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Как Джош отмечал день Св. Валентина / Josh's St. Valentine's Day

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i hate valentine's day - i really do. even when i'm in 'love' or 'like' or 'lust' - i really don't feel the need for this hallmark holiday. i mean after all - why do i need a specific day to tell the one i admire that i really do admire them? it's the unexpected day you show up with flowers, candy, bmw, or a baby from malawi that should mean more than that faithful day in february - that's so predictable.

so - as i have done for many years - on february 14th i gathered with other single and slightly bitter people (marcos, amy, and ryan - and new additions - jim and travis) to have our 'anti-vd party' - i mean who better to spend this dreadful 'holiday' with than with the people i truly love! this year - we assembled at gym bar for a little happy hour 2-4-1 drinks. i do love me some gym bar - so 'sporty' - lol.

once we all had assembled and got our drink on - we headed over to our dining destination - croxley's - over on avenue b in the east village. it was packed! evidently the rest of the bitter single people also showed up to feast on dime wings and great beer. our party of 6 had to wait just a few minutes for our table. we grabbed a drink.

the hostess sat us in the back - not the typical place we usually sit (we like the front area in the casual church pews - but we were getting a table and that's what really matters.) we sit down - order another round plus 4 plates of their dime wings, carrots and celery, blue cheese, and fries and got to gabbing on about this and that. i look over to the people to the left and sitting at the table next to us in a goofy hat with goofy glasses was someone who looked very 'incognito.' i lean over to my friends and in the best subtle way ever - i motioned to them to help me figure out who it was diving into nachos and wings just one table away.

turned out - it was hollywood heartthrob - josh hartnett. awww - desperate and dateless like the rest of us - there was josh grubbing down on some wings with his guy-friend. we were all happy to know that even hollywood hunks dine dateless on the dreadful valentine's day. i guess now that his once beloved - scarlett johansson - was now dating justin timberlake - he too was having to drown his inner-fat-girl with wings and wallow in love loss and misery - or so we thought.

minutes later - in bound 2 more of our friends (andy and casey.) see - they had valentine's day plans of their own that night. being bffs and roommates - they took it upon themselves to make reservations at white castle. evidently casey had found that white castle had a valentine's day special where you could reserve a table and have a waiter serve you sliders and soda complete with table cloth, candle and rose (i sooo know what i'm doing next year for sure!) - so they joined us late. now our party of 6 had grown to 8 - and the only 'space' left was in between josh and amy - so down they sat.

suddenly - behind me - there was a stir and a small group of people (2 blondes and the 2 hostesses) were behind me trying to get josh's attention. evidently the one blonde was supposed to meet up with the hollywood heartthrob. the hostess was trying to block said blonde from entering the dining area. this blonde was none other than u.s. open champion - maria sharapova. evidently miss sharapova was denied access to the restaurant because she lacked identification. so miss sharapova pushed into the dining area to collect mr. hartnett (who was in the process of paying for his and his guy-pal's unfinished nachos and wings) and bolted for the door.

so what would anyone do at this point - why - snag his table for the 2 extra friends and eat his leftover nachos - just kidding - or am i? humm...

i guess the real question is - are these 2 celebrities knocking boots or are they just good friends. evidently mr. hartnett really has it bad for the blondes. too bad i didn't get to snap a pic of her - but oh well - at least the pic of josh chowing down like a big dog will forever live on this very respectable blog - lol.

from the brain of jonathan::jdubya::jnova::j at 11:02 AM   

tags: celebrity, food, friends, gay, love, movie, music, sports

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Интересно как он празновал это день святого валентина?


Наталка написал(а):

Интересно как он празновал это день святого валентина?

очень интересно....кого обнимал и целовал Джош в день влюблённых????????? не может же здоровый, гетеросексуальный мужчина обходиться без секса и душевной привязанности?????столько времени!!!!!!! Я не говорю о сердечной привязанности и любви!!!все последние приписываемые Джошу "душечки" не тянут на такую роль


Людмила написал(а):

все последние приписываемые Джошу "душечки" не тянут на такую роль

Кроме Крыстинсихи... ой, извеняюсь, Хелены!  :tongue: Хотя, вряд ли её можно душечкой назвать! :D


Josh Hartnett
Brooklyn Masonic Temple, Brooklyn, NY
Hartnett spent Valentine’s Day at the Band of Horses show at the Brooklyn venue.
Ссылка : … ndie-rock/


Людмила написал(а):

Brooklyn Masonic Temple

Ну вот, нате-пожалуйте. Джош повел день св. Валентина в масонском храме?????? Яушоке. Он что, записался в масоны?! Это многое объяснило бы, но надеюсь, что до этого не дошло...  :weird:


Miaow написал(а):

Джош повел день св. Валентина в масонском храме??????

Бедненький...  :cry: Докатился...  :cry: Кризис у мальчика, а пожалеть некому! Нет достойной девушки рядом!!!  :cry:  :cry:


=)) это в Бруклине такое здание, и там концертный зал))
Он там был на шоу группы Band Of Horses


Аааа! Вон оно как. Ну, тогда ладно, концерты ещё никому не вредили  :D


Miaow написал(а):

Аааа! Вон оно как. Ну, тогда ладно, концерты ещё никому не вредили
вечер не пропал...

Вы здесь » Josh Hartnett Forum » Новости. News » Как Джош отмечал день Св. Валентина / Josh's St. Valentine's Day