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Открылся фестиваль Sundance 2008 / Sundance : Opening Night 2008

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Роберт Редфорд открыл Sundance, в том числе и для дочери
В четверг, 17 января, Роберт Редфорд поднялся на сцену кинотеатра Eccles Theatre в городе Парк Сити, штат Юта, и 24-й фестиваль независимого кино Sundance — крупнейший и ярчайший киносмотр такого рода — был официально открыт.

В приветствии собравшимся зрителям — гостям, журналистам и особенно кинематографистам — Редфорд сказал, что его очень радуют новые имена среди фестивальных картин и что их с каждым годом становится все больше. Среди 50-ти новичков этого года — и режиссер фильма, открывшего Sundance. В первый день была показана дебютная работа англичанина Мартина МакДонаха «Однажды в Брюгге». Звезды этой гангстерской комедии Брендан Глисон и Колин Фаррелл посетили премьеру на премьере и получили свою дозу оваций в финале.

Днем раньше, на пресс-конференции по поводу открытия фестиваля, Роберт Редфорд заявил, что нынешнее количество молодых фильммейкеров напомнило ему дни бэби-бума: «Им не нужно никакого наследия. Они хотят творить что-то новое. И это прекрасно!». Что же касается попытки журналистов «подколоть» героя вечера на тему участия в фестивале этого года работы его дочери Эми — «The Guitar» — то Редфорд скромно ответил: «Я тут только как отец. Ее работа сама по себе».

Помимо фильма дочери Редфорда, в программе фестиваля полно интересных картин. Начиная от самого коммерческого проекта — «Что же случилось?» Барри Левинсона с Робертом Де Ниро, премьера которого состоится в субботу, до комедии The Wackness с Беном Кингсли в роли психиатра-наркомана.

Дистрибьюторы слетелись в Парк Сити с огромным интересом: всегда есть возможность зажечь новую звезду или найти интересный проект для показа. К примеру, компания Celluloid Dreams уже успела приобрести права на мировой прокат картины Ballast режиссера-дебютанта Лэнса Хаммера.


ого, ну вы темку подняли годичной давности! можно было и новую создать, это ж свежий Санденс :)


Перенесла сообщения :) Добавляю ещё статью об открытиии фестиваля Санденс 2008г.

Открылся  фестиваль Sundance 2008 !
Sundance: Opening Night 2008

Jan 18, 2008, 10:01 AM | by Whitney Pastorek

Categories: Sundance Film Festival 2008

  Well, hidey-ho, PopWatchers, and greetings from Park City, where the 2008 Sundance Film Festival is upon us. You're in my pocket once again for 10 days of movies, snow, and malnourishment as we journey into indie film's heart of darkness. Yes, I will be mumbling like Brando by the 27th. No, I will not be paid as well for my performance.

Much like during last year's festival, I'll be using PopWatch to post observations, anecdotes, and all the celebrity guest-blogs I can score. There'll be Buzz Checks™ to gauge how various films are playing among the festivalgoers. There will also be videos courtesy of our resident insomnomaniac Jason Averett and his crack camera team. And thanks to the addition of our Hollywood Insider blog, you'll be kept up to date on acquisitions and other newsworthy events as they happen. You can keep up with everything that's going on at our 2008 Sundance hub, accessible via the home page.

Even better for me this year: I'll (hopefully) be joined in blogtopia by my EW colleagues here in Park City, so you'll get a wider perspective and a greater variety of voices as we bring you Q&As, on-the-scene premiere and party reporting, and a comprehensive look at the hunger-sating properties of assorted snack bars and trail mixes. (Dammit, colleagues, you had better f*ing blog or so help me. For here it is, Day One at 1:20am, and I'm once again stringing together random thoughts from a Marriott hotel room that is an exact replica of last year's, only flipped left to right, which is really freaking me out.)

But I can't lose it quite yet. So! After the jump, it's Sundance 2008's Opening Night Premiere: In Bruges (starring Colin Farrell, pictured), written and directed by Martin McDonagh. Get yer Irish on, kids!

Unlike last year — my first film festival of any kind — I managed to roll into Park City this afternoon with a minimum of drama. Hey, I'm a veteran! I know my way around! I've planned all my interviews and scheduled all my screenings, and I've got time to spare! Tra la, tra la! Ultra-confident, I blazed through the door of the Marriott, checked in, marched straight to my weird mirror-image room... and immediately realized I couldn't find my cell phone. Because it was in the van. Headed back to the Salt Lake City airport.

This is the definition of grace, PopWatchers: When a bearded van driver named Raj stops that van, finds your phone, turns around, and delivers it by hand to your hotel's front desk. I feel blessed and, more than that, am now a quieter, humbled Whittlz, secure in the knowledge that I don't know anything at all, and in a heartbeat, it can all be taken away.

