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Девственницы-самоубийцы / The Virgin Suicides

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Ух ты! здорово! а она точно на форуме была?


Кто-то из наших постил...  :huh: В Галерее поищи, там точно есть!


Miaow написал(а):

Кто-то из наших постил...   В Галерее поищи, там точно есть!

Да неважно , просто я не видела раньше , интересная фотка  :cool:


:D тут Джош прям Гамлет с черепом :)


парик - сжечь :D


Leshik написал(а):

парик - сжечь

Согласна на 1000%!!!!  :rofl:


Наконец-то нашла и время и фильм, Посмотрела и обалдела... Фильм РЕАЛЬНО класный... Очень хороший... Я под впечатлением дня два проходила... И самое интересное не от Джошика а ВООБЩЕ от сюжета...
Короче мое мнение ФИЛЬМ СУПЕР [взломанный сайт]


UM-KA написал(а):

Наконец-то нашла и время и фильм, Посмотрела и обалдела... Фильм РЕАЛЬНО класный... Очень хороший... Я под впечатлением дня два проходила... И самое интересное не от Джошика а ВООБЩЕ от сюжета...
Короче мое мнение ФИЛЬМ СУПЕР

заманчиво, я ведь его пака тоже не смотрела)))


UM-KA написал(а):

Наконец-то нашла и время и фильм, Посмотрела и обалдела... Фильм РЕАЛЬНО класный... Очень хороший... Я под впечатлением дня два проходила...

Мне тоже очень фильм понравился, но особенно звуковое сопровождение - все трэки стали любимыми! Хожу, вою себе под нос, создается такое романтическое настроение. А одна из самых ярких сцен для меня в этом фильме - в кино... Ох, как там Джош сыграл...  Как он отводил взгляд, пытался приблизиться, улыбался... А их соприкосновение руками... И его шепот на ушко: "Ю сооу хат"... Э-эх...

soleil написал(а):

заманчиво, я ведь его пака тоже не смотрела)))

Я всем знакомым рекомендую, фильм был любимым еще до того, как понравился Джош, а теперь вдвойне любимый!


tatie написал(а):

А одна из самых ярких сцен для меня в этом фильме - в кино... Ох, как там Джош сыграл...  Как он отводил взгляд, пытался приблизиться, улыбался... А их соприкосновение руками... И его шепот на ушко: "Ю сооу хат"...  Э-эх...

Оооо ДАААаааа!!!!!!!! Эта сценка заслуживает особого внимания.

tatie написал(а):

Я всем знакомым рекомендую

Неговори, я тоже, ток я еще и заставляю некоторых подруг смотреть и бдю на протяжении фильма что б не отвлекались


UM-KA написал(а):

Эта сценка заслуживает особого внимания.

очень нравится как Джош улыбается, после того, как они с Люкс целовались в машине  [взломанный сайт]  фильм очень люблю


tatie написал(а):

Мне тоже очень фильм понравился, но особенно звуковое сопровождение - все трэки стали любимыми! Хожу, вою себе под нос, создается такое романтическое настроение.

у нас на Главной ссылка Download - там есть саунд к фильму :)


Странный фильм .. особенно восприятие Джоша -типа - о да прикольный парень НАПОМИНАЕТ очень Джоша.. но это не Джош... Нет правда смотришь ..доходяга такой прикольный - напоминающий Джоша !! НО все таки не он!
А так.. фильм скачала наконец.. оригинально... НО Джош это что то.. худой ..длинный.. такой.. как не всегда... это не передать :)Я не знаю как об этом написать :) Это когда видишь в ком то знакомые черты и всего лишь ! Вот так и тут ! Может смешно.. НО так и есть!


