" его любимое произведение....
надо бы погулять по фан сайтам...


Irresistibilita написал(а):

помнится я раньше натыкалась на такие факты, что Джош увлекается (-лся) Достоевским, в частности, "Идиот" его любимое произведение....

да-да, я такое не раз читала о Джоше  :)


Еще парочка интересных фактов.

Has a tattoo of a maze on his back near his shoulder (ни разу не видела его тату)
Josh wears size 11 shoes (очень очень полезная информация, ггг)


Ну и вдогонку

The very first scene he played on television was on the TV series
He prefers to live in his quiet hometown, St. Paul, Minnesota, than in California with other stars.
He auditioned for parts in both 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU & THE PATRIOT but lost the roles to Heath Ledger.
Was originally cast as Rafe in PEARL HARBOR, but ended up playing Danny instead
Went to Minneapolis South, not Richfield [High School]
When Josh was little, he drew a goatee on his chin with a sharpie.
Once pretended that he had a torn ligament in his right knee so he couldn’t play football that was in high school
His first car was a white Ford Taurus with a maroon driver side door
In high school he worked in a movie store called Mr. Movie.
It was in his knee that he tore the ligament playing football, so his aunt encouraged him to take up acting while recovery.
He was an altar boy.
He went out with Michelle Williams during the filming of the FACULTY.
Fave food is pizza
Fave pizza topping is cheese
Drives a blue Audi
Fave artical of clothing is his blue knit hat
Enjoys oil painting
The ring on his left middle finger has been there for a long time.
It was a wig he was wearing in the movie THE VIRGIN SUICIDES.
Jack Kerouac is his hero. When he was 14, he was reading Jack's book
Has a tattoo of a maze on his back near his shoulder.
Weighs 175 lbs.
His favorite team is the St. Paul Saints
He is terrified of horror movies
Was kicked out of theater school.
In high school, he worked in a video store.
Favorite actors: Jimmy Stewart and Ethan Hawke
Favorite actress: Gwyneth Paltrow
His favorite TV shows are the DUKES OF HAZZARD and LOST IN SPACE.
His favorite sports are basketball, baseball, and hockey
Some of his hobbies are oil painting, bowling, and reading beat writers (especially Lawrence Ferlinghetti)
His favorite types of music are jazz and blues
Some of his favorite singers are Marvin Gaye, Leadbelly, Beastie Boys, and Bob Marley.
Likes blondes most
He smokes but is trying to quit
He likes to hide him self by wearing hats
He has a colony of bats living in his attic and they sometimes fly down from the chimney.
He likes to snowboard but claims he isn't any good.
When he was about 16, he and his friends used to drive fast and spin as many times as they could on the frozen lakes.
He didn't play football but basketball
He would save his guitar and his blue cap in a fire.
Almost died when he stayed in a cabin because of a gas leak.
Is a vegetarian.
His favorite book is On the Road by Jack Kerouac
He hates California, because he loathes Hollywood scenes
He took Kirsten Dunst to her prom, but they are only friends
Was nominated Blockbuster Entertainment Award for Favorite Male Newcomer in 1999 for HALLOWEEN H20: 20 YEARS LATER.
Nominated for Best Male Performance at MTV Movie Awards for PEARL HARBOR (2002)
Nominated for Best Breakthrough Male Performance at MTV Movie Awards for HALLOWEEN H20: 20 YEARS LATER (1999)


Вот мы про него все и знаем! Тонкая натура - любит рисовать, сочиняет стихи да еще и джаз слушает... Но курит, зараза и предпочитатет блондинок :)


предпочитатет блондинок

да, это Джош зря :/ ..в конце концов все в жизни надо попробовать... :D


А у кого-то есть его стихи? Хотя это скорее глупенький вопрос... :-( Я бы их с :-))) почитала!


Не думаю, что Джош выставлял их на всеобщее обозрение :) Стихов нет  :rolleyes:


ха,завидуйте,я блондинка)))))))))


васёна написал(а):

ха,завидуйте,я блондинка)))))))))

Скарлетт Йоханнсон тоже  :D


:D блин,надеюсь она крашенная,а то у мну фся любоффь к моим волосикам пропадёт


Странно конечно,но когда-то давно мне в голову пришла такая мысля:что тем у кого темные волосы,больше нравятся люди со светлыми,а тем у кого светлые наоборот.И тоже самое с цветом глаз:если у парня темные(карие,тем.зеленые),то ему скорее понравится голубоглазка или сероглазка.И как не странно,после этой мысли я стала обращать на этот факт гораздо больше внимания.Чаще всего он подтверждается,но конечно есть и исключения!Вывод:людям нравятся их противоположности! :) Например:Памела Андерсон постоянно выбирает себе в мужья бунтарей и рок-музыкантов(Кид Рок). ^_^