But the time for personal reflection was short (as usual), because all the airport hijinks/van travel/panicking-while-rifling-through-belongings had set me back a couple hours, and I needed to get my already-chilly behind — we're talking lows of 3, PopWatchers, THREE — over to Eccles for the red carpet of tonight's premiere, In Bruges, an über-black comedy starring Farrell and Brendan Gleeson as mismatched hitmen exiled to the titular Flemish city after a job gone bad.

The carpet was packed, but at least it was indoors, and I could wear a black hooded sweatshirt instead of a gown because this is just that kind of joint. Seeing as how EW is one of the fest's four presenting sponsors, my trusty camera dude Steve and I were totally given a place of honor, right between AT&T and Czech TV, the latter employing a reporter who was very tall, and whose girth limited my personal space to something just shy of what I assume you'd receive upon being buried alive. This feeling was only compounded when McDonagh, Farrell, and Gleeson hit the carpet, and a wall of cameramen thrust their lenses into the space where my head used to be. Memories of what on earth I asked the gentlemen while squatting in front of them are hazy — there was one particularly ungainly attempt to get Colin Farrell to address our camera and explain why the ladies would want to see this macho film, and he muttered something about never knowing what women want, and the journalist in me scribbled "COLIN FARRELL SMELLS GOOD" in my notebook — but they were all lovely, and had the nicest accents, and were very happy to be honored with the opening night slot.

Out in the parking lot after the carpet madness has passed, I waited for my colleague and this year's official Sundance Virgin, Vanessa "Ciudad" Juarez, to join me for the screening. Piles of snow and hay-covered ice littered the lot; festivalgoers in black fleece were doing their best to jog from arriving shuttles to the wait list line without biting it. As I stood there marveling at how a year could have passed with very little visible change to this environment, Vanessa called to say she was hopelessly lost trying to walk from the Marriott to Eccles. I headed inside to leave her ticket with the Focus Features folk (In Bruges isn't in competition, and already has a distributor) (see, I now know to find this stuff out... aren't I getting impressively more professional with every passing day?) and find a seat.

The seat I found was accidentally one down from Mary-Kate Olsen. It was not until flashbulbs seemed to be going off around me to a disorienting degree that I looked over and noticed her there, tiny in a black coat and looking exhausted. The paps made her stand up so they could get a better picture; when she sat down, I asked, "So, at what point do you just want to throw your shoe at them?" and she confessed she's too tired at the moment to care. (Lest you think M-K's caught a case of the Hiltons, she does in fact have a legitimate reason to be in Park City: she's a cast member of The Wackness, premiering tomorrow in competition. I will try to get her to guest-blog, but make no promises.)

Vanessa finally made it in just before Robert Redford emerged behind the Eccles' weird cello-shaped podium to welcome everyone and kick off the 2008 festivities. He made some brief statements about change, both "artists as agents of" and "this country is desperately in need of a" (the latter netting much applause), then went on to discuss the exciting amount of crossover from other disciplines and the involvement of theater, visual, and musical artists at the festival this year. (That's you, Bono!) Then he introduced festival director Geoff Gilmore, who vowed that the festival would always be a home for discovery as long as he's in his position. Then he introduced In Bruges director Martin McDonagh and his "wonderful anarchist sensibility." McDonagh, for his part, admitted to being "scared s---less" before introducing Brendan Gleeson and Colin Farrell, and finally, introducing the movie.

[Sometimes, men introduce other men, who introduce other men, who introduce other men, and then you get to do the thing you're there for in the first place. This is just how the world works. I file this away in the part of my brain that's still trying to understand PowerPoint presentations and why we can't just read the slides for ourselves.]

Did I mention In Bruges is a blaaaaaaaack comedy? For anyone familiar with McDonagh's work as a playwright (The Lieutenant of Inishmore, The Pillowman), this will come as no surprise, nor will the copious violence/blood scattered throughout. You may, however, be as surprised as Vanessa and I to discover that Colin Farrell is one seriously gifted comedian when given the right material. And while my goal this year is to take a step back and let Owen Gleiberman deliver our official positions on these movies (a.k.a. "The The Nines Memorial Anti-Hysteria Initiative"), my EW Buzz-Check™-O-Meter says that tonight's crowd really seemed to get a kick out of the relationship between Farrell and Gleeson as they bickered and pontificated their way through the medieval Belgian city; that everyone loves a bitter, mouthy dwarf; and that I can no longer look at Ralph Fiennes without seeing Voldemort, which is a problem.