Galaxy написал(а):

доходяга такой прикольный

почему доходяга? он жеж там из серии "первый парень на деревне"  :D


Everydika написал(а):

почему доходяга? он жеж там из серии "первый парень на деревне"

ну видимо я не так употребила это слово.. я имела в виду длинный и худой :)))
Специально залезла в словарь "изможденный, обессилевший человек или животное" мдя.. пожалуй беру слово обратно !!!! :))


Рецензия с Кинопоиска, от Arbodhy, правда, немного давняя
Затхлость, болезненность, красота

Американская глубинка — место совершенно особое и местами иррациональное. Воспринимая жителей штатов лишь как сугубых прагматиков, можно сделать одну серьезную ошибку, если упустить из виду тьму религиозно фанатичных американцев, принадлежащих к той или иной протестантской секте или преданных католицизму, этаких столпов добродетели нации. Аскетичные, строгие, несущие высокие моральные ценности, словно сошедшие со старых рекламных листовок, мрачные, если не сказать унылые, знающие точно, как не впустить грех в души своих детей и в свои дома, именно им София Коппола посвятила свой дебютный фильм, сразу же войдя в число лучших режиссеров.

Провокативное название «Девственницы-самоубийцы» изначально раскрывает финал фильма и намечает основную проблемную линию: девственность, читай подростковое либидо, юность, пыл, гормоны, запреты, религиозность, традиции, и самоубийство. Таким образом, София Коппола абсолютно честна со зрителем, не пытаясь удержать его интерес непредвиденной развязкой. Вопрос «что будет» может отвлечь зрителя, и дальше сарафанным радио будут передавать лишь горячую подробность фильма дебютантки, дочери Френсиса Форда Копполы, про то, как девочки коллективно повеселись, наглотались выхлопных газов и т. д. Уместен для «Девственниц-самоубийц» вопрос «почему эти девочки так поступили». Рискованный шаг для режиссера, если он боится потерять кассу, однако София Коппола не только отбила бюджет и получила награды, но и создала поистине культовый фильм, разошедшийся на цитаты.

Герметичные, академически срежиссированные «Девственницы-самоубийцы», переполнены атмосферой затхлости и деградации умирающего города, некогда бывшего промышленным центром. Это уловимо по выбранным для фильма краскам и костюмам, плывущей камеры и растекающейся неге, ссохшимся газонам и пенькам от мертвых деревьев. Есть одно емкое слово: нездоровая, как впрочем, и вся картина. Нездорова и семья Лисбон. Поначалу мы видим лишь учителя математики и его жену с пятью детьми, но глядя на детей, сразу доходит, что здесь что-то не так. Сестры Лисбон — пять юных, невинных блондинок, одна, похожая на другую: красивые, в белых платьях, выросшие вместе, ставшие одним целостным организмом, замкнутые на себе, но таящие свою нездоровость под маской детского веселья.

Дверца в тайну семьи Лисбон приоткрывается для города, когда младшая из пяти дочерей пытается совершить самоубийство. А потом еще раз, и наверняка. Но апатия горожан, безучастность, сводиться лишь к простым пересудам. Лишь местная, жадная до сенсаций в этом знойном и скучном месте пресса раздувает целую историю о тенденциях молодежи к самоубийству, привязывая это к отчужденности и подростковому одиночеству. Целостный организм сестер Лисбон, рощица из пяти деревьев, начал постепенно отмирать. Мертвое дерево заразило остальные, и сестры Лисбон лишь репрезентативная выборка из этого места. Заражены здесь буквально все.

Религиозность четы Лисбон, изначально не переходящая границ, становится особо показательной, когда регулярные запреты приводят к бунту у старшей дочери Люкс (блестящей здесь Кирстен Данст). Негласный закон воспитания гласит, что если ограничить у ребенка свободу, ограничить общение с противоположным полом, то это может вылиться как минимум в непристойное поведение, как максимум, в побеги из дома, проституцию, воровство, ну и такие крайние меры, которыми воспользовались героини. Вот же парадокс, псы тщательно, охранявшие невинность, сами стали причиной не просто потери невинности, но и нравственного падения.

Красивый, болезненный дебют Софии Копполы под саундтрек французских электро-романтиков Air стал классикой, настолько, насколько в классической манер он выполнен. Стройный и разыгранный по нотам. Загадочные подводные течения, унесшие жизни пяти героинь, унесли и зрительские симпатии к Софии Копполе.