Еще одна причина популярности блондинок-большенство мужчин темно-волосые! :) А это значит,что скорее всего они предпочтут блондинок!Но это не в коем случае не бочка на брюнеток!!!Ведь блондины тоже существуют и по моей концепции:в мире больше темно-волосых мужчин,которые предпочитают светло-волосых женьшин и чудочку меньше светло-волосых мужчин,которые предпочитают темно-волосых женьшин!!! :boast: Ой,фу чета я совсем запарилась!Короче все поровну :D


Server написал(а):

что тем у кого темные волосы,больше нравятся люди со светлыми,а тем у кого светлые наоборот.И тоже самое с цветом глаз:если у парня темные(карие,тем.зеленые)

не знаю, не знаю... мне нравятся брюнеты с карими глазами! (ну, на крайняк с зелеными или голубыми глазами)

а вот закономерность, которую я для себя отметила - младшие братья обычно сходятся с младшими сестрами или старшие братья со старшими сестрами. Ну, в смысле, например, если Джош - старший брат в семье, то и Скарлетт должна быть старшей (во всяком случае, не самой младшей)... :D


"Касса" Джоша (ну, не его состояние имеется ввиду, а размеры бюджетов проэктов, в которых он засветился)


А тут полный список "кассовых" актеров. Джош далек от начала списка  :(



Лучший парень 2002  :heart:


Chosen as one of Teen People Magazine's "21 Hottest Stars Under 21." [1999]

Born in San Francisco but grew up in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Auditioned for Remember the Titans (2000).

Started a production company, Roulette Entertainment, with Elden Henson (Elden Ratliff).

Has three younger siblings: Jessica, Jake, and Joe.

He was caught supposedly robbing a Dairy Queen when he was 16 (he and his friends were actually making a short film).

He went to high school with actress Rachael Leigh Cook.

Was raised for the most part by his father, Daniel, and stepmother, Molly. His mother moved back to San Francisco after divorcing his father.

Josh also attended Cretin-Derham Hall in St. Paul Minnesota before attending South High School.

Josh was in a production of Tom Sawyer, he played the part of Huckleberry Finn.

Recently moved back to Minnesota (March 2002).

Quit football in high school because of an injured left knee.

One of Teen People's 25 Hottest Stars under 25 (2002)

One of People Magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People (2002)

Was scheduled to speak at a political rally in support of Senator Paul Wellstone the weekend the Senator was killed along with 7 others in a plane crash. On October 26th 2002 (the day after the Senator's death), Hartnett appeared at a peace rally in St. Paul, Minnesota and spoke a few words in rememberance.

Was set to star as Clark Kent/Superman in Wolfgang Petersen's Batman vs.Superman, but the project has been delayed until after Brett Ratner's X-Men film.

Is a vegetarian.

Josh is of of Swedish descent

Was voted Bliss magazines 3rd sexiest male.

Shares birthday with Robin Williams.

Dated his childhood sweetheart Ellen Fenster. They had been together for a number of years and about a year ago, they bought a $2.5 million mansion together in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In February 2004 the two decided to go their separate ways.

Was set to play the role of Tino in Deuces Wild (2002) but dropped out when he won the role of Danny Walker in Pearl Harbor (2001). The Tino role eventually went to James Franco.

Was considered for the role of Evan Treborn in The Butterfly Effect (2004).

Director Sofia Coppola directed both Josh and his girlfriend Scarlett Johansson, but not in the same movie. Scarlett was in Coppola's Lost in Translation (2003) and Josh starred in The Virgin Suicides (1999).

Is of Irish ancestry.


Факты о Джоше - вопросы и ответы  :D

Who stars with Josh in 'Halloween H2O'?

All Of These (LL Cool J, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michelle Williams). LL Cool J is the security guard, Jamie Lee Curtis plays his mum and Michelle Williams is his girlfriend.

Who originally persuaded him to audition for an acting company?

His aunt. Josh had already performed on many local stages, including Children's Theater Company, Youth Performance Company and Stepping Stone Theater.

Who does Josh star with in 'The Virgin Suicides'?

Kirsten Dunst. Josh still looks gorgeous in this film but does have long hair in it.

Who co-starred with Josh in 'The Faculty'?

All three. Jordana Brewster plays Delilah, Elijah Wood plays Casey and Famke Janssen plays Miss Burke.

When is Josh Hartnett's birthday?

July 21, 1978. That was the day a star was born!

What was the name of the movie he was in with Kirsten Dunst in 2000?