And then, after a seriously killer ending, the lights came up... and Day One of Sundance 2008 was, for my purposes, officially done. Vanessa and I opted for dinner with co-workers at Nacho Mama's (oh, say it out loud!) over the In Bruges party, then the pack of us ran into Juno director Jason Reitman in the Marriott lobby and forced our own Adam "The Beav" Vary to ask him if, like everyone else at this damn festival, he too is in fact looking for the next Juno (answer: he's already got it), made a quick stop at the Albertson's for provisions (nothing better than expensing beef jerky), and had a little organizational team-building session at the hotel bar...

... which takes us right back here, PopWatchers, where you're about to crawl out of my pocket for some much needed sleep.

Cсылка : … penin.html


Переводчик из меня никакой :)  прошу, разбирайтесь , что за  блага обещают гостям фестиваля и Джошу Хартнетту :)

January 17, 2008 -- THE swag suites at Sundance are over-the-top this year. Felicity Huffman, Josh Hartnett, Jack Black and others will be gifted with iPhones, iPods, PlayStation gaming consoles, designer bags and boutique jewelry. A lucky few will also walk away with a four-day stay in Portugal's Duero Wine Valley, courtesy of Aquapura Hotels.

Ссылка: … 847298.htm


По новостям смотрела как раз про открытие , Фаррела там больше всего показывали!


Людмила написал(а):

Добавляю ещё статью об открытиии фестиваля Санденс 2008г.

Ого!!! Накатали статейку...
В общем, опять фильм с Джошем явно не в фаворитах!!!  :mad:


Miaow написал(а):

В общем, опять фильм с Джошем явно не в фаворитах!!!

Ладно, давайте бум оптимистами! :)  тем более что первый показ фильма состоится  только завтра, 22 января 2008 в 17-30 (по их времени) , а Джош пока наслаждается зимними видами спорта: фото взяла в галерее LNJ ,  сама пока таких не нашла :(


Людмила написал(а):

а Джош пока наслаждается зимними видами спорта

О!!! В "Хобби" их...


какие фотки!  :heart:  g i l
новость на русском повесила на главную, остальное перевести не успфею :(


Вот такая расчудесная статейка прорезалась (даже не знаю, с какого конца и каким языком её переводить  :lol: ):

Josh Hartnett is the king of Sundance!

Last year, he hooked up with Sluttyienna Miller.
This year????
He sunk his drity claws into the Drunkst!
Sources tell us that Kiki and Hartnett were seen making out at the Village at the Yard late Saturday night/early Sunday morning.
The Drunkst was also seen sledding down the Amstel Lite Winter Wonderland Hill around 3:00 A.M.
Hopefully the snow cleaned the cooties off her!

Источник: … ss#respond


Да, и вот ещё:

We'd rather watch Josh Hartnett kick vampire butt than play a serious role, but we can't blame him for having aspirations. At Hyde this weekend, the actor was so engrossed in conversation with director Oliver Stone that Hartnett barely noticed the parade of honeys coming up to say hello.

:rofl: Представляю себе этот "парад душечек"  :lol:

Источник: … mirer.html


Miaow написал(а):

Sources tell us that Kiki and Hartnett were seen making out at the Village at the Yard late Saturday night/early Sunday morning.

Джош и Кирстен Данст  - мило... только она мне не нра...а как жеж дама Х из Миннесоты?.... :sui:


какая блин еще Данст  :O у них там уже совсем фантазия испортилась. она уже пройденный этап. но меня повеселили эти имена  Sluttyienna и Drunkst  :rofl:


Всех гостей фестиваля Санденс 2008 смерть Хита Леджера ошеломила,,20173192,00.html


A sad screening
Shortly after he wowed the crowd with his portrayal of a cocky Internet CEO in director Austin Chick's August, Josh Hartnett took the stage at the Library Center theater with his cast- and crew-mates for the standard audience Q&A. One questioner, however, chose the opportunity to ask the actor to comment on Ledger's passing, a move that prompted boos from fellow viewers. But Hartnett responded with grace, commenting that the Ledger's death is a great loss for the movie industry.


Sundance audience reacts to Heath Ledger's passing
Jan 23, 2008, 12:29 AM | by Whitney Pastorek

Categories: Sundance Film Festival 2008

Tuesday evening's screening of August was marred during the post-show Q&A when an I-can-only-assume-journalist sitting behind me decided to use the second question to ask star Josh Hartnett for his reaction to the death of Heath Ledger. To its credit, the audience responded immediately with boos, jeers, and shouts of "COME ON," and a festival volunteer approached the man, trying to get him to drop the subject. But he persisted, yelling over the crowd until Hartnett had no choice but to take the microphone and quietly call Ledger's death a great loss to the movie industry. The actor then continued the rest of the Q&A — which included at least one cry of "You were fantastic!" from the crowd — with an impressive level of professionalism, considering.