8 из 10


Актеры фильма "Девственницы-самоубийцы" тогда и сейчас:
Josh Hartnett, Trip Fontaine
Then: Josh Hartnett was irresistible ladies man Trip Fontaine in ‘The Virgin Suicides.’ It was just his third movie, having done ‘Halloween H20: 20 Years Later’ and ‘The Faculty’ the year before. He later starred in ‘Black Hawk Down’ and ‘Pearl Harbor.’

Now: It’s been quiet on the Josh Hartnett front as of late, with his last role being the 2011 ensemble comedy ‘Girl Walks Into A Bar.’ Perhaps he’ll mount a comeback with the upcoming films ‘Singularity’ and ‘Parts Per Billion.’

Остальной каст


"Каждая секунда тянулась, будто вечность, — рассказывал нам Трип, описывая, как сидевшая впереди девушка безо всякой на то причины обернулась к нему и окинула взглядом. Он не мог судить о ее привлекательности, потому что видел только глаза, и ничего более. Ее лицо — сочные губы, светлый пушок на щеках, нос с карамельно-розовыми полупрозрачными ноздрями — осталось где-то на периферии зрения, лишь два голубых глаза своим сиянием подняли Трипа на гребень приливной волны, да так и подвесили в этом беспомощном состоянии".

Джеффри Евгенидес
(и Кирстен Данст в фильме Софии Копполы)


Sana написал(а):

Джеффри Евгенидес
(и Кирстен Данст в фильме Софии Копполы)

Sana, спасибо за цитату ! София Коппола  и Кирстен с Джошем эту сцену воспроизвели в идеальном соответствии, сногсшибательно! Смотришь и очаровываешься сам!

Сейчас не нашла, есть гифка, где Кирстен оборачивается, найду)


Sofia Coppola followed Kirsten Dunst from girlhood to womanhood

Her first movie with Coppola was The Virgin Suicides, which was playing in U.S. theaters the same summer Dunst appeared in the ebullient cheerleading comedy Bring It On.
In Suicides, Dunst plays Lux Lisbon, one of five Lisbon daughters who fascinate the neighborhood boys, who are onscreen characters but are most clearly represented by the disembodied voice of narrator Giovanni Ribisi. Theoretically, Lux is part of an unknowable gaggle, but she emerges almost immediately from the pack—the first shot of the movie is of Dunst alone in the frame, finishing up a popsicle in front of a suburban backdrop. Coppola’s first movie has her recognizable dreamy-melancholy vibe, but it’s more stylistically playful than her other films, so it occasionally cuts away to fantasy close-ups of Lux, subtly matched by one-shots of Dunst in the “real” world that separate her from her older and younger siblings.

Even when the Lisbon girls are shown walking into a room together, Coppola’s camera zeroes in on Dunst. Some of this focus is clearly for plot reasons (and may be even more clear in the Jeffrey Eugenides source material, unread by me), as Lux is the sister who is romanced and then cruelly abandoned, post-sex, on a football field by jocky Trip Fontaine (Josh Hartnett). With the Lisbon girls headed for the same fate, Dunst’s casting as Lux is key; she becomes a sort of figurehead for all five sisters. Given that, she has to convey a lot—especially considering the story isn’t really told from her point of view.


И бонус!  :love:

hivecollectiveReposting @christinagan4 — Fun evening celebrating the re-release of “The Virgin Suicides” from @criterioncollection - the DVD/Blu-Ray features new exclusive interviews from #SofiaCoppola @kirstendunst and #JoshHartnett - Thanks to @thebookmarc and @coppolawine for hosting the party!
documentjournalNearing its 20th anniversary, Sofia Coppola, pictured here on set at just 28, spoke with digital editor Nathan Taylor Pemberton about a new generation discovering The Virgin Suicides. "I was really surprised because when it came out it in 1999 it wasn’t widely released in the U.S. A few years ago, a friend’s teenage daughter told me how much they loved it. This kept happening, more and more girls kept approaching me about the film. It was so surprising because the movie had came out before they were born. I think the film portrays a certain type of girlhood that is universal." Read the full interview on Document Online. #SofiaCoppola #TheVirginSuicides #bookmarc #KirstenDunst #JoshHartnett