The Virgin Suicides. I think he looked hot with the preppy uniform look.

What was the name of Josh's character in 'The Faculty'?

Zeke. 'Guaranteed to jack you up!' - The Faculty

What was the name of Josh's character in 'Halloween H2O'?


What was the name of his first 1997 sit-com show?


What is Josh's star sign?

Cancer. He was born July 21, 1978 in St. Paul, MN. The oldest of four children.

What is Josh's middle name?

Daniel. His name is Josh Daniel Hartnett and he is so HOT!

What is Josh's full name?

Joshua Daniel Hartnett.

What is Josh's favourite type of Music?

Jazz and Blues. Other faves include: Food: Pizza. Actress: Gwyneth Paltrow. Sports: Basketball, Baseball and Hockey. Book: On The Road by Jack Kerouac.

What is Josh's favorite sports team?

St. Paul Saints.

What is his favorite food and color?

pizza and blue. We both love the same things!

What are the names of the two male actors that Josh admires the most?

Ethan Hawke and Jimmy Stewart. He also likes Gwyneth Paltrow.

What are the names of Josh's three siblings?

Jessica, Jake and Joe. His parents must have had a thing with the letter 'J'.

What are the names of Josh's characters in 'The Faculty' and 'Pearl Harbor'?

Zeke and Danny.

What are the names of Josh's 3 siblings?

Jessica, Jake and Joe.

In which year did he graduate South High school?

1996. After his graduation he moved to New York City in the hopes of expanding his acting career.

In what year was he born?

1978. His birthdate is 21st July 1978.

In what 2001 movie did Josh play along side Ben Affleck?

Pearl Harbor.

In the movie "O," his character is based on which Shakesphearian play?

Othello. A very talented, down-to-earth actor who I hope does well (and sure he will) in many movies to come. Well that's it! I hope you enjoyed my Josh Hartnett Quiz.

In 2002 he starred in '40 Days and 40 Nights', what did his character have to do for 40 days?

Stay celibate. No sex, no kissing, no self-gratification and he falls in love with the girl of his dreams but is unable to do anything about it!

His first TV role was the ABC drama 'Cracker'. However the show was unsuccessful and later cancelled. His first feature length film followed shortly after, but what was it?

'Halloween: H20'. His perfomance in 'Halloween: H20' won him a nomination at the MTV movie awards for 'Best Breakthrough Performance'.

He modelled for a company with some of his 'Faculty' cast members. Who did he model for?

Tommy Hilfiger. Apparently Josh isn't really bothered by his appearance. When asked about his strange haircut in 'The Faculty' he claimed he had cut it himself and that his stylists gave up on him a long time ago.

"The Faculty": what is the secret ingredient in Zeke's mind-altering substance?

Caffiene Pills. When the gang are at Zeke's house Marybeth picks up a packet and says 'This is your secret ingredient? Caffiene Pills?' and Josh answers 'You didn't see that' and covers them up with a cloth.


Не знала, куда этот "факт" воткнуть, пусть живет здесь.

Интересно, Джош основал продакшн компанию (не знаю точно, когда это было) Roulette Entertainment, и его компаньон Элден Хенсен, с которым он снимался вместе в "О" (и безжалостно замочил парня)  :D


он еще в эффекте бабочки снимался!


Малорик написал(а):

он еще в эффекте бабочки снимался!

а я его помню в классном фильме, где он играл глуповатого парня, и подружился с вундеркиндом неизлечимо больным, носил его на плечах. классный фильм, хоть и печальный...

я не знала, что они с Джошем настролько дружны  :blink:


Интересная статья про Джошку в отношениях с точки зрения астрологии:
The ABCs of Josh Hartnett's Relationships

He is not easily moved by emotional displays and can be curiously detached from his own emotions and those of others. It is almost as if he could turn his feelings on and off at will; Josh should be careful not to leave the switch "off" too often, for he could easily become too impersonal. Family relationships and attachments are not as important to him as they are to most people and Hartnett often considers his friends closer to him than his blood relatives. Certainly, Hartnett's sympathy and concern extends much beyond his immediate family. In his personal relationships, Josh Hartnett insists upon a certain amount of independence and the freedom to pursue friendships with as many people, of both sexes, as he chooses. Josh does not appreciate a jealous, possessive partner.
Josh Hartnett feels comfortable in an atmosphere that is open and experimental, and he has little taste for convention and tradition.
He is emotionally expressive and often dramatizes his feelings, acting them out or blowing them out of proportion. Josh Hartnett cannot hide his instinctive emotional reactions to people or situations, and he does not make any pretenses about his personal sympathies or antipathies.
Josh Hartnett has a childlike openness and playfulness which is very appealing to others, but which sometimes gets him into trouble, as Josh takes risks on impulse or whim.
Josh Hartnett tends to be touchy, defensive and rather territorial, and if he perceives a threat to his family or home or personal safety, he can be quite aggressive. Sometimes Josh feels out of sorts and hostile for no apparent reason, and this is usually due to unexpressed, unresolved anger from the past. Josh Hartnett also has a desire to lead, to compete, or to be a free agent, that he is not entirely conscious of. It is good for Hartnett to have benign outlets and ways to let off steam on a regular basis, such as demanding physical work or athletics. Otherwise Josh Hartnett may be rather hard to live with, even abusive in his relationships.
Although he is impetuous and easily provoked (as mentioned above), Josh Hartnett also has a good-natured, live-and-let-live attitude and a sense of humor, which balances it all out. While hotheaded at times, he is usually a good sport.
He is prone to be overly indulgent, overly permissive, overly generous, and disinclined to budget or diet or set reasonable limits for himself or others. Subconsciously Josh Hartnett feels entitled to bounty, and sees no reason to be deprived. At his worst Hartnett can be greedy but insatiable, and addicted to "the good life". However, if other factors in his chart indicate a capacity for discipline and prudence, there is a positive side to Josh's emotional indulgence - Hartnett tends to be quite charitable and tolerant, freely giving and willing to embrace others despite their shortcomings.
He is very intuitive and has the ability to make the right decisions guided by his inner feelings. Josh Hartnett has a sense of honor and pride and is considerate of others. Others respect Hartnett and are willing to help him, because he does not act out of petty motives.
He is quietly devoted and faithful to his loved ones and often becomes subservient to his love partner. Josh Hartnett is more comfortable showing his love by doing or making something for his loved one, or simply being there for her, rather than by making any romantic, soul-stirring declarations. He is timid about expressing too much sentiment or emotion. Josh Hartnett also underestimates his attractiveness and lovability and doubts his own worthiness of love and appreciation.
Hartnett is a very sociable, congenial person and he wilts very quickly without relationships with good friends and people to share good times with. Josh Hartnett thoroughly enjoys working with others on group projects or community activities. He is quite happy when he is a part of a club, support group, or team of some sort.
He needs a lot of emotional and romantic stimulation, and may not be very interested in having just one mate or love partner. Variety, excitement, spontaneity, and freedom are quite important to Josh, and "settling down" is not that appealing. Josh Hartnett tends to surround himself with unusual, creative, unconventional people that keep his life lively. Music or dancing or both play an important part in Hartnett's life.
Josh Hartnett has a very romantic, idealistic vision of love relationships and may be disillusioned to discover that no real, flesh-and-blood human being ever quite lives up to his dream image of the "perfect love". Though Josh frequently fantasizes about love and romance - he may avoid becoming intimately involved with anyone or making definite commitments. When it comes to love, Hartnett can be evasive and dishonest with himself and others. Some of Hartnett's love yearnings may be expressed through art, music or an involvement with mysticism.
Josh Hartnett has a need to mix with people expressing the same feelings and having the same interests that he has. Josh shares his artistic concerns with others and is likely to join groups or associations that deal with art in some way.
It may be hard for Josh Hartnett to love someone and to express his love for them. There seems to be a wall built up between him and others and he seems very cool to them. His disposition is very reserved and withdrawn, making it difficult for people to approach him.
He is quickly aroused and likes to play with fire. A bit of a Don Juan, Josh Hartnett seeks adventures in love relationships, but tends to be somewhat promiscuous. Hartnett tends to lead a modern way of life; his style of clothes as well as general life style.


Maja написал(а):

He is quietly devoted and faithful to his loved ones

Maja написал(а):

A bit of a Don Juan, Josh Hartnett seeks adventures in love relationships

странное дело... то пишут, что он преданный, а потом - что Дон-Жуан  :blink:


Everydika написал(а):

странное дело... то пишут, что он преданный, а потом - что Дон-Жуан

Заврались уже.Сами не знают, чяво они хочут!!!!!!


Josh Hartnett. St Paul, Minnesota YouthPerformance Company where he first studied acting. School takes pupils between the ages of 14 - 20 years


Josh Hartnett's elementary school "Nativity of our Lord" in St Paul, Minnesota. Teacher Cathy McRae was the first teacher to cast Josh in his first school play KRAZY KAMP


Josh Hartnett's - Mr Movies where Josh worked for $5.50 an hour whilst he was a student in St Paul, Minnesota


Josh Hartnett currently lives in the Penthouse Suite at Calhoun Beach Club Appartments

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