Walking out of the screening, I was struck by how sick and conflicted I had become. Far be it from me to pass judgment on how another reporter does their job, as I cannot know the circumstances surrounding that individual's decision to ask a very private question in a very public forum. I can only hope his career was on the line. Meanwhile, my heart goes out to the friends and colleagues of Ledger who are still at Sundance tonight. Let's hope people remember their humanity as the necessary work of covering his passing goes on.

Ссылка: … uzz-4.html


На luckynumberjosh фото потрясающего качества появились, каждый прыщ млин лице Джошки на видно  :lol: Я чуть под стол не упала, он ТАК трагично смотрит  :cray: … &pos=1


В Солт-Лейк Сити сейчас ок +2, небольшой снег. Интересно, долго Джош там ещё пробудет?


Фестиваль Sundance 24 января 2008г. Джош вчера:
"Smallville's" Tom Welling could have used his super-strength at the after-party for Nick Cannon's film "American Son." When he tried to join Cannon and Josh Hartnett in the VIP room of the Boost Mobile Lounge, he was blocked by clueless security and we hear he even threatened to punch the heavyweight at the door. Needless to say, he didn't get in.
  Отсюда: … ves_t.html


Звезду "Смолвилля" Тома Уэллинга невежественные секьюрити не пустили в ВИП-комнату на афтер-парти премьеры фильма Ника Кэннона "Американский сын", в которой сидели Джош Хартнетт и Ник Кэннон... Мда, секьюрити неправы:


о, какой у нас Джош цаца, к нему в комнату уже не впускают разных начинающих актеров гггг


Sundance Фестиваль:
Фото :

JOSH Lucas getting cozy with a "hot brunette dressed in all black" during Sundance at the Hpnotiq Bar in Park City, while pal Josh Hartnett was immersed in conversation with Stanley Tucci . . . LE Cirque head chef Christophe Bellanca calling Woody Harrelson "Woody Allen" during the Sundance premiere of "Le Cirque: A Table in Heaven" . . . TRACEY Edmonds drinking and hanging out with friends at the Fuse TV lounge at Harry O's and celebrating her breakup with Eddie Murphy.
Ссылка : … 771524.htm


Сегодня. 27 января, последний день фестиваля Sundanse 2008 :(



это ты к чему?


Everydika написал(а):

это ты к чему?

Там про какую-то Анну Меликян, что ли , которая какой-то приз получила на "Санденсе". В общем, пример нам для подражания, срочнЬно пишем сценарий и снимаем фильм!!! С Джошей в главной роли!!!!  :dwarf:


Miaow написал(а):

про какую-то Анну Меликян, что ли , которая какой-то приз получила на "Санденсе".

Анна Меликян и привозила свою "Русалку" на конкурсный показ, а  фильм Август показывался как игровое кино, с целью раскрутки, если я правильно всё поняла. Нужно попросить Everydika,чтоб она растолковала , для чего Джош участвует в фестивалях  Sundance :)

Miaow написал(а):

В общем, пример нам для подражания, срочнЬно пишем сценарий

И пример для подражания Джошу :)  сценарий наверно начнем писать весной, как засветит солнце, станет тепло и кровь опять забурлит в жЫлах


Людмила написал(а):

сценарий наверно начнем писать весной, как засветит солнце, станет тепло и кровь опять забурлит в жЫлах

Это будет просто новый вид творчества, прямо-таки новаторство в мире кино: совместная работа поклонников и актера!!! Симбиоз любви, таланта и борщей с котлетами! Нам светит приз не то, что на Санденсе, а даже Оскар!  !04! Ура.


я смотрела промо-ролик этой Русалки. интересная работа (хотя на девушку временами неприятно смотреть). наверное теперь ей какое-нибудь предложение Голливудское будет и глядишь в след.фильме она снимется с Джошем. остается надеяться, что эта девушка является Джошкиной поклонницей и зарегистрирована на нашем форуме и будет нас снабжать свежими фотками))) ггг


Людмила написал(а):

Нужно попросить Everydika,чтоб она растолковала , для чего Джош участвует в фестивалях  Sundance

я думаю, сам Джош тут не при чем :) скорее в фестивале участвуют режиссеры и их фильмы, а Джош уже как придаточный материал... но могу сказать одно - супер-пупер фильмы туда обычно не попадают... когда Джош снимался в "Перл Харборе", "Черной орхидее", они брали церемонии круче - Венецианский кинофестиваль, ПХ вообще на Оскар номинировали.... Единственное исключение, которое помню - "Счастливое число Слевина". но мож просто тогда никто не знал, что фильм настолько удался....

Вы здесь » Josh Hartnett Forum » Новости. News » Открылся фестиваль Sundance 2008 / Sundance : Opening Night 2008