“Peach Schnapps. Babes love it.” Trip Fontaine

“The tone of wistful regret and longing doesn’t preclude a good deal of gentle humor. It’s a restrained, subtly suggestive piece which disintegrates if you try to get a fix on it.” Time Out

“A disarmingly poetic – and specifically female – vision of adolescence that it belongs in a category of its own.” Seattle Times

“A surprisingly intricate struggle with absence, grief, and memory.” The New Yorker

In an ordinary suburban house, on a lovely tree-lined street, in the middle of 1970s America, lived the five beautiful, dreamy Lisbon sisters, whose doomed fates indelibly marked the neighborhood boys who to this day continue to obsess over them. A story of love and repression, fantasy and terror, sex and death, memory and longing. It is at its core a mystery story: a heart-rending investigation into the impenetrable, life-altering secrets of American adolescence.

Dir. Sofia Coppola. 107 min. 1999.


How The Virgin Suicides Brought Sofia Coppola and Kirsten Dunst Together
“I wanted to make something beautiful and poetic for girls, because I didn’t see that,” the director explained of her debut, which is joining the Criterion Collection.

f anyone has the potential to make special-edition DVDs cool again, it’s Sofia Coppola. On April 24, Criterion Collection will release the Academy Award winner’s macabre directorial feature debut—a dreamily shot, deeply unsettling meditation on loss, voyeurism, and the enduring mysteries of teenage girlhood, centered on the brief lives of the elusive Lisbon sisters and adapted from Jeffrey Eugenides’s 1993 novel—via a special-edition Blu-ray.

“It’s really thrilling to me,” Coppola said by phone Tuesday afternoon. “I was so excited to be included in their collection, because I love what they do. Obviously, it was my first film, and it didn’t have much of a release at the time and there wasn’t a good DVD of it. So to be able to have a really nice one, with all the content—it’s a thrill.”

Beyond the restored edition of the film itself, the DVD includes new interviews with Coppola, cinematographer Ed Lachman, and Eugenides, actors Kirsten Dunst and Josh Hartnett, and Tavi Gevinson, as well as Lick the Star, a 1998 short film by Coppola that set the tone for the director’s interest in exploring the micro-dramas and heightened emotions of youth.

Coppola says she felt compelled to write her first feature-length script soon after falling in love with Eugenides’s novel. Now, as Criterion essentially enshrines the film as a classic in its own right, she joked that she recently asked the distribution company whether anybody buys DVDs anymore. “And they said, yeah, there is this small niche of people that collect them—like vinyl.”

Coppola remembered the film’s summertime shoot as a family affair. “I have fond memories of that time,” she said. “We had a lot of enthusiasm from the young cast and the crew. I had my brother [Roman] and my husband [Spike Jonze, at the time] helping me. It was definitely scary, but there was so much to do, so we just figured it out.”

The Virgin Suicides also marked the start of Coppola’s ongoing collaboration with a then 16-year-old Kirsten Dunst, a partnership that continued through 2006’s Marie Antoinette and The Beguiled in 2017. “I loved working with Kirsten. I mean, obviously I guess. That’s when we met and had our first connection,” said Coppola. “We just clicked right away, and she knew what I had in mind . . . she was really there for me.” And of course, she added “it was fun to have Josh as Trip Fontaine.”

Post-Virgin Suicides, Coppola would famously go on to write and direct her second feature, Lost in Translation, which would gross $120 million worldwide and win her an Oscar for original screenplay. But Coppola insists that until she made her first film, she did not envision a future as a director, let alone one with the audacity to write a script set in Tokyo and starring Bill Murray. “I was in my twenties, and I was still trying to figure out [what I wanted to do],” she said. “But I really the credit [The Virgin Suicides] for making me a director . . . I feel so grateful to this book and to be able to [have made] this movie. It really started this career that I didn’t quite know that I would follow.”

Another harbinger of her directorial personality is Lick the Star, Coppola’s 16mm, teenage ennui-filled short, released in 1998—a year before The Virgin Suicides. The film, included in the forthcoming DVD, follows a group of seventh-grade girls who plan to poison some boys at school, as inspired by the latest installment on their syllabus, Flowers in the Attic. The film features a cast of relative unknowns, save for Peter Bogdanovich and Zoe Cassavetes as the school principal and P.E. teacher, respectively—plus an early cameo from Coppola’s cousin, Robert Schwartzman.

Lick the Star offers a rare glimpse at Coppola’s fascination with how hierarchy and group dynamics affect young women. “I feel like that time was so dramatic and heightened,” Coppola said. “I don’t know, this thing happened in my junior high [that inspired the film] . . . and then I was talking to my daughter’s middle-school teacher who was telling the sixth graders that in seventh grade, girls are the worst. And I thought, ‘Oh, it’s still the same. Seventh grade is the worst!’”

Since its initial, limited U.S. release, The Virgin Suicides, has become a lightning rod for the young women who connect to its beautifully crafted, psychologically rich depiction of their inner lives. Even today, Coppola’s interest in this subject is sometimes misunderstood—which proves just how pivotal her point of view remains. Coppola remembered speaking at Harvard earlier in the week, where someone asked her a question about why she so often films “‘women lying around, or characters lying around.’”

“I was like, ‘I don’t know, I never thought about it. That’s what teenage girls do. That’s what you do when you’re alone—you lie around and daydream . . . It’s when you really have time to be lost in your interior.’”

Adapting the Lisbon sisters’ story for the screen instilled Coppola with the confidence to call herself a director—and has likely inspired other young women to do the same. “[I wanted] to see my experience, or something I could relate to, or what I was into, in a film, because I didn’t see teenage girls treated in a way that I connected to,” she said. “Except for John Hughes, who I loved. He was the only person who made films about young people that I related to—most movies were kind of cheap for kids, and they didn’t have good cinematography. . . . I wanted to make something beautiful and poetic for girls, because I didn’t see that—so I made something that I wanted to see.”



20 лет фильму!!!
Sofia Coppola and The Virgin Suicides cast reunite to talk 20th anniversary + ВИДЕО! #TheVirginSuicides star Josh Hartnett discusses the film’s iconic aesthetic! Plus, AJ Cook reveals her #CriminalMinds co-star Matthew Gray Gubler’s fanboy status по Ссылке

Sofia Coppola still has Trip Fontaine's wig. It's been 20 years since the writer-director made her dreamy, sun-drenched debut with The Virgin Suicides, adapted from Jeffrey Eugenides' novel about the five doomed Lisbon sisters. Not only did the 2000 film help launch Coppola's career, but it's since become a cultural touchstone, exploring teenage love and tragedy with an unprecedented introspection.

Two decades after the film's premiere, EW gathered Coppola and her cast for an Around the Table video chat, a family reunion of sorts uniting the five sisters — Lux (Kirsten Dunst), Mary (A.J. Cook), Therese (Leslie Hayman), Bonnie (Chelse Swain), and Cecilia (Hanna Hall) — as well as long-haired heartthrob Trip Fontaine (Josh Hartnett) for a look back at The Virgin Suicides' legacy. All agreed that the film made a lasting impact on each of them, one that still lingers in their lives 20 years later — sometimes even literally, as in the case of Trip's wig.

"It's in my storage!" Coppola says.

"I forgot about what a pain in the ass the wig was," Hartnett adds with a laugh.

"It was probably not the best quality wig," Coppola admits. "But it worked."

Coppola — the daughter of directors Eleanor and Francis Ford Coppola — didn't originally plan to follow in her filmmaking family's footsteps, but when she learned that producers were planning to adapt Eugenides' best-selling novel in the late 1990s, she felt so protective over the story that she decided to try to write a script on her own.

"I loved that book, and I heard they were going to make a movie of it, and I hoped that they didn't mess it up — as that happens sometimes with books that you love," she recalls. "I just had an idea of how I thought they should make it into a movie, so I thought I would try to learn how to write a screenplay. I started working on one just as a kind of practice. I thought I would just do a few chapters."

But Coppola couldn't get the Lisbon sisters out of her head, and when she finished writing a full script, she approached the film's producers and asked if they'd consider making her version. The result was a low-budget shoot in Canada, with Toronto standing in for suburban '70s Michigan. Like Eugenides' novel, Coppola's Virgin Suicides explores the lives of the five sisters and their well-intentioned but oppressive parents (James Woods and Kathleen Turner), told through the eyes of the infatuated teenage boys in their neighborhood. But whereas Eugenides treated the Lisbons as unknowable enigmas, whose tragic endings are seen as mysteries to be unraveled, Coppola focused on the sisters' rich inner lives — cryptic and hidden, to be sure, but also devastatingly human.

To play the young blonde sisters, Coppola cast mostly unknowns. At that point, Dunst was the biggest star, having appeared in films like Interview With the Vampire, Little Women, and Jumanji.

"When I read the script, I was a little bit nervous because I was making out with all these guys in the script, and I just was overwhelmed and kind of a young 16-year-old," Dunst admits. "But when I met Sofia, I felt at ease, and I knew that this would be something special."

Once filming began, Coppola tried to imbue her set with a casual, summer camp vibe, and although the shoot was only a few weeks, the young cast hit it off immediately, celebrating birthdays and playing laser tag as a form of Lisbon family bonding. (Woods, they all agree, was the most competitive and took laser tag extremely seriously.)

"I think it helped that you guys were close to that age, and that everyone was close to that age," Coppola says. "That was a pet peeve for me: I never understood why growing up, the teenagers in movies looked [old]. Like in Grease, they're all like in their 30s. They never look like teenagers in our real life or at school. I didn't relate to them very often. I think there's such a huge difference between a 15-year-old and a 20-year-old, and because the story was really about that moment, I wanted to try and capture what that looks and feels like. So it just seems obvious that you'd have actors that are at the same age as the characters."

For the teen heartthrob Trip Fontaine, who pursues the "stone fox" Lux, Coppola cast a young Hartnett. "It was the most calm and inviting arena to do anything," the actor says. "It felt like nothing I'd done before." One of the ways Coppola put her young actors at ease was by playing the film's '70s-inspired soundtrack on set, like when Trip struts through the high school hallway to Heart's "Magic Man."

"I remember being in screenings early on [and] editing, like, Is the movie working?" Coppola remembers. "And as soon as Trip Fontaine makes his entrance, I'm like, okay, the audience is with it. It's going to be okay."

One of the scenes that required perhaps the most coordination was the kiss between Trip and Lux, after she bursts out of the Lisbon house and climbs inside his car. "The lights in the house would go off, and then I'd have to run out," Dunst recalls. "It was such a long-winded thing to get in the car, jump on Josh, his wig would fall off… Then I bit him once, I remember. It was just a mess."

The Virgin Suicides debuted to solid reviews at the Cannes Film Festival in 1999, with critics praising Coppola's hazy aesthetic and insightful look at teenage girlhood. But the film barely made a blip at the box office, and it wasn't until years later that the director and cast realized that it had continued to resonate.

"I think the dreamy aspect of it and the way that Sofia filmed it, it really struck a deep chord in people's psyches," Hall says. "When people who are our age and our generation talk about it, and when younger people talk about it, it's a very defining film for them."

And teenage girls weren't the only ones watching: Cook remembers that when she joined the cast of Criminal Minds in 2005, all her costar Matthew Gray Gubler wanted to talk about was her role as a member of the Lisbon family.

"He's obsessed with this movie, and he fangirled so hard over The Virgin Suicides," she says with a laugh. "He was like, oh my gosh! Mary's joining our cast!"

Now, 20 years on, The Virgin Suicides has cemented its place as a teenage classic, getting a Criterion Collection release in 2018 and continuing to introduce new audiences to the tragedy of the Lisbons.

"The fact that it's been over 20 years is just mind-blowing," Cook says. "Virgin Suicides is that experience that I keep finding myself chasing, you know? It was this amazing experience that was so collective and such a learning experience for me."

"I think it was the beginning of me finding confidence as an adult," says Hartnett. "Everything's changed since then. It's been almost 22 years since we shot it. That's so many lifetimes; it's absolutely insane. It was a transformative experience for me, and I've always said if anyone cares to ask, it's probably my favorite filming experience."

"To be part of a movie that would be my favorite movie during that age…" Dunst adds. "You couldn't ask for more."

Watch the full Around the Table video above.